Call of Duty: Black Ops Trailer Induces a Flashback


New member
May 3, 2010
As my favourite action film, the Commando reference in the article really got me. I've been following this what with the whole viral marketing shenanigans. Yes, the Assassin's Creed angle seems unoriginal. But hey, it's CoD. I'm going to love it regardless.

p.s. The world needs a fully fledged Nazi Zombies game.


New member
Nov 10, 2006
Hey, you got Assassin's Creed in my Call of Duty!, you got Call Of Duty in my Assassin's Creed!


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Even Black ops suffers from Murphy's Law. So the heavy firefights can still be black ops.


New member
Mar 14, 2010
DeASplode said:
Irridium said:
AH! Why do they have to do the whole amnesia thing? I hate that story element...

I guess I can't really judge much of a teaser trailer, but still. So far not so good.
"Before I kill you, who am I? For you see. I have... AMNESIA!"

I'll keep a close eye on this game to be honest. Treyarch at least made WaW fun for a large amount of people. Even if it was just because of Nazi Zombies.
"Before you kill me I need to tell you something, but brace yourself for when I speak these words, you may well suffer a bout of EXPLOSIVE amnesia!"

WaW felt to me like a mildly interactive series of cut-scenes, so I think I'd also wait until well after the hype dies to make a call on BlackOps


New member
May 3, 2010
0's Assasin's Creed 3!!! Seriously, what's going on there? Having been an Army Combat Medic, I'm kinda wondering when they will make a game where you play as one. Kinda medical emergency in the chaos of a battlefield. That would be crazy intense.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
Tom Goldman said:
colonel_alzheimers said:
Tom Goldman said:
Arnold Schwarzenegger saves Alyssa Milano and throws a pipe through a dude!
Dude I fucking loved Commando!
You get the prize!!!! A reply from me. You're welcome.
Whaaat an hoooonoooor!

Seriously though, that was the dumbest, most useless trailer I've ever seen. The games obviously some FPS, but apart from that, I've got no clue what it's gonna be about. It wasn't even cool or interesting, I know nothing of the game after watching that, do they have nothing to show me?

Let out some steam, Bennet!

Good morning blues

New member
Sep 24, 2008
If they were trying to respond to the poor reaction that many people had to Modern Warfare 2's story, a creepy doctor and unethical scientific experiments were a bad choice. The only thing more common than that storyline in video games are crates and barrels.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
I found it so hard to even be anything more then mildly interested in this trailer. Much like MW 1 and 2, the trailers were great, the games fell flat(ish). They weren't bad by any means, they just weren't that memorable. I have an eerie feeling this will be more of the same.


New member
Mar 11, 2009
Tom Goldman said:
Deef said:
Tom Goldman said:
The main character at this point appears to be a solider that has lost his memories, and may have them uncomfortably returned to him by a scientist with an ominous voice that approves of shock therapy.
A what now?

I'm sorry I had to.
adj. sol·id·er
a. Of definite shape and volume; not liquid or gaseous.
b. Firm or compact in substance.
2. Not hollowed out: a solid block of wood.
3. Being the same substance or color throughout: solid gold.
4. Mathematics Of or relating to three-dimensional geometric figures or bodies.
5. Having no gaps or breaks; continuous: a solid line of people.
6. Of good quality and substance: a solid foundation.
7. Substantial; hearty: a solid meal.
8. Sound; reliable: solid facts.
9. Financially sound.
10. Upstanding and dependable: a solid citizen.
11. Written without a hyphen or space. For example, the word software is a solid compound.
12. Printing Having no leads between the lines.
13. Acting together; unanimous: a solid voting bloc.
14. Slang Excellent; first-rate.
1. A substance having a definite shape and volume; one that is neither liquid nor gaseous.
2. Mathematics A geometric figure having three dimensions.
1. As a whole; unanimously: The committee voted solid for the challenger.
2. Without a break or opening; completely or continuously: The theater was booked solid for a month.

Yes, that's what I meant........but no, thanks for catching that.
So you're saying that this game is going to be about a first-rate, financially sound, compact, gapless, solid block of wood that has lost it's memories?

Super Toast

Supreme Overlord of the Basement
Dec 10, 2009
It might be good. I personally think that while World at War had the worst multiplayer in the series, it also had the best singleplayer. This really could go either way, but I'm feeling positive.


New member
Feb 20, 2010
uhh i hate to be a troll (not really) but COD:WAW and all the other premodern, WW2, shoot-em-ups dont need a plot seeing as how its history and that stuff is hard to ignore...just sayin


New member
Apr 14, 2010
Oh come on; COD4 was just like a bad James Bond film, except you could actually play it. Yeah, the storyline wasn't great, but at least they tried. I thought there was actually a lot of suspense; I even cried when Price 'died' at the end (I mean, how DOES he get from a bridge in Western Russia to a gulag in Eastern Russia? Did they throw him in a river or something, and he just floated over there?). Yes, that's right. I cried at a game.


New member
Jan 3, 2010
Fox242 said:
I expect this game to be very controversial because it looks like you may be gunning down some Vietnamese civilians from a chopper with no options to not fire on them as well as the fact that you will fight in Cuba and the Arctic. However, I can't wait to see the SR-71 mission.
Controversy still exists in video games? With all these games coming out I thought the only way to get controversy was to shoot a baby in the face and hump the skull. And even that will get less controversy than the Mass effect sex scenes.

Looks good though but so does a lot of trailers that end up disappointing. The story for Modern Warfare 2 sucked but I didn't mind the multiplayer as much as some people but maybe it was because that was my first Call of Duty. Even still, it seems like the story is going to go along the lines of:

"Sole survivor from a dead black op unit/Captured black op soldier, they try to find out what happened and if it is the 2nd one any secrets by going through his memories as a soldier since he has amnesia. We find out some next conspiracy. If there is no sequel to this then the person wakes up and tries to escape and the person either dies or survives."

Riven Armor

New member
Mar 1, 2010
Tom Goldman said:
When I hear the term "Black Ops," I normally think of operations that are under the radar, but the action in the trailer here doesn't appear to be very clandestine. With the disappointment that many gamers had in the story of Modern Warfare 2 [], perhaps Treyarch is looking for a really solid single-player story this time that will involve all kinds of secrets, betrayals, and weird doctors for its next take on Call of Duty.

Source: GameTrailers []

Thanks hansari [] for the heads up!

There is no hope for realism in this game, I believe. The subject matter got me excited, but a helicopter gunner's view in a game about special forces doesn't look good at all.


Who are you?
May 6, 2010
Interesting, but i'll be sure to NOT buy this game within the first week of its release like I did with MW2. I'm sure it will be a decent game, but i'm not sure if I will feel the need to get a fourth Call of Duty game.

Will wait and see.


Pixel Pusher
Mar 25, 2009
I don't know about everyone else, but I'm busy. I don't have time to visit friends or they're going to school elsewhere. My main beef with the MW's is their lack of co-op campaign. WaW gave my friends and I an opportunity to play through the entirety of the storyline, fight off endless undead Nazi's (although Nacht der Untoten was within a Japanese stronghold), or join up for team deathmatch.

As many others did, my friends and I got bored and returned MW2 only to purchase WaW again. Feels completely wrong to do something like that, but there are just more options. MW2 multiplayer came down to ninja-ing or using danger close in team deathmatch (because so few play objective based games in CoD). I'm pleased with my decision.

To realign with the topic, I've been waiting for Treyarch to announce their biennial November CoD. There's potential for greatness as many CoD addicts feel dry after MW2. That is, if there is a horde-related game type, online co-op campaign and a multiplayer that doesn't get boring after a day (mostly due to lack of singleplayer story).