Can we STOP spelling Microsoft with a "$" PLEASE!!!


New member
Jan 14, 2010
headshotcatcher said:
PayJ567 said:
People can do as they like. How about YOU just don't get bothered by it. You're the problem here not the people who post it as you're the one making a thread about it and unnecessarily telling people what they can and can't do.
That's like saying "Nazi Germany wasn't in the wrong, it was those stupid Allied forces for being bothered by them!"
How is that comparable to some one spelling a word with a dollar sign!?

I'll admit, it's pretty brave to hop on and ask an entire community to stop something that is really insignificant if you sit down and think about it.

Though considering how it's just a harmless replacement for the S, I doubt anyone is going to do it... Let the kids have their fun and if you don't like it, stay away from microsoft related threads.
Feb 14, 2008
Well, not to be mean or anything, but M$ has had almost a monopoly for many years in the operating system/office pack business, and in all those years they have been the WORST alternative in terms of stability.
The only reasonable OS-esque thing they ever made was DOS, and it was feeble compared to bs and zsh and bash.
They may be reasonably good at compiler and virtual machine design (MSVSC and .NET respectively), and do a pretty good job at web servers, but it doesn't quit cut it when your main product is a thing EVERYBODY has heard of, MOST use and is WORSE than ALL alternatives.


New member
Feb 16, 2009
JourneyThroughHell said:
Nobody says they are the greediest bastards - they're just not particularly customer-friendly.
Oh, and why do you get so bothered by a simple Internet quirk?
i dunno, maybe i'm just having a bad day, but i've been seeing this for over a year, mostly on GameFAQS and earlier i saw a post about the slim's HD cable issues and having to unneccesarily buy them, and every time it said Micro$oft. we get the joke, you don't need to do it every time, its just old and annoying at this point.

and plus the inherant hypocrisy. you want them to release better products? QUIT BUYING THEIR SHIT THEN! people just seem so intent on filling the gluttonous hole in their lives with whatever gets put out there like fucking junkies. what happened to the days of boycotting shit? grow a pair, get some self control, and say, FUCK YOU MICROSOFT, I'M SITTING THIS ONE OUT UNTIL YOU GET YOUR SHIT STRAIGHT. but nobody does it. they consume and *****. wanna open their eyes? hurt their fucking wallets, it's the only thing that makes them understand. take some of this blame for yourselves, and quit blaming the company exclusively.

but it's more likely that i'm just having a bad day and got annoyed.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
Isn't apple richer (and more evil)? And Sony's pretty god damn evil, just look at the PS3 o.0 scary :p .

2012 Wont Happen

New member
Aug 12, 2009
I've only seen that spelling of Microsoft one or two times.

Seems a bit immature to me, although I do like the spelling "Faux News", so bit of a double standard I guess.

I tend to dislike Microsoft, but not so much specifically as in a more general sense that I dislike capitalism. Sense we are in a capitalist system I'll use their products, but I would rather the system be different altogehter.

As for the spelling- I will not be spelling it with a $. If other people do, well, let 'em.


New member
Sep 18, 2009
martyrdrebel27 said:
(to the poster who called me an idiot, fanboy, or employee)

i'm none of those things. but if you think that Bill Gates personally had a hand in making, programming and developing the xbox, the 360, or hell, at this point, even the piece of shit that was Vista, then you're obviously the idiot here. a company that large is not an engine being moved by one man's ability to program.
You definitly are an idiot, and a fanboy, and maybe an employee, who knows. Bill Gates is IN CHARGE. That means that he is the boss. The team working for him are nothing more than tools to do the job. Whatever he says they should do, they do, but it's still Bill Gates' idea. Also, if he had no influence in the qaulity of his products, why is Windows 7, who has been made when Bill Gates stopped, better than Vista, who was still under the supervision of Gates?

You should read some history about this kind of thing before you make random arguments and random statements.


Not a pigeon roost
Jan 19, 2010
Woodsey said:

Why do you even care?
Whateva, whateva! I do what I want!

Sorry, I just love that episode.

OT: I don't really mind it. But then, I don't let things like this bother me. I think I'm a happier person for it.


New member
Mar 7, 2010
headshotcatcher said:
PayJ567 said:
People can do as they like. How about YOU just don't get bothered by it. You're the problem here not the people who post it as you're the one making a thread about it and unnecessarily telling people what they can and can't do.
That's like saying "Nazi Germany wasn't in the wrong, it was those stupid Allied forces for being bothered by them!"
...Except Nazi germany was A) really evil and all that and B) actively hurting other people. People who spell it Micro$oft are A) engaging in a very, VERY trivial attack and B) not doing anything that harms anyone else.

False analogy much?


a gallardo? fine, I'll take it.
Dec 24, 2008
In real life I actually say "Micro Dollar Oft", it was coined by The Register [] who sometimes affectionately call themselves "El Reg", and when El Reg coins something the nerds are all over it because they happen to be the longest going tech site on Earth.

The Register is were nerds congregate and any term coined by them will spread like wildfire, there was a wonderful one when Microsoft put a bid on Yahoo that in future if the deal goes through they would call the company "MicroHoo".


New member
Sep 18, 2009
martyrdrebel27 said:
JourneyThroughHell said:
Nobody says they are the greediest bastards - they're just not particularly customer-friendly.
Oh, and why do you get so bothered by a simple Internet quirk?
Quote didnt work :S This is written by OP :and plus the inherant hypocrisy. you want them to release better products? QUIT BUYING THEIR SHIT THEN! people just seem so intent on filling the gluttonous hole in their lives with whatever gets put out there like fucking junkies. what happened to the days of boycotting shit? grow a pair, get some self control, and say, FUCK YOU MICROSOFT, I'M SITTING THIS ONE OUT UNTIL YOU GET YOUR SHIT STRAIGHT. but nobody does it. they consume and *****. wanna open their eyes? hurt their fucking wallets, it's the only thing that makes them understand. take some of this blame for yourselves, and quit blaming the company exclusively. This is the end of his paragraph.

And this is more proof that you have no idea how Micro$oft works. Micro$oft was the first to make a system that was cheap, and (kinda) user-friendly. Originally the computer was for the important employees in an office, nothing more. But what he did was he actually gave many free copies. This way more and more people got a computer and used the free software from Micro$oft. Everybody understood hwo to use it, and everybody was familiar with it. Other companies were being annihilated, for they didn't have the resources to make cheap or even free software or hardware. Micro$oft ofcourse, was pretty broke by now, so they released a new system, and gave it a price tag. However this wasnt that expensive still, and many people wanted to upgrade. Why would they want to upgrade? Because of stuff like peer pressure, and Micro$oft had made the system so that it would have many bugs, and wouldn't function at his fullest. Everybody who had a Micro$oft system would upgrade to a new Micro$oft system because that is what they are familiar with. Other companies had way other systems that worked diffrently, so nobody bought that, because they didn't understand any of it. This way Micro$oft gained alot of wealth, enough to put many companies out of business. They kept making pretty bad programs and systems, and they kept upgrading them, for a price. People got dependent, and were afraid to buy anything else. The only real competetor these days is Macintosh, but Micro$oft actually bought over game producers to make games exclusivly for Windows. This way Micro$oft got most of the market in their hands. This is why people don't "stop buying their products". They got tricked, and I hope this helps you understand that Micro$oft is very unfair and goes for profit. Also you should notice that Micro$oft kicked the computer industry into overdrive, and that is why I don't necessarily hate them.

No tl;dr, sorry for the long one :p



They'll fix it by "Monday"
Nov 17, 2009
really, that's microsoft is still being spelt with a $? over here in th UK we spell it like this - Mi£r0s0£t, with the occasional Ker-ching added in


New member
Dec 23, 2009
martyrdrebel27 said:
unless you can show me one company that actively hates and rejects money and profit, microsoft is just another face in the crowd. They're not the most greedy or the most customer-unfriendly. they're not evil. they're not good either, don't get me wrong, they're just capitalists.
They're a huge company that blatantly rip people off. I doubt many companies rip people off on the same scale of MS.


New member
Nov 16, 2009
FargoDog said:
Mr Gates, how did you get on these forums?

I kid. People will keeping using it as long as they disagree with their practices. Personally I think it got old long ago, but it doesn't bother me that much.
Well in that case I can talk about Appl? all I want.


New member
Nov 16, 2009
Dexiro said:
martyrdrebel27 said:
unless you can show me one company that actively hates and rejects money and profit, microsoft is just another face in the crowd. They're not the most greedy or the most customer-unfriendly. they're not evil. they're not good either, don't get me wrong, they're just capitalists.
They're a huge company that blatantly rip people off. I doubt many companies rip people off on the same scale of MS.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
BlackWidower said:
Dexiro said:
martyrdrebel27 said:
unless you can show me one company that actively hates and rejects money and profit, microsoft is just another face in the crowd. They're not the most greedy or the most customer-unfriendly. they're not evil. they're not good either, don't get me wrong, they're just capitalists.
They're a huge company that blatantly rip people off. I doubt many companies rip people off on the same scale of MS.
I think we'd spell that in a similar way if we could xD We need to dig for more currency symbols!