Capcom Thinks It can Sell 10 Million Copies of Dragon's Dogma

Beautiful End

New member
Feb 15, 2011
Hey. Hey Capcom. Psst! You wanna know what game might sell 10 million copies? Well, do ya? I'll tell you, then.


BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! No one's gonna buy that game, huh?! Throw away all the work we've done because we're not being "supportive" enough! Get rid of all upcoming titles starring one of the most iconic videogame characters ever!


Sorry, I'll never get over it. I was part of the Dev room; the fans who were trying to help create the game. I'm sure I'm not the only one out here.

Back to topic, Capcom is being too optimistic. Or is it delusional? I don't know; I get those two mixed. So unless this game is like Skyrim (Labeled best RPG so far) mixed with...Modern Warfare 3 (Crazy sales) and...Megaman Legends 3 (Had to be said!) and...sprinkled with baby dust, bathed in sunshine, lollipops and rainbows and delivered by the gods themselves, I doubt it will be remotely close to what they expect. Heck, if not even Skyrim was able to do that, or Kingdom of Amalur, another new game kinda like Skyrim which is not that bad, what could possibly make you think this game can? it has received less publicity than Kingdoms of Amalur itself.

Time to lay off the mushroom, Capcom. A challenge is good. I enjoy challenges myself. But you won't see me trying to swim my way to Cuba and then back to the US just because it's one hell of a challenge. That's just dumb. There's a difference.

PS: Before you continue with that trip, would you kindly start working on more pre-order bonus codes for Operation Raccoon City for the 360? It appears all video game retailers across the world ran out of codes already...and the game just came out today. Way to go, guys. Way to see ahead. This looks promising.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Waaghpowa said:
What's Dragon's Dogma?
That thing my karma ran over last week.
Leviano said:
Capcom seems to be eating the wrong type of mushrooms again >.>
You mean, there's a right kind of mushroom? o_O
80Maxwell08 said:
Starke said:
80Maxwell08 said:
Um actually it's Capcom's second largest dev team ever. They one upped themselves with the dev team for Resident Evil 6 by having 600 people work on that. Also considering Capcom has been spinning a PR nightmare like no other to the point where so many people are boycotting them they have a LOT of work to do.
Okay, I actually missed this. What's their latest PR disaster?
Well I was less referring to one disaster rather than the whole combination they have spun up. From denying the fan the Megaman Legends 3 prototype that they promised fans would come to the 3DS's digital store (I don't know it's name), the DMC reboot with Dante's new appearance that pissed off a huge amount of DMC fans, making Resident Evil 6 basically a straight up action game, the whole DLC on the disc crap involving Street Fighter x Tekken, cancelling every Megaman Title in a while. That's all that comes to my mind.
Oddly, and I don't know if this is at all diagnostic or not, but I sorta rolled all of that off into the irrelevant file on the way. The only thing I'd actually been processing as part of this mess was the abysmal review that Resident Evil: Multiplayer slamfest, or whatever the actual subtitle was, had gotten. Now, clearly if you want 10m units sold, in this market, you need to either do some hideously aggressive marketing, or you're going to need some very powerful drugs.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Beautiful End said:
Hey. Hey Capcom. Psst! You wanna know what game might sell 10 million copies? Well, do ya? I'll tell you, then.


BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! No one's gonna buy that game, huh?! Throw away all the work we've done because we're not being "supportive" enough! Get rid of all upcoming titles starring one of the most iconic videogame characters ever!


Sorry, I'll never get over it. I was part of the Dev room; the fans who were trying to help create the game. I'm sure I'm not the only one out here.
Honestly, and I know I'm not the first to say this, but, as iconic as Megaman is, the games just haven't been selling well. I don't know if that's because the series has a reputation for being so hard, or if the recent games were bad... (I honestly don't know, I vaguely remember back about eight years ago the series getting thrashed for a string of mediocre releases), or just that the character didn't translate well once he was voiced.

I'm not saying he should be taken out to pasture, but it isn't a guaranteed 10m sales, but, I'm guessing you actually know that, and I'm just wasting everyone's time here? :\


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
For some reason, "Jennifer's Body" springs to mind. It starred Megan Fox, and even SHE knew the movie was going to bust. She overheard some execs talking excitedly about how well the movie was going to sell, and she wasn't exactly sure how.

And now Capcom are those poor execs. Maybe they'll get the picture one day.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Zachary Amaranth said:
DVS BSTrD said:
Wait guys, this is Capcom we're talking about.
They probably meant to say Dragon's Dogma would be "1 million snails popular", you know like escargot. Those are pretty popular in France and Belgium.
You're right about the typo, but you're wrong about where the typo is. They predict over 10 sales.
Hmmm... do you think they can manage that? Generally, something with no marketing fails to meet ANY sales goal.

Beautiful End

New member
Feb 15, 2011
Starke said:
Beautiful End said:
Hey. Hey Capcom. Psst! You wanna know what game might sell 10 million copies? Well, do ya? I'll tell you, then.


BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! No one's gonna buy that game, huh?! Throw away all the work we've done because we're not being "supportive" enough! Get rid of all upcoming titles starring one of the most iconic videogame characters ever!


Sorry, I'll never get over it. I was part of the Dev room; the fans who were trying to help create the game. I'm sure I'm not the only one out here.
Honestly, and I know I'm not the first to say this, but, as iconic as Megaman is, the games just haven't been selling well. I don't know if that's because the series has a reputation for being so hard, or if the recent games were bad... (I honestly don't know, I vaguely remember back about eight years ago the series getting thrashed for a string of mediocre releases), or just that the character didn't translate well once he was voiced.

I'm not saying he should be taken out to pasture, but it isn't a guaranteed 10m sales, but, I'm guessing you actually know that, and I'm just wasting everyone's time here? :\
Well, that was all true...back then. But MML is a series that has aged well. I played it when I was around 14 and I didn't think the game was that hard. But if it was, then a third entry to the series couldn't come at a better time. With games that embrace the difficulty curve becoming more and more popular (Dark/Demon's Souls, Ninja Gaiden, even Dragon Age and Skyrim, if you will), MML3 would be well received.

With only two MML games out there and over 10 years to learn from their mistakes, which were not that big to begin with (The biggest one being Megaman's voice actress, which I'll completely agree with you there), and what with the new console's power, MML3 could be a huge success. Imagine the difference between the PS1 graphics to the current gen. consoles. And if all that sounds like bull, just look at all the support the project received when it wasn't even confirmed we'd get the game for sure. And look at all the negative feedback they got from the cancellation.

Sorry if I got a bit carried away. But it just pisses me off when Capcom puts all their efforts and faith on a project that can't possibly sell over 10m copies. Yet, they decide to kill a project that could surely sell more copies than Dragon's Dogma. Simply because the title has the name Megaman in it. Simple as that. Maybe not 10m, but surely more than whatever copies this game will sell. Think about it: your average gamer might hold Dragon's Dogma and MML3's cases in his hands. Which one do you think he'll consider giving a chance if he could only choose one? I'd say 8 out of 10 people would choose Megaman for whatever reason. Hands down.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Beautiful End said:
Sorry if I got a bit carried away. But it just pisses me off when Capcom puts all their efforts and faith on a project that can't possibly sell over 10m copies. Yet, they decide to kill a project that could surely sell more copies than Dragon's Dogma. Simply because the title has the name Megaman in it. Simple as that. Maybe not 10m, but surely more than whatever copies this game will sell. Think about it: your average gamer might hold Dragon's Dogma and MML3's cases in his hands. Which one do you think he'll consider giving a chance if he could only choose one? I'd say 8 out of 10 people would choose Megaman for whatever reason. Hands down.
I'm not sure that would be the number though. I mean, and this may be somewhat diagnostic here, but, for me Capcom killed the franchise over a decade ago. I got started on the character with the NES, so fast forward to the fully voiced stuff back ten years ago, and I saw no connection to the franchise I'd loved.

And, unfortunately that's part of the problem. There are a lot of players who, like myself, saw the series killed off and skinned before their eyes and replaced with, something that looked like a bad JRPG. Coming back now, the brand ends up being that for a lot of potential consumers there's a stigma on the franchise there.


New member
Aug 17, 2008
Real fucking smart to make a classic fantasy-styled open world RPG and not release it on PC.


New member
Sep 3, 2010
This article's a joke, right? I mean, calling DMC 4 "Devil Mary Cry 4" is a MAJOR giveaway Escapist. Nice try.


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
I know im buying my copy, so one down and 9,999,999 to go.

Still, im sure theyre only saying this to raise awareness.

Flunk said:
I wish they had at least checked with a US marketing group before picking that name. Does "Dragon's Dogma" even make sense grammatically? Even if it does it doesn't make sense in context. Why would the beliefs of Dragons matter to us?
The title may not mean much at the start, but since this game is going to have some attempt at story (poor thing) theres probably going to be something in the game to justify the title.

For example i know that the dragon that rips out the player characters heart in the intro is named and is anything but mindless. Capcom is trying with the story here, time will tel if the attempt falls flat on its face.

Beautiful End

New member
Feb 15, 2011
Starke said:
Beautiful End said:
Sorry if I got a bit carried away. But it just pisses me off when Capcom puts all their efforts and faith on a project that can't possibly sell over 10m copies. Yet, they decide to kill a project that could surely sell more copies than Dragon's Dogma. Simply because the title has the name Megaman in it. Simple as that. Maybe not 10m, but surely more than whatever copies this game will sell. Think about it: your average gamer might hold Dragon's Dogma and MML3's cases in his hands. Which one do you think he'll consider giving a chance if he could only choose one? I'd say 8 out of 10 people would choose Megaman for whatever reason. Hands down.
I'm not sure that would be the number though. I mean, and this may be somewhat diagnostic here, but, for me Capcom killed the franchise over a decade ago. I got started on the character with the NES, so fast forward to the fully voiced stuff back ten years ago, and I saw no connection to the franchise I'd loved.

And, unfortunately that's part of the problem. There are a lot of players who, like myself, saw the series killed off and skinned before their eyes and replaced with, something that looked like a bad JRPG. Coming back now, the brand ends up being that for a lot of potential consumers there's a stigma on the franchise there.
Well, MML might not stick to the well-known Megaman stuff, like Dr. Wily and 9 Robot bosses and stuff, but it was still pretty good. To me, Megaman Battle Network was horrible. A game where Megaman wears a spandex suit and is being controlled by some kid because he's a computer program or something? Essentially, a Pokemon-like game? That was rock bottom, if you ask me. Yet, the franchise managed to sell a bunch of games and get a bunch of sequels. So even if it wasn't the Megaman from the 80s/90s, it was still pretty popular. They must have done something right.

I think it's the same with MML here. Yeah, I can't confirm the game would sell as fast pancakes with a cup of hot chocolate. I mean, I don't work at Capcom (See what I did there?). But again, based only on the fans' reaction to all that stuff regarding MML, you can tell people were pretty pumped up about the game. Not only that, but because Capcom was supposedly working with us, the fans, we were kinda led to believe the game would be REALLY good. And even those who were new to the franchise but still helped with the project, just for the sake of helping, would be more inclined to buy the game.

Getting the fans involved and interested in the project was a great move by Capcom. It's something that Tim Schafer did pretty well too with his Double Fine Kickstarter project that managed to fund a heapload of money, way beyond expectations.
Canceling the game and then blaming it on the fans and something they hadn't even done yet was a horrible, HORRIBLE move by Capcom.

It's not like they were trying to make a Duke Nukem sequel; a sequel to a game so bad that it shouldn't even be allowed to exist. MML wasn't all bad. Even for a Megaman spin-off, it had a good plot, memorable characters and the last game left us with a cliffhanger. Fans want more of it and the proof is the number of fans it still has after all these years, which is more than can be said for even better games that people have easily forgotten about.

So yeah, I don't see this game as a better choice over any Megaman game, for that matter. A new IP can't sell as good as a well-known franchise. It's the same reason why CoD games sell so well: they're all essentially the same with a few tweaks here and there. but people who love CoD games will continue to buy the next CoD game because it has the name CoD in it. Capcom had a great chance and they pretty much destroyed it.


New member
Apr 30, 2011
Yeah that won't happen. I'm sure there's nothing wrong with the game, it looks pretty good in fact, but there's other problems. I'm sure a lot of people will probably dismiss it as a Skyrim or Dragon Age rip off without even considering it. Also it hasn't really been that widely publicised. We don't really know much about it and it's not widely known either. If they wanted to sell such an ambitious number of a new IP they need to publicise it a lot. Like KoA: Reckoning got. And that only got moderate success. If they hadn't the game probably wouldn't have done even that well.


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
I actually really like the look of this game.

HOWEVER, I have only found gameplay footage by chance on youtube, I have NOT seen advertisement for it anywhere. Where will 10 million sales come from?


New member
Nov 2, 2010
Soviet Heavy said:
What!? You put a one and two zeros on that and we'll talk!

"How much did you get me?"

A hundred copies!
I see what you did there ;)

So a new IP with little exposure in the west hopes to sell 10 milion copies? Hrmph, not even with all the Resident Evil fans (for early acces to RE6 demo). Just for comparison, Kingdoms of Amalur(new IP) sold 330 000 copies (granted in US alone), while Skyrim, (sequel to an established franchise) sold 3,5 million (again, this was in first two days and number has probably grown). Hell, it took FF VII 15 years to reach that number of sales.
What's sad about this is; when game fails to live up to publishers unreasonable expectations there's gonna be a lot of talk about used games ruining industry, people pirating it or even review scores affecting sales (you know, reviewers not playing the game right bullshit) and will give Capocom another reason not to release some future games outside Japan.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
"Capcom reckons Dragon's Dogma [New IP] will be popular"

"- like "10 million sales" popular."

Capcom, just GTFO. If you think I'm paying £40 out of the blue for a new IP that has no reputation with me...


New member
Aug 1, 2009
Daystar Clarion said:
10 million copies?

Are you just sure that isn't another typo, Capcom?
Considering Capcom's run of typos has been added characters, either the 1 or the 0 was accidentally added. So they're expecting to sell either 1 million or 0 million copies.


New member
Feb 13, 2012
Capcom's Resident Evil 4 is one of the most critically acclaimed games ever and even that hasn't hit the 10 million mark (on all formats).
Just do a quick Google search for top selling games and you'll see it's actually pretty rare for modern games to sell 10 million.
I think this is the first time I've actually seen an article about Dragon's Dogma. I only discovered it's existence about a week ago by looking at '2012 in gaming' on wikipedia.

Not a chance, Capcom...