Can a game be too long?


New member
Feb 20, 2011
Agh it happens all right... Boderlands hacked me right off! It might be just because I kinda wanted it to end but it just seemed to really out stay its welcome. Just when I thought it was over BAM there's more! So I traded that bad boy in for food money!!


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
Drakmeire said:
Only if it draggs itself out and loses the fun factor
Okami dragged out but was still great
Kill Orochi- good job, now go find it's evil soul that escaped.
go back in time and kill Super Orochi-Yay but it's spirit turned into NineTails
Kill Ninetails-Hooray! too bad it summoned the king of darkness
Kill king of darkness- ok there you go NOW you won.
See when I played it and beat Orochi (or one of them) I was satisfied. It felt finished. Then it dragged on for another 10 hours or so and I grew to hate it. Now I only have bitter memories of Okami.


New member
Jul 17, 2008
A game is too long if it stops being fun, so like many people have said, artifical length produced through fetch quests or unnecessary travel (Farcry 2 was a real slog because of that). Equally it depends on what you want from a game. I can't stand military shooters and as such, they FEEL long regardless of the 8 or so hours they take to complete. On the other hand, I played Tales of Vesperia for about 118 hours the first time I went through it and that time just flew by.


New member
Aug 28, 2010
inFAMOUSCowZ said:
MystryMeet said:
inFAMOUSCowZ said:
Final Fantasy 13, my god I tried loving that game, but I just couldnt
Damn ninja'd

I quit like after fifty minutes of cut scenes...and 3 minutes of gameplay--aka the beginning of the game.
I went through to the end, never been so glad to beat a game. It had some really pretty cut scenes though, only good thing about the damn game.
Woah I applaud your dedication.


New member
May 7, 2009
AvsJoe said:
I have never come across a game I thought was too long.

Games littered with ridiculous fetch quests and several "bring me x butt-plants" with unreasonably huge x's would make a game frustratingly long.
Well Oblivion FallOut and....... Borderlands are pretty long if you explore everything and finished every sidequest. But that is not bad.

Well i played Enchanted Arms, I finished the game in 86 hours but I was pissed i had to stop playing that game... I played in 3 diferent times or turns if you say that because, even that I love the game mechanichs, have a "pokemon system" you walk, suddenly out of nowhere you start fighting... that thing nowdays or maybe is just me but that is annoying, i like better the Final Fantasy XIII that you actually see the enemies before fight against them


Cosmic Rays of Undeadly Fire
Nov 2, 2010
Dragon Age: Origins was long, but too engaging. My answer would be, yeah there are long games, I just haven't played one that is way too long.

Well yeah, one, Farcry 2. Its a great game but its too long. I've played a ton of hours and haven't progressed very much on the main story. Its also annoying to kill all the guards in a guard post and 5 minutes later they are back. ARRRG!
I hope Farcry 3 improoves

Jack Macaque

New member
Jan 29, 2011
I replayed Goldeneye the other night, then played the new one for Wii shortly after, and I found myself so bored I had to hit the bong to keep myself going, and the only thing that kept me going was laughing at how terrible everything in the game was.

Some missions in Goldeneye for N64 were a mere 4 or 5 minutes, but I was so drawn in by the game that they felt like hours.

On the other hand, Goldeneye for Wii, a mission is a good 30 mins running through it like an idiot, and you just want it to end right from the beginning.

Also, WTF, where is Sean Bean...

EDIT: Wow was so depressed about Sean Bean being absent from the game I missed my point.

If you can keep the game good, it can be 5 mins long or 500 hours long, and never get old.

Mr. Eff_v1legacy

New member
Aug 20, 2009
As long as it's kept interesting and adds to the story, with new things being brought in, I don't think it really can be too long.