Can we STOP spelling Microsoft with a "$" PLEASE!!!


New member
Mar 10, 2009
While I agree that the hatred for MicroSoft is silly, I think you are over reacting.


New member
Aug 16, 2010
Meh, I for one don't mind MicroSoft, I much more hate Blizzard, or Activision. But goddamnit I'm not original enough to think of funny insulting play-on-names for them!


New member
Feb 11, 2009
Well if you can give us a reason not to call Microsoft "Micro$oft" then go right ahead...


New member
Nov 16, 2009
Dexiro said:
BlackWidower said:
Dexiro said:
martyrdrebel27 said:
unless you can show me one company that actively hates and rejects money and profit, microsoft is just another face in the crowd. They're not the most greedy or the most customer-unfriendly. they're not evil. they're not good either, don't get me wrong, they're just capitalists.
They're a huge company that blatantly rip people off. I doubt many companies rip people off on the same scale of MS.
I think we'd spell that in a similar way if we could xD We need to dig for more currency symbols!
Yeah, I already did that. Appl?.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
maddawg IAJI said:
Why is it that EVERY conversation, no matter the subject, brings up Nazis or WWII in some way shape or form. There is a difference between someone expressing their views through internet slang and a faction that committed widespread genocide.
It doesn't help that the games industry is only just getting over a rather unhealthy obsession with Nazis and the Second World War (n.b. Medal of Honor series, Call of Duty 1-3, 5, etc.)

maddawg IAJI

I prefer the term "Zomguard"
Feb 12, 2009
pauloalbatross said:
maddawg IAJI said:
Why is it that EVERY conversation, no matter the subject, brings up Nazis or WWII in some way shape or form. There is a difference between someone expressing their views through internet slang and a faction that committed widespread genocide.
It doesn't help that the games industry is only just getting over a rather unhealthy obsession with Nazis and the Second World War (n.b. Medal of Honor series, Call of Duty 1-3, 5, etc.)
Its Godwin's Law. Everything, no matter the subject eventually dwindles down to Nazis and Hitler. Its just a silly little joke sure, but its a joke that is shockingly true.


New member
Nov 16, 2009
Baldry said:
Well if you can give us a reason not to call Microsoft "Micro$oft" then go right ahead...
I got a reason. It's a double standard. No one gives any other company a hard time for being motivated by profit, with the possible exception of the oil companies. If you are going to replace an S with a dollar sign in Microsoft's name, why not replace the E with a euro sign in Apple's name? They are all in business to make money. If you don't like it stop buying their shit.


In brightest day...
Nov 18, 2009
BiscuitTrouser said:
martyrdrebel27 said:
unless you can show me one company that actively hates and rejects money and profit, microsoft is just another face in the crowd. They're not the most greedy or the most customer-unfriendly. they're not evil. they're not good either, don't get me wrong, they're just capitalists.
You missed the earlier post about the xbox slim that has some plastic in place that forces you to buy a 25 doller cable to bypass it. People who brake this plastic find it has nothing important inside it and has no reason for being.

I had to pay 50 pounds for a wireless attatchment for my Xbox when i know those damn things are not built for 50 pounds or even close. Also the fact i have to pay for xbox live as well as the original expendeture. Also the fact this new slim is red ringing already. Il let you decide what that tells you.
I got a crossover ethernet cable for £5 and connected it between my laptop and my 360. Job done for a tenth of the price, as long as you remember to allow other devices to connect via your laptop/PC.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
I agree with the annoyance factor of the OP of people who readily down MS for making money (you know... what corporations are designed to do...) yet are so happy-crappy over Nintendo or Sony. They're all soulless money grubbing greedy bastards (see also the HD vs. BluRay wars. if you don't think Sony is ruthless and competitive you missed out all the other tries they made on making their media a standard [umd, mini-disc, etc.]).
Point being, they're all the same with a different label. You know what though? I hear more about Bill Gates being one of the most charitable "greedy rich folk" than any other major company out there. Just a thought.
Oh, I'm not a fanboy of MS either, I hate a lot of their products personally because I deal with them on a daily basis. I like my 360 because I take care of it, and it works perfectly and plays all the games I want to play on it.
Also Bill Gates doesn't run MS anymore.
Anyway, stop being hypocrites. Sony's just as bad as MS (look at the way they blatantly stole Wii's controller after making fun of it and saying it was an "overgrown lollipop" or some such drivel). Nintendo is just as soulless, is there really a need to come out with a new DS every year? No, but they want money. Your money, and just like they know you'll buy the new iPhone cuz you just "gotta have it" (Coldstone reference), you'll by the 3ds cuz its nintendo and you "gotta have it".
Money, makes the world go round and all corporations want it. Its their bottom line, *MAKE MONEY OR DIE*. Soon as you get that you might be able to see the forest for the trees.


New member
Jun 27, 2008
martyrdrebel27 said:
unless you can show me one company that actively hates and rejects money and profit, microsoft is just another face in the crowd. They're not the most greedy or the most customer-unfriendly. they're not evil. they're not good either, don't get me wrong, they're just capitalists.
If I'm right your saying it doesn't make since we use Micro$oft when other companies are just as bad? If that is true I agree with you, all companies are in it for the money not just them. I notice no one likes to mock apple for practice of making new iPods and stop supporting older ones as much to focus on the product that is out. But this is getting stupid, EA and Acivision is pulling crap taking money from us every chance they get(buy our game new and you won't get goodies that are already on the disc). And how about Bli$$ard for the 88 million law suite (I think it's fine for them to sue for the money the owner made but he didn't make 88 million from what I've been reading).


New member
Feb 16, 2009
BlackWidower said:
Baldry said:
Well if you can give us a reason not to call Microsoft "Micro$oft" then go right ahead...
I got a reason. It's a double standard. No one gives any other company a hard time for being motivated by profit, with the possible exception of the oil companies. If you are going to replace an S with a dollar sign in Microsoft's name, why not replace the E with a euro sign in Apple's name? They are all in business to make money. If you don't like it stop buying their shit.

sorry for the double post, but this person seems to get my point.

Communist partisan

New member
Jan 24, 2009
You cant tell me what to do.... MICRO$OFT! and why do you even think about it I never ever noticed somebody writed it like that.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
If I type MS people might thin I mean multiple sclerosis.

Microsoft, with such innovations as Microtran$action$, pay to play non-ho$ted gaming $ervice Xbox Live!, and their reasonable priced (HAHAHAHAHA) hard drive$ and network device$ all mean that they are clearly about busine$$, which equate$ to dollar$, which mean$ when we think M$, we thing money making innovation$. Like $ending factorie$ to Mexico to $ave co$t$, cutting corner$ on quality a$$urance for their $y$tem$ to $ave money, hiring illegal migrant laborer$ to $ave money according to even Bill Gate$ him$elf.

So you see, it's clearly not meant as a slam against them, Microsoft is just so innovative that when we think capitalism at it's finest, we think Microsoft, and honor that title with the $.


This name was cool in 2008.
Feb 11, 2009
$O₦¥ Mi¢Ro$o?₮ A₱₱£?

It isn't just restricted to Mi¢Ro$o?₮

(Yes, all of those symbols are currencies.)


New member
Aug 29, 2009
martyrdrebel27 said:
unless you can show me one company that actively hates and rejects money and profit
Uh, I'm pretty sure a former leader of a huge corporation just gave away a shitload of money, and runs a huge charity anyways...

Oh wait, that was Bill Gates from Microsoft.