Can a teacher encourage/ignore bullying or even be a bully? Why?


New member
Aug 15, 2008
Liquidacid23 said:
meh I got bullied when I was very young.. know what I did? stood the fuck up for myself and ended it like a rational person... and now I'm a stronger person for it and have been able to deal and stop it from happening to me again...

god kids need to stop crying and grow a pair
You see this? This is where school shootings come from. The kid grows a pair, gets their dad's gun and deals with it. Once and for all. An adult can call the police and/or get a restraining order, but kids have to rely on more primeval methods.

The more I read this thread, the luckier I realize I was in High School. I never got beat up, I barely got in a scuffle. But if I'd had this kind of bullying? I would've been sorely tempted to light some bully homes on fire.

Guardian of Nekops

New member
May 25, 2011
Gearabelle said:
My point in mentioning this has made me wonder about the very question this is titled with: Can/Why will a teacher encourage/ignore or participate in bullying?
First off, let me say that I in no way mean to condone teachers who fall to the dark side. Just because something can be explained doesn't make it right.

Teachers, especially of young children, can find themselves in a very... concentrated position. For a while there, every day during school hours, the teacher IS society. He or she is the highest authority these kids know, and in addition to offering instruction the teacher must maintain order over kids who have yet to accept and submit to societal norms.

At the end of the day, all society is built upon the threat of consequence. Don't pay your taxes? Well, eventually someone's gonna come by and make you pay your taxes, with interest. If you turn that guy away, armed police are going to show up. Manage to fight THEM off with enough firepower, and suddenly the army's going to show up on your doorstep. Most adults already understand this, and relent to goverment demands long before the blood starts to flow, but that doesn't change what the whole system rests on... the threat of force.

A classroom is, in many ways, no different... except the foundation isn't actually there. The teacher can send you to the corner, sure, but if you don't want to go she can't hit you. She can send you to the principal's office, but that isn't really backed up by force, either... nobody's going to FORCE you to do anything, and if you keep rejecting authority things won't escalate like they will for an adult... to the point where you have to relent or commit murder.

Now, society holds together mostly because people play along... the government can't send the army to all our houses at once. However, for a teacher of a certain age, rebellion is pretty much the default state. Whether it's fidgeting or passing notes or spacing out, the kids are always doing SOMETHING you don't want them to do, and you don't have nearly enough time or authority to keep them all in line. The teacher has to pick her battles and... well, a kid who sits quietly in class because he's been told not to tattle is an obedient child. A kid who complains is another battle the teacher has to fight... she has to figure out if this is just kids being kids, or whether there's some real ugliness going on, and with both kids telling their own story... that can be real difficult.


New member
Jan 4, 2012
Can they encourage it? I do not know how but I suppose so and find it unlikely.

Can they be one? Yes, I have had them i have a writing disability know as dysgraphia the worst case was a teacher that over and over told me "no one is incapable of written word" when even had me go from class to class showing other teacher how bad my writing was all of whom just reacted with utter shock and confusion. This was just accepted for about 3/4 of a year because i was in the 4 or 5th grade and my right to challenge a teacher did not exist. But one faith full day i was reading a book aloud and said the "words beacon on a hill" to which i was corrected to "bacon on a hill" by the teacher then came the stories about my writing, and the principal saying how horried (yeah she said and spelled horrid that way) it was this happened. Tus i got private schooling.

As for ignore, again a clear yes, I got in 3 fights all of which had been ignored until classmates or I demanded an explanation. If we never had nothing would happen. as for verbal well to be honest i never let it bother me, it happened often i just never gave a shit and tossed cloyingly sharp rude insults that I was smarter because... well I was my insults that tended to be things like "If i am a retard why did I make an 87 on a test you made a 32 on, you realize i have the highest grade in the class and you are just a fucking idiot" which inspired shock and awe being i was generally soft spoken. The one time i had i teacher stick up for me was after being pelted with paper pellets i tossed a couch pillow at another student who told on me so to speak only to get the response "Alan your a brat and Dane is a nice kid i know you started this" and promptly shut the fuck up and stop tossing paper.


New member
May 22, 2010
Liquidacid23 said:
Owyn_Merrilin said:
Liquidacid23 said:
Owyn_Merrilin said:
Liquidacid23 said:
Owyn_Merrilin said:
Liquidacid23 said:
Owyn_Merrilin said:
Liquidacid23 said:
Owyn_Merrilin said:
Liquidacid23 said:
Owyn_Merrilin said:
Liquidacid23 said:
Owyn_Merrilin said:
Liquidacid23 said:
nuba km said:
Liquidacid23 said:
Buleet said:
Liquidacid23 said:
meh I got bullied when I was very young.. know what I did? stood the fuck up for myself and ended it like a rational person... and now I'm a stronger person for it and have been able to deal and stop it from happening to me again...

god kids need to stop crying and grow a pair
Alright, explain how you "ended it like a rational person".

The "rational" option we get most of the time is tell the teachers. That doesn't work as you can see from all the things that have been said here already.

beat them up? You get punished and you get more trouble and they will bully you harder.

Tell them to fuck off? NEVER works and makes them laugh at you.

It is complete and utter bullshit that getting bullied makes you stronger. It mentally breaks you. There are people attacking and hating you for nothing but their own kicks. That does not give very beneficial ideas to the young mind leading to the bully-cide phenomenon .
You most likely never really got bullied. At most you were collateral damage once.
lol... need a tissue?

seriously grow up and stop playing the weeping victim
so some one brings up a very strong argument against what you said pointing out that what you said shows an utter lack of understanding the subject and then you simply insult them. so please share with us how you ended it rationally, because I think we would all like to know how you have solved the issue of bullying I mean verbal or physical confrontations don't work neither those getting a authority figure as far as I can tell the only way is to hope it just ends and try your best to ignore it. So what is this magic solution you have?
a combination of cruel manipulation and physical confrontation worked fine for me... maybe you were just doing it wrong... or more likely you never even tried... you just cried to others then cried more when they didn't solve all your problems for you
See my post above. Physical altercation isn't really an option anymore, and "cruel manipulation" sounds more like you were the bully than the bullied.
physical confrontation IS always an option... and I guess if you want to get technical about it what I did to the kids who bullied me could be counted as bulling... but hey fighting fire with fire is called for sometimes... beats crying like a little girl about it for the next decade like some of you seem keen on doing
Do you understand the meaning of the word "zero tolerance policy?" You get suspended, or worse, expelled and sent to an alternative school if you get caught fighting, and it doesn't matter who started it. Fighting makes it worse these days, not better.
ok first then why isn't the bully expelled and sent away? if he isn't you must be talking about nothing but verbal bullying... if that's the case than ya you are just a pussy... grow some thicker skin and man up

besides if you are being bullied bad enough to get all weepy like you are then getting sent to another school is probably a valid option
The "other school" in this case is effectively a prison; it's the step in between a normal school and honest to god juvie hall. And you've just demonstrated that you have no idea what it's like to be bullied, so you just need to shut up about it; it's not about growing a thick skin. I /have/ a thick skin. It's about teachers who don't pay attention until the violence gets to a point they can no longer ignore (like, half the school standing in a circle chanting "fight!" impossible to ignore), and then they don't bother to find out who started it or why, everyone just gets punished equally.
ha I won't lie you got me thinking maybe times had changed so I did some research...and well "zero tolerance" does not mean what you seem to think it does... well anywhere... self defense is never going to get you sent to "another school that is almost juvie hall (been to Juvie and it's like fucking summer camp to be honest) ... so ya nothing more than another excuse as to why you did absolutely nothing for yourself and why everyone should feel so fucking sorry for you course god damn you had it hard as a kid... people said mean things to you... lmao

god people like you are one of the major problems with society today... can't even deal with your own problems as a kid which just transcends into you bitching and still not dealing with your problems as an adult... lets see how many more sob stories and excuses you can come up with as to why YOU did nothing and let yourself be treated like shit while blaming everyone for it
What research are you talking about? I had to deal with zero tolerance policies all the way through school. These are the BS policies that have had kindergartners expelled for playing cops and robbesrs, and young women for having over the counter pain medicine in their purses (think a certain time of the month.) I don't know what you read about zero tolerance policies, but you still don't know what the hell you're talking about, especially not about how they're applied in the real world.
ah yes more of the "whaaa whaaa it's every one else's fault but mine"

lmao continue with your gross exaggerations and excuses.. it amuses me and I'm sure they have gotten you far in life... haha
What amazes me is that you claim to have been bullied as a kid, and yet you're showing exactly the speech patterns of a middle school bully. Tell me, when you were in juvie, was it for beating up some poor nerd? Crippling issues from your time being bullied hurting you so much that you acted out by becoming that which you hated? Or are does being an asshole just come naturally to you?
ahh classic deflection ... is that a skill you learned to justify you doing nothing? does it comfort you to blame all your problems on everyone else?

ah and for the record yes I am an asshole because it gets you much further in life than being a whiny little cry baby who blames all life's problems on everything and everyone else instead of taking responsibility and fixing it like you seem to be

so again would you like a tissue?
No, actually, I have no need for a tissue. I really think you do, though; you're showing some classic signs of acting out due to serious emotional scarring. Tell me, how does it feel to know that you are literally the most unlikeable person I've ever run into on the internet? This is the internet we're talking about, and I've spent my fair share of time in its darkest corners.
it feels pretty damn good actually... tho I do laugh at your thinking you have seen even close to the "darkest corners" when you can't seem to emotionally handle random people being mean to you
Honestly, man, I just feel sad for you. You're an emotionally stunted 30+ year old with the development of 14 year old bully -- who tend to have a stunted development themselves. You're getting your kicks out of attempting to piss people off on the internet -- which, actually, since you've admitted it, makes you pretty safe to call a troll. That is the definition, afterall.
ahh again you doing nothing but projecting and fooling yourself into thinking your odd version of reality is the real one... it's rather funny to watch actually
I could say the same to you, actually; I'm no longer angry. I'm dealing with a man who, according to his profile, is close to ten years my senior, but judging by his actions, is mentally 10 years my junior. Most people who get frozen in their youth at least make it to highschool. You seem to have never gotten out of the eighth grade, and even that much is being generous.

Felipe Nurwandi

New member
Oct 30, 2011
It's harder than you think to stop a bully, I'm a teacher myself and sometimes kids do get made fun of. Sometimes it's really difficult because I've been in the same shoes before.

First of all, lecturing the bullies would NOT help; The bullies just end up making MORE fun of the bullied kid because he had nerves to call a teacher. When I was little the same thing happened to me; the next day the other kids would make more fun of me for telling a teacher.

I feel like the most I could do to help is to be there for the kid, tell him/her to be stronger and such. But even then it feels like I'm just being a bystander and not helping at all. So sometimes teachers may seem like they're ignoring bullying, but sometimes that's all they can do depending on the situation.

Besides, a little bullying is required I believe to build character.

Though I agree that Coaches are most likely actual offenders of bullying.


New member
May 22, 2010
Liquidacid23 said:
so much
Owyn_Merrilin said:
Liquidacid23 said:
Owyn_Merrilin said:
Liquidacid23 said:
Owyn_Merrilin said:
Liquidacid23 said:
Owyn_Merrilin said:
Liquidacid23 said:
Owyn_Merrilin said:
Liquidacid23 said:
Owyn_Merrilin said:
Liquidacid23 said:
Owyn_Merrilin said:
Liquidacid23 said:
Owyn_Merrilin said:
Liquidacid23 said:
nuba km said:
Liquidacid23 said:
Buleet said:
Liquidacid23 said:
meh I got bullied when I was very young.. know what I did? stood the fuck up for myself and ended it like a rational person... and now I'm a stronger person for it and have been able to deal and stop it from happening to me again...

god kids need to stop crying and grow a pair
Alright, explain how you "ended it like a rational person".

The "rational" option we get most of the time is tell the teachers. That doesn't work as you can see from all the things that have been said here already.

beat them up? You get punished and you get more trouble and they will bully you harder.

Tell them to fuck off? NEVER works and makes them laugh at you.

It is complete and utter bullshit that getting bullied makes you stronger. It mentally breaks you. There are people attacking and hating you for nothing but their own kicks. That does not give very beneficial ideas to the young mind leading to the bully-cide phenomenon .
You most likely never really got bullied. At most you were collateral damage once.
lol... need a tissue?

seriously grow up and stop playing the weeping victim
so some one brings up a very strong argument against what you said pointing out that what you said shows an utter lack of understanding the subject and then you simply insult them. so please share with us how you ended it rationally, because I think we would all like to know how you have solved the issue of bullying I mean verbal or physical confrontations don't work neither those getting a authority figure as far as I can tell the only way is to hope it just ends and try your best to ignore it. So what is this magic solution you have?
a combination of cruel manipulation and physical confrontation worked fine for me... maybe you were just doing it wrong... or more likely you never even tried... you just cried to others then cried more when they didn't solve all your problems for you
See my post above. Physical altercation isn't really an option anymore, and "cruel manipulation" sounds more like you were the bully than the bullied.
physical confrontation IS always an option... and I guess if you want to get technical about it what I did to the kids who bullied me could be counted as bulling... but hey fighting fire with fire is called for sometimes... beats crying like a little girl about it for the next decade like some of you seem keen on doing
Do you understand the meaning of the word "zero tolerance policy?" You get suspended, or worse, expelled and sent to an alternative school if you get caught fighting, and it doesn't matter who started it. Fighting makes it worse these days, not better.
ok first then why isn't the bully expelled and sent away? if he isn't you must be talking about nothing but verbal bullying... if that's the case than ya you are just a pussy... grow some thicker skin and man up

besides if you are being bullied bad enough to get all weepy like you are then getting sent to another school is probably a valid option
The "other school" in this case is effectively a prison; it's the step in between a normal school and honest to god juvie hall. And you've just demonstrated that you have no idea what it's like to be bullied, so you just need to shut up about it; it's not about growing a thick skin. I /have/ a thick skin. It's about teachers who don't pay attention until the violence gets to a point they can no longer ignore (like, half the school standing in a circle chanting "fight!" impossible to ignore), and then they don't bother to find out who started it or why, everyone just gets punished equally.
ha I won't lie you got me thinking maybe times had changed so I did some research...and well "zero tolerance" does not mean what you seem to think it does... well anywhere... self defense is never going to get you sent to "another school that is almost juvie hall (been to Juvie and it's like fucking summer camp to be honest) ... so ya nothing more than another excuse as to why you did absolutely nothing for yourself and why everyone should feel so fucking sorry for you course god damn you had it hard as a kid... people said mean things to you... lmao

god people like you are one of the major problems with society today... can't even deal with your own problems as a kid which just transcends into you bitching and still not dealing with your problems as an adult... lets see how many more sob stories and excuses you can come up with as to why YOU did nothing and let yourself be treated like shit while blaming everyone for it
What research are you talking about? I had to deal with zero tolerance policies all the way through school. These are the BS policies that have had kindergartners expelled for playing cops and robbesrs, and young women for having over the counter pain medicine in their purses (think a certain time of the month.) I don't know what you read about zero tolerance policies, but you still don't know what the hell you're talking about, especially not about how they're applied in the real world.
ah yes more of the "whaaa whaaa it's every one else's fault but mine"

lmao continue with your gross exaggerations and excuses.. it amuses me and I'm sure they have gotten you far in life... haha
What amazes me is that you claim to have been bullied as a kid, and yet you're showing exactly the speech patterns of a middle school bully. Tell me, when you were in juvie, was it for beating up some poor nerd? Crippling issues from your time being bullied hurting you so much that you acted out by becoming that which you hated? Or are does being an asshole just come naturally to you?
ahh classic deflection ... is that a skill you learned to justify you doing nothing? does it comfort you to blame all your problems on everyone else?

ah and for the record yes I am an asshole because it gets you much further in life than being a whiny little cry baby who blames all life's problems on everything and everyone else instead of taking responsibility and fixing it like you seem to be

so again would you like a tissue?
No, actually, I have no need for a tissue. I really think you do, though; you're showing some classic signs of acting out due to serious emotional scarring. Tell me, how does it feel to know that you are literally the most unlikeable person I've ever run into on the internet? This is the internet we're talking about, and I've spent my fair share of time in its darkest corners.
it feels pretty damn good actually... tho I do laugh at your thinking you have seen even close to the "darkest corners" when you can't seem to emotionally handle random people being mean to you
Honestly, man, I just feel sad for you. You're an emotionally stunted 30+ year old with the development of 14 year old bully -- who tend to have a stunted development themselves. You're getting your kicks out of attempting to piss people off on the internet -- which, actually, since you've admitted it, makes you pretty safe to call a troll. That is the definition, afterall.
ahh again you doing nothing but projecting and fooling yourself into thinking your odd version of reality is the real one... it's rather funny to watch actually
I could say the same to you, actually; I'm no longer angry. I'm dealing with a man who, according to his profile, is close to ten years my senior, but judging by his actions, is mentally 10 years my junior. Most people who get frozen in their youth at least make it to highschool. You seem to have never gotten out of the eighth grade, and even that much is being generous.
ah and here comes the nonsensical insults which are well stupid but I assume make you feel better...

keep em coming... I, unlike you, can take it without balling up and crying like a small child

Ah, back to the "go cry, you crybaby" attack. Seriously dude, I'm not projecting or making stuff up here. You're using stereotypical schoolyard bully insults. You're not helping your case.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Liquidacid23 said:
Buleet said:
Liquidacid23 said:
meh I got bullied when I was very young.. know what I did? stood the fuck up for myself and ended it like a rational person... and now I'm a stronger person for it and have been able to deal and stop it from happening to me again...

god kids need to stop crying and grow a pair
Alright, explain how you "ended it like a rational person".

The "rational" option we get most of the time is tell the teachers. That doesn't work as you can see from all the things that have been said here already.

beat them up? You get punished and you get more trouble and they will bully you harder.

Tell them to fuck off? NEVER works and makes them laugh at you.

It is complete and utter bullshit that getting bullied makes you stronger. It mentally breaks you. There are people attacking and hating you for nothing but their own kicks. That does not give very beneficial ideas to the young mind leading to the bully-cide phenomenon .
You most likely never really got bullied. At most you were collateral damage once.
lol... need a tissue?

seriously grow up and stop playing the weeping victim
EDIT: Screw it, I'm being trolled.

Smiley Face

New member
Jan 17, 2012
Can they? Yes. Should they? No.

Teachers are human, they're flawed, and many go through periods of stress where they want to take it out just a little bit on a student who rubs them the wrong way. I've fortunately never been on the receiving end of it, and the few times I've seen it, the teacher either got in trouble for it, the student on the receiving end was the kind of person who could handle it, or it was so light and not-ill-intentioned that whether or not it was wrong fro them to do so would be up for debate. If it happens, and if it's a problem, then it's a matter for the administration to handle.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
I sufferred with this for a long time in elementary school. Every time one of the assholes in my class who was like 2 years early to puberty and liked to hit people or was a bratty little shit tried to screw with me (which happened a lot) the teacher would just look the other way. Ultimately I ended up being punished for 'lying about other students'.

But I think that it happens most often because it's easier to pretend that it's not a problem, and that all children are innocent and that the fights and threats going on are just 'boys being boys' or 'just how some kids play'.


New member
Mar 22, 2012
You guys know liquidacid is trolling you all right? has been from his first post.

Responds to logic with school yard insults, insists violence is a perfect answer and will make everything awesome.

He either is the bully or was hit so hard all he has left is this pathetic tough guy act he wouldn't dare show in public.
Aug 25, 2009
Of course teachers can be bullies. I've had several teachers whose favourite sport was belittling me in front of the class. You see, I am reasonably clever, and when I'm not clever I read a lot, which put me about fifty miles ahead of everyhone else in my school, who regarded books the same way I would regard a man sitting in a van handing out sweets. In class I was always the one with my hand up and usually the one with the right answer.

You know what some teachers liked doing? Waiting until I got one wrong answer, then spending the whole rest of the lesson going on about it like there was no other point. The next time my hand went up it would be 'are you sure this time?' '*[/sarcasm] laughs of the classroom* or 'and of course, you'll know because you've read the whole textbook, except this chapter apparently.' *chortle chortle titter titter*

And of course in university I actually had to go to an academic review board thing because I was accusing one of my tutors of academic bullying, which was one of the most harrowing experiences of my life. And I won the case, thus apparently proving that my teacher had bullied me for nearly half a year.


New member
May 22, 2010
Darkcerb said:
He either is the bully or was hit so hard all he has left is this pathetic tough guy act he wouldn't dare show in public.
The two tend to go hand in hand, frankly. I figured he honestly believed what he was saying at first; it wasn't until he went all Scott Farkus[footnote]the bully from A Christmas Story[/footnote] on us that I realized what was going on. Of course at that point, I still couldn't call him out on it because I have literally gotten in trouble in the past for calling an obvious troll a troll. Something about the word "troll" being an ad hominem attack.


Desdinova's Successor
Feb 3, 2009
Aris Khandr said:
Of course they can. Especially when they agree with the bullies.

I make no secret of who I am, or what I believe. A lesbian atheist growing up in the Bible Belt doesn't win friends easily. Especially when close to 75% of the school (teachers included) goes to the same church. A very, very pro-evangelist church. I was outright told by the vice principle that they would not stop the harassment I received, and that I deserved it for my godless ways. I had about five teachers on my side in that school, and the rest were pretty solidly against me. Pretty much as long as the bullies, teachers included, didn't do anything that could be proved, they had free reign to try to make my life as miserable as they liked. Because I was "the Devil's Daughter" (yes, some people at that school actually believed that), and the rules of school and society were on hold for me since the rules of the church came first.
After reading that, I... I want to give you a hug.

In the Bible Belt, you have no rights if you're not a heterosexual white Christian. Our own Jim Sterling wrote a blog about this:


New member
May 22, 2010
cnaltman62 said:
Aris Khandr said:
Of course they can. Especially when they agree with the bullies.

I make no secret of who I am, or what I believe. A lesbian atheist growing up in the Bible Belt doesn't win friends easily. Especially when close to 75% of the school (teachers included) goes to the same church. A very, very pro-evangelist church. I was outright told by the vice principle that they would not stop the harassment I received, and that I deserved it for my godless ways. I had about five teachers on my side in that school, and the rest were pretty solidly against me. Pretty much as long as the bullies, teachers included, didn't do anything that could be proved, they had free reign to try to make my life as miserable as they liked. Because I was "the Devil's Daughter" (yes, some people at that school actually believed that), and the rules of school and society were on hold for me since the rules of the church came first.
After reading that, I... I want to give you a hug.

In the Bible Belt, you have no rights if you're not a heterosexual white Christian. Our own Jim Sterling wrote a blog about this:
Actually, even in the bible belt, you have rights, especially if you're not a heterosexual white Christian. You just need to fight for them -- that's a case where calling the ACLU is a legitimate option, and I say that as a card carrying member who lives in the bible belt and has some family friends who were a part of an ACLU-helmed first amendment (specifically, the establishment clause) court case even deeper in the bible belt than me, which was successful. We're talking about plaintiffs that were largely Jewish and atheist, in the buckle on the bible belt. The constitution applies no matter where in the country you are, and while some people may forget it, they can't avoid it.

Note that I'm not trying to belittle Aris here, rather I'm telling anyone else who might be in her position that they do have options, and the law applies to them just as surely as it does to people in New York City and Los Angeles.


New member
Jan 5, 2012
Aris Khandr said:
Of course they can. Especially when they agree with the bullies.

I make no secret of who I am, or what I believe. A lesbian atheist growing up in the Bible Belt doesn't win friends easily. Especially when close to 75% of the school (teachers included) goes to the same church. A very, very pro-evangelist church. I was outright told by the vice principle that they would not stop the harassment I received, and that I deserved it for my godless ways. I had about five teachers on my side in that school, and the rest were pretty solidly against me. Pretty much as long as the bullies, teachers included, didn't do anything that could be proved, they had free reign to try to make my life as miserable as they liked. Because I was "the Devil's Daughter" (yes, some people at that school actually believed that), and the rules of school and society were on hold for me since the rules of the church came first.
Augh, that makes me feel sick to my stomach. I'm really sorry you had to go through that, no one should. But it is great that you had teachers on your side that helped you through all that. Even a little support can make it much easier to get through a lot of it.


New member
Sep 19, 2010
Reading some of this thread makes me want to start setting houses on fire. Which would be terrible.

Everyone has different breaking points. EVERYONE. What is something that YOU can easily brush off, may not be the case for someone else, and just telling them to "suck it up" is just being insulting. It's exactly the same as pain tolerance- some people can sprain their ankle and keep walking, with others they are rendered to tears (I am in the middle).

As for people who commit suidice because of the bullying... it's not because someone is calling them names. Oh, no. That's only a small part of it. Every moment that their tormentors can torment them, they do. They get them isolated and emotionally and/or physically wreck them, in ways that can't always be linked to them. They torment their victim on anything and everything they can use against them- their race, their colour, their haircut, their sexual orientation, anything. The torment continues to happen, day after day, during and after school, over the internet, whatever. People don't believe them, think they're exaggerrating, tell them to "get over it" or "suck it up", and then after a while they don't even bother to ask for help anymore, because they know they won't get it, and things just get worse and worse and before you know it they find that the oblivion of death is a far more preferrable option to the complete torment that life is giving them. Because no one would take them seriously, no one would answer their cries for help when they were powerless to help themselves.

Anyone who can't understand this is either completely ignorant or are heartless.

Aris Khandr

New member
Oct 6, 2010
Worgen said:
Sounds like a school that needs to be burned down to me. You couldn't record what was going on or anything and turn it into a shitstorm?
Not really, it wasn't the kind of bullying that you could do that with. It was the kind where a teacher would declare half the class for "studying", and then do nothing about how half of the class decided to come "share their personal relationship with Jesus" whether I wanted them to or not. I couldn't leave class, I couldn't concentrate on my work, I couldn't read a book and ignore them. But, since it was "a free period", they technically weren't doing anything wrong.

Or how they made it a point to tell me the sorts of things that I'd be expected to go over in sex ed class, knowing I was a lesbian and thus about as likely to need to know how to put a condom on a guy as a whale is to need rollerskates. Coincidentally, that bit them in the ass, as I simply didn't attend sex ed. At the time, even in high school permission slips were required for the class. I simply didn't give mine to my mother.

The school, and the teachers therein, were very careful to make sure that any complaints came down to "my word against theirs", and would obviously circle the wagons if I complained. Physical bullying was rare. I had books damaged, I got shoved around a bit, but no bruises, no injuries. It was mental. It was them going out of their way to make sure I knew and everyone else knew that I "didn't belong there". It was the way that people I'd never met before knew me by name. The way freshmen whispered and tried not to let me see them staring. The way I was forced to change in the bathroom for gym, instead of the locker room, and how whenever there was even a chance of physical contact I was paired with the boys. They were so afraid that I'd molest my classmates, but didn't care at all that the boys didn't care that I wasn't interested in them. "It's wrestling, Erin, they're going to touch you."

There were the unspoken threats. When three or four guys who were much bigger than me (at 110 lbs, everyone is bigger than me) would corner me and just start talking. It didn't matter what they talked about, but their body language made it clear that they had no intention of letting me leave until they were done. And, of course, they were "done" when the bell rang. So I was late to class, and in more trouble.

The funny thing was, they were scared of me. These weren't the "Eastern and Christmas" Christians who believe in the devil as a metaphor. These people were "twice a week, Lucifer is real and out to get us every moment of every day" Christians who legitimately believed that I was the daughter of Satan, send there to... damned if I know what. But they were scared of me. I was in high school when Columbine happened. Ironically, I'd been asking my parents for a trench coat for nearly a year, and my father was supposed to take me out shopping that afternoon to get one. I hadn't made a secret of it, and told the friends I did have how excited I was. When Columbine happened, the school called my mother specifically and told her that trench coats were now banned. I never did get to go shopping, and for a month after that I could feel the entire school watching me, as though just waiting for me to pull a gun out of my jacket, my backpack, something.

I'm not sure the last paragraph is even relevant. Just stream of consciousness. Anyway, the point is that the school made sure not to overtly do anything. Just subtly encourage it all.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
requisitename said:
Teachers are human. Not excusing anything, just stating a fact. Although they obviously should be above such things given their position of authority, especially teachers who are close in age to their students (fresh outta college high school teachers, for instance), can fall into this. When I was in school, the coaches were the worst offenders when it came to bullying students/allowing students to bully other students.

When I was in school.. eons ago.. bullying was a part of life. It was something you had to deal with at some level if you weren't one of the super popular students (read: jocks or cheerleaders). It just.. was. *shrug* We just lived with it. We didn't tell (tattling it was called then).. and if someone did tell, teachers basically told us to figure it out for ourselves. As such, I have a hard time understanding why it's such a big deal now.

Please note that I'm not saying it's NOT a big deal now.. just that I don't understand how it changed so radically in such a relatively short time.
Because teachers lie and say that Zero Tolerance Policies work when they themselves don't endorse them. Its supposed to end bullying and keep people safe, well if a kid brings a knife and a punch him then I have to spend detention during lunchtime tomorrow. It punishes you for retaliating even in the most obvious offense, hell, if done right you can easily trick the victim into acting like the aggressor and get them to be getting in trouble, not yourself.

Most of the time the teachers didn't care was was happening, once my teacher just shrugged off a mob, mob of kids throwing different objects at a student which she didn't respond to me telling her. If I hadn't gotten the leader into a grapple, since I think that punching is a little bit to violent, the kids would have started to throw rocks. She saw this and I bet just thought that it was playing, I got off with it, but still the fact that she ignored it scares me to this day.

After such case I simply swore off of violence, which lead in middle school to a very large gap in my psyche where fun should have been and instead is replaced with large amounts of suicidal depression. Mainly because I was the smarter of most there, at least in topics like philosophy and random knowledge so that made me a outcast.

Many times bullying is actually harassment that is seen as "Boys will be boys" and thus is constant harassment. Which later in life can lead to very heavy mental damage. Telling them to fuck off ends with them getting more angry and thus making them attack harder, telling the teacher ends in no action being taken and finally fighting back lands you in detention for months. There is no way out anymore but just to deal with it.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Aris Khandr said:
Worgen said:
Sounds like a school that needs to be burned down to me. You couldn't record what was going on or anything and turn it into a shitstorm?
Not really, it wasn't the kind of bullying that you could do that with. It was the kind where a teacher would declare half the class for "studying", and then do nothing about how half of the class decided to come "share their personal relationship with Jesus" whether I wanted them to or not. I couldn't leave class, I couldn't concentrate on my work, I couldn't read a book and ignore them. But, since it was "a free period", they technically weren't doing anything wrong.

Or how they made it a point to tell me the sorts of things that I'd be expected to go over in sex ed class, knowing I was a lesbian and thus about as likely to need to know how to put a condom on a guy as a whale is to need rollerskates. Coincidentally, that bit them in the ass, as I simply didn't attend sex ed. At the time, even in high school permission slips were required for the class. I simply didn't give mine to my mother.

The school, and the teachers therein, were very careful to make sure that any complaints came down to "my word against theirs", and would obviously circle the wagons if I complained. Physical bullying was rare. I had books damaged, I got shoved around a bit, but no bruises, no injuries. It was mental. It was them going out of their way to make sure I knew and everyone else knew that I "didn't belong there". It was the way that people I'd never met before knew me by name. The way freshmen whispered and tried not to let me see them staring. The way I was forced to change in the bathroom for gym, instead of the locker room, and how whenever there was even a chance of physical contact I was paired with the boys. They were so afraid that I'd molest my classmates, but didn't care at all that the boys didn't care that I wasn't interested in them. "It's wrestling, Erin, they're going to touch you."

There were the unspoken threats. When three or four guys who were much bigger than me (at 110 lbs, everyone is bigger than me) would corner me and just start talking. It didn't matter what they talked about, but their body language made it clear that they had no intention of letting me leave until they were done. And, of course, they were "done" when the bell rang. So I was late to class, and in more trouble.

The funny thing was, they were scared of me. These weren't the "Eastern and Christmas" Christians who believe in the devil as a metaphor. These people were "twice a week, Lucifer is real and out to get us every moment of every day" Christians who legitimately believed that I was the daughter of Satan, send there to... damned if I know what. But they were scared of me. I was in high school when Columbine happened. Ironically, I'd been asking my parents for a trench coat for nearly a year, and my father was supposed to take me out shopping that afternoon to get one. I hadn't made a secret of it, and told the friends I did have how excited I was. When Columbine happened, the school called my mother specifically and told her that trench coats were now banned. I never did get to go shopping, and for a month after that I could feel the entire school watching me, as though just waiting for me to pull a gun out of my jacket, my backpack, something.

I'm not sure the last paragraph is even relevant. Just stream of consciousness. Anyway, the point is that the school made sure not to overtly do anything. Just subtly encourage it all.
Yeesh, still sounds like a recording device would have been handy but at least your out of there now. Plus I think that schools aren't allowed to let students just prosthelytize like that in class, but then again, just because its illegal doesn't mean its easy to do something about.