This just in! CoD doesn't care about PC! Big news!!
Look, I get it. You have a long history of pirates and cheaters and it would just be stupid to charge for a service that no matter what will be hacked to bits. That said, how could they possibly not see this coming?? How can they have big campaigns like the CoD expo and special editions that offer Elite and then flip-flop and say that all that was for nothing. They should have seen this coming and they're screwing their audience for not realising it sooner.
The thing that bugs me is that nothing they do will keep people from hacking them. They should just roll with it, if they had just released it as planned, but say that it was free because of hackers and say that all pre-purchased subscriptions would lead to free DLC (this is still something that really needs to happen) they'd be celebrated. Really poor marketing here.
A part of me would say this is to compensate for BF3's dominance on PC, but how is delaying something helping that?