Capcom Thinks It can Sell 10 Million Copies of Dragon's Dogma

Kevlar Eater

New member
Sep 27, 2009
With the crap Capcom have been pulling, why would anyone short of their most rabid/loyal fans buy anything they release?

Still gonna boycott their swill.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
80Maxwell08 said:
Starke said:
80Maxwell08 said:
Um actually it's Capcom's second largest dev team ever. They one upped themselves with the dev team for Resident Evil 6 by having 600 people work on that. Also considering Capcom has been spinning a PR nightmare like no other to the point where so many people are boycotting them they have a LOT of work to do.
Okay, I actually missed this. What's their latest PR disaster?
Well I was less referring to one disaster rather than the whole combination they have spun up. From denying the fan the Megaman Legends 3 prototype that they promised fans would come to the 3DS's digital store (I don't know it's name), the DMC reboot with Dante's new appearance that pissed off a huge amount of DMC fans, making Resident Evil 6 basically a straight up action game, the whole DLC on the disc crap involving Street Fighter x Tekken, cancelling every Megaman Title in a while. That's all that comes to my mind.
You forgot the refusal to localize Ace Attorney Investigations 2 because the first one didn't sell as well as Okamiden, despite the fact that you can find Okamiden in Wal-Mart a year after release yet you couldn't find a copy of AAI in Gamestop at launch, refuses to localize Layton vs Wright, making Level 5 localize it. Making people pay for some demos...

This company's in the shithole.


New member
Sep 5, 2010
I laughed so hard i need to change my pants.

Lets be honest here. Its going to be a hybrid of Monster Hunter and Skyrim. And while that sounds like the greatest thing EVAR and that this will go down in history as "Greatest IP EVAR", but its not going to hit 10 mil copies. It might be lucky to reach a 3rd of that.

Sure, it might end up being a decent game, but i doubt it will be anything to rave over. ((except the critics, who will lose their jobs if they dont give it 8/10 or better.))

Dont get me wrong, i kinda look forward to it. So i can see if it lives up to the standards of Skyrim OR Monster Hunter, both of which ive sunk untold hours into. If its good, i'll tell it like it is and say, "Oh wow, this is better then i thought it would be", and if its bad..... "Im not surprised it crashed and burned. We want Monster Hunter, not a cheap rip off".


New member
Jun 24, 2010
To put that number in perspective: Similar open-world RPG, Skyrim, which was the first western game to receive a perfect score from picky gaming mag, Famitsu, has clocked up less than half a million sales since it was released last December.
In Japan? Did you forget to add that?

Anyway, it looks like a game I would like to play with friends, but I think other games will hold mine and my friends attention for this year. I don't want to be spending too much money.


Tired. Cold. Bored.
Nov 13, 2009
That's an insane number even for games people actually give a shit about, let alone some random fucking title that Crapcom slapped together.

For those of you who keep asking how bad Crapcom's PR is let me put it this way: I'm actively boycotting the fuckpumps and nothing else. Not EA, Not Activision, just the skidmarks at Crapcom. That's how fucking terrible they are.

It's not exactly hard to maintain my "boycott" when almost no game they've made has ever controlled even relatively decently aside from their fighting games. Hell, you can't even look at their games that work for a positive example; for example DR2, yeah it worked well, but you can't tell me that it didn't feel "odd", you can't tell me the RE5 didn't feel "odd". That's putting it as nicely as I can.

I have a saying when it comes to the mouth breathing, knuckledragging, mono-browed dickheads at Crapcom:

"Capcom; where the retards go when Nintendo says NO."

EDIT: Allow me to tell you what I personally find to be Crapcom's most sickening act (it is what made me stop playing their games).

If your recall the Marvel vs. Capcom/Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom shitstorm from a while ago you may recall that they released the "Ultimate" version only 6 months later and refused to fix the old version or add the previously promised items (like a simple fucking spectator mode) and instead sold them as part of the Ultimate game, as well as the new characters and next to nothing else. People lost their shit and the idiots in their PR department gave multiple seperate responses, some said "It's how the game was coded, we simply couldn't update the game without rereleasing it", another even went so far as to blame the tsunami. However at later dates a few journalists interviewed some of the American branches of Capcom about the game, they asked the standard questions and asked why the game was being handled like this, a fair few of the responses were (please keep in mind that the people who commented had actually WORKED on the game) "this is just how they do it in Japan, it's their business practices". A basic admission that "The higher ups in Crapcom don't like DLC and would rather rerelease the full game near full price because they could get away with it in the 80's and 90's". After these comments were made it was discovered that these workers (they were team leaders) were "reprimanded" by seperate branches because, well, it proved the cuntbuckets were flat out lying to consumers, though these workers only told people the truth because the incompetant PR workers hadn't managed to inform them what they were meant to say.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
The game looks pretty ok from what i can see.

But capcom has held back monster hunter for way too long. I want my damn monster hunter.

I'll probably rent it.


New member
Feb 22, 2011
How about this Capcom. Set up a goal. If people reach that goal, you release Megaman Legends 3. That will inspire people to buy it. Hell you should do that if you want to sell 2 million copies, otherwise unless you pull a very heavy marketing campagn in the next 2 months it may not even reach the first million mark.


404Th Ravens. No.04
Nov 19, 2009
First of all, I have not heard of this game at all, but after reading it seems like its Monster Hunter + Skyrim molded into one huh? Well color me interested.

One thing I hated with skyrim would be the melee combat mechanic -- there's barely any dodging or pattern memorization, and if any, theres barely any real technique in it, just mash the buttons till they die, and power attack once in a while. If any I'd prefer Dark Souls' or Monster Hunter's combat mechanic over skyrim's anytime of the day, but its understandable considering trying to do that with FPS camera will cause nauseating results.

Despite I'm pretty much waiting for a Skyrim with Dark Souls/Monster Hunter combat mechanics, I have to say I do hope this don't bomb badly, yet knowing what Capcom has done to my precious Megaman series... (I'm Looking at you Street Fighter X Tekken) I'll give this a bargain bin wait, unless if its really bad.

10 Million? you sure that's not Capcom's spell check error again? maybe they meant 1 Million? or 100 Million?

Still, I do wish for more games that are open world like Skyrim, but has the action combat mechanic like Dark Souls/Monster Hunter, and then add some survival+faffing about element into it like Dead Rising.

Here's hoping the Japanese game industry branch out to these kind of thing.

I'm more into the growth of the game industry as a whole as opposed to corp bashing.


Top Todger
Jun 25, 2008
If Capcom are that confident and print 10 million copies, then they probably will sell 10 million copies... eventually.

Such an over-saturation of one title will mean the game will be heavily discounted as the retailers and distributors try to get rid of the bloody thing to free up stock space.

Expect to see it next to the redundant, previous years' copies of annual sports titles and expect to be offered a copy of Dragon's Dogma for just $5 $4 $3 $2 $1 with every purchase.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Expecting to sell 10 million and this is the first I've ever heard of the game.

Good luck with that!

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
They've got high hopes, they've got high hopes
They've got high apple pie in the sky hopes

Seriously, if this is an actual goal and not just the result of a sticky 0 key on some poor Capcom staffer's keyboard, then they'd better start shoveling some massive amounts of yen into that hype machine.


New member
Feb 17, 2008
I wish they had at least checked with a US marketing group before picking that name. Does "Dragon's Dogma" even make sense grammatically? Even if it does it doesn't make sense in context. Why would the beliefs of Dragons matter to us?


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
Considering they are skipping one of the major platforms the COULD be releasing on (the PC), I'd say no, they're not going to move 10 mill.


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
If that's the kind of sales they expect to get, it's a wonder they haven't given more games the bullshit "we're not localizing it because it wouldn't sell enough copies" Ace Attorney Investigations 2 treatment.

Atmos Duality said:
I'm still laughing over how they announced Megaman Legends 3, then threatened to shitcan it if people didn't buy the demo, and then shitcanned it anyway.
Without even giving us a chance to buy the demo first, of course. That's my favorite part (well, second favorite, first is how they said it was the fan's fault). "Buy the demo or the game gets canceled! Oh, by the way, both the game and demo are canceled." Screw off, Capcom.

Audacity said:
And the world is full of idiots. Think how many people are going to buy Diablo 3 or bought Skyrim just because of the developer behind it. I'm sure it will sell at least 2 million just cause of the name Capcom is attached to it.
I think you mean "how many people didn't buy Skyrim just because of the developer behind it." It's Bethesda, the company making games that are less stable than Windows ME. I see that name as the developer and I let them keep making noise while keeping my money (you know, the polar opposite of "shut up and take my money"). I wouldn't even buy Skyrim off Steam for $5 because I just don't feel like running around the internet looking for fan-made patches and solutions to the constant freezing problems they stick us with anymore. Why should I do that when there are so many games out there that are both really fun to play AND aren't a technical mess? The better developers deserve my money, and Bethesda deserves none.


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
So long as they tell ppl the game is like Dark Souls, with options to make it as ez as Skyrim, they should be able to meet their target XD
Sep 14, 2009
Matthew94 said:
Bring it to PC and I may buy it, until then no sale.
normally i don't quite condone this attitude..but i've really started to feel this way, especially about open world rpg type games. i looked up the trailer and it doesn't look half bad, if it comes to PC i'd seriously consider getting it.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
Baron_BJ said:
That's an insane number even for games people actually give a shit about, let alone some random fucking title that Crapcom slapped together.

For those of you who keep asking how bad Crapcom's PR is let me put it this way: I'm actively boycotting the fuckpumps and nothing else. Not EA, Not Activision, just the skidmarks at Crapcom. That's how fucking terrible they are.

It's not exactly hard to maintain my "boycott" when almost no game they've made has ever controlled even relatively decently aside from their fighting games. Hell, you can't even look at their games that work for a positive example; for example DR2, yeah it worked well, but you can't tell me that it didn't feel "odd", you can't tell me the RE5 didn't feel "odd". That's putting it as nicely as I can.

I have a saying when it comes to the mouth breathing, knuckledragging, mono-browed dickheads at Crapcom:

"Capcom; where the retards go when Nintendo says NO."

EDIT: Allow me to tell you what I personally find to be Crapcom's most sickening act (it is what made me stop playing their games).

If your recall the Marvel vs. Capcom/Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom shitstorm from a while ago you may recall that they released the "Ultimate" version only 6 months later and refused to fix the old version or add the previously promised items (like a simple fucking spectator mode) and instead sold them as part of the Ultimate game, as well as the new characters and next to nothing else. People lost their shit and the idiots in their PR department gave multiple seperate responses, some said "It's how the game was coded, we simply couldn't update the game without rereleasing it", another even went so far as to blame the tsunami. However at later dates a few journalists interviewed some of the American branches of Capcom about the game, they asked the standard questions and asked why the game was being handled like this, a fair few of the responses were (please keep in mind that the people who commented had actually WORKED on the game) "this is just how they do it in Japan, it's their business practices". A basic admission that "The higher ups in Crapcom don't like DLC and would rather rerelease the full game near full price because they could get away with it in the 80's and 90's". After these comments were made it was discovered that these workers (they were team leaders) were "reprimanded" by seperate branches because, well, it proved the cuntbuckets were flat out lying to consumers, though these workers only told people the truth because the incompetant PR workers hadn't managed to inform them what they were meant to say.
Don't forget the announcement that happened a day after MML3 got canned. Even a braindead nitwit could read it as "We don't want to make an original title so heres a rerelease of a game you just bought thats mandatory."


New member
Nov 9, 2008
Is this estimation resulting from a confidence in the game's quality or in the marketing? Because if it's the former, then, well, that would be nice, but I still doubt it.