Can we STOP spelling Microsoft with a "$" PLEASE!!!


New member
Jan 23, 2010
Okay sir, what would you like next, a trip to Italy? A private jet?
Point is, people on these forums don't do something because you told them to.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
Well, to his credit, Micro$oft isn't nearly as bad about it as Activi$ion is. Activi$ion is going hog wild in ways that Micro$oft only wishes it could.

maddawg IAJI

I prefer the term "Zomguard"
Feb 12, 2009
martyrdrebel27 said:
(to the poster who called me an idiot, fanboy, or employee)

i'm none of those things. but if you think that Bill Gates personally had a hand in making, programming and developing the xbox, the 360, or hell, at this point, even the piece of shit that was Vista, then you're obviously the idiot here. a company that large is an engine being moved by one man's ability to program.
You are aware that it was a joke no? You are also aware that we have a quote button that sends out a notification and unless you're watching this thread, you'll probably find out about this post through a message you will receive.

You seem to be a little snippy today if your willing to flame users based on a simple joke and find that someone typing "Micro$oft" bothering. You are aware that this was often used by PS3 and Wii users who were cut off from their game because Microsoft decided to make it a Xbox only game right? Its similar to how certain Xbox fans and PS3 fans call Wii users Wiitards.

Its from those few users who actually see the Console wars as a real thing.


New member
Feb 16, 2009
maddawg IAJI said:
martyrdrebel27 said:
(to the poster who called me an idiot, fanboy, or employee)

i'm none of those things. but if you think that Bill Gates personally had a hand in making, programming and developing the xbox, the 360, or hell, at this point, even the piece of shit that was Vista, then you're obviously the idiot here. a company that large is an engine being moved by one man's ability to program.
You are aware that it was a joke no? You are also aware that we have a quote button that sends out a notification and unless you're watching this thread, you'll probably find out about this post through a message you will receive.

You seem to be a little snippy today if your willing to flame users based on a simple joke and find that someone typing "Micro$oft" bothering. You are aware that this was often used by PS3 and Wii users who were cut off from their game because Microsoft decided to make it a Xbox only game right? Its similar to how certain Xbox fans and PS3 fans call Wii users Wiitards.

Its from those few users who actually see the Console wars as a real thing.
i know about the quote thing, i quoted it, but through some error, probably my own, it quoted the wrong post, and that made no sense, and i just edited it instead of requoting. but thanks for pointing it out in case i didn't know.


New member
May 14, 2010
Oh, Microsoft = Micro$oft? I thought everybody was playing games on a console produced by a company pronounced "Micro-dollar-oft" but I didn't want to ask because I was afraid of seeming n00bish.

To appease all parties involved we shall refer to Microsoft as "Corporate Bastard$," Sony as "Japanese Corporate Bastard$" and Apple as "Smug Corporate Bastard$." Is this acceptable?

Oh, and Nintendo will be titled "Retro Japanese Corporate Bastard$."

Cherry Cola

Your daddy, your Rock'n'Rolla
Jun 26, 2009
headshotcatcher said:
PayJ567 said:
People can do as they like. How about YOU just don't get bothered by it. You're the problem here not the people who post it as you're the one making a thread about it and unnecessarily telling people what they can and can't do.
That's like saying "Nazi Germany wasn't in the wrong, it was those stupid Allied forces for being bothered by them!"
I am banishing you to a black hole of time until you realize your mistake, young man


New member
Mar 23, 2004
Ahlycks said:
dude, i did not even know that this was going on.

thats what i get for going to greece fro 2 months.
What the hell is going on in your avatar?? That is so wierd. And funny.

On topic: OP, calm down. It's lame, yes, but so what?


New member
Jan 23, 2010
commodorejohn said:
Okay: Mi¢rosoft.
I admit, I laughed.
martyrdrebel27 said:
(to the poster who called me an idiot, fanboy, or employee)

i'm none of those things. but if you think that Bill Gates personally had a hand in making, programming and developing the xbox, the 360, or hell, at this point, even the piece of shit that was Vista, then you're obviously the idiot here. a company that large is not an engine being moved by one man's ability to program.
So you're saying the Bill Gates had nothing at all to do with Xbox or Windows.


New member
Mar 25, 2010
i will only stop calling it Micro$oft if we start calling the demon Activi$ion seeing as how they are more consumer unfriendly and love money more than a quality product

Cherry Cola

Your daddy, your Rock'n'Rolla
Jun 26, 2009
Treeinthewoods said:
Oh, Microsoft = Micro$oft? I thought everybody was playing games on a console produced by a company pronounced "Micro-dollar-oft" but I didn't want to ask because I was afraid of seeming n00bish.

To appease all parties involved we shall refer to Microsoft as "Corporate Bastard$," Sony as "Japanese Corporate Bastard$" and Apple as "Smug Corporate Bastard$." Is this acceptable?

Oh, and Nintendo will be titled "Retro Japanese Corporate Bastard$."
Couldn't you have made a thread on "Ke$ha" instead? More fun to hate on skanks than corporations.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Nobody says they are the greediest bastards - they're just not particularly customer-friendly.
Oh, and why do you get so bothered by a simple Internet quirk?


New member
Aug 18, 2010
Nope, i don't recall spelling it any other way.

Did you know the "cro$" in Micro$oft means "rip-off" in French? They sure got the name right

btw go check who invented internet viruses and what does it have to do with the company.