Captain America Movie Will Have Musical Numbers


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
That sounds like it could be even worse than the last Captain America movie they did.

However right now being a nationalist American is wrong, heck they even turned GI Joe into a multinational unit... and it bloody stands for "General Issue American" and was also intended to be highly nationalistic. Sheesh.

If they have problem with Jingoism they shouldn't be making a Captain America movie at all.

... and his costume is supposed to be made out of super-tech chain mail that makes him highly resistant to damage even when he doesn't block things with his shield. He was not intended to be a Black Ops guy, but some dude who would drop down into the trenches and go charging through enemy lines, inspiring the troops to follow his unstoppable example as bullets/tankshells/etc... all bounced off his shield, which he could then like throw
through a bloody tank's gun.

I find this almost insulting in a way, I hope it's something that will be changed.

But then again, with the job they did on Captain America (and pretty much the entire Marvel Universe) to make some kind of retarded statement on modern politics that have no place in that universe, it really doesn't surprise me (and yes, I'm referring to "Civil War" even if somehow it sold well).


Old Hands
Apr 6, 2009
Logan Westbrook said:
"The costume is a flag, but the way we're getting around that is we have Steve Rogers forced into the USO circuit. After he's made into this super-soldier, they decide they can't send him into combat and risk him getting killed. He's the only one and they can't make more. So they say, 'You're going to be in this USO show' and they give him a flag suit. He can't wait to get out of it... So he's up on stage doing songs and dances with chorus girls and he can't wait to get out and really fight."

"When he does go AWOL, he covers up the suit but then, after a few things happen, he realizes that this uniform allows him to lead. By then, he's become a star in the public mind and a symbol. The guys get behind him because he embodies something special," he continued.
Is this fanfiction or is this the actual plot of the movie? By Jove, who's paying him to do this?


New member
Jul 8, 2009
While it doesn't sound that great (a bit of an understatement perhaps), it's got quite a job to top the awfulness of the 1990 movie



New member
Dec 3, 2007
Of all the things you could do with the character....

It had better a be a freakin' awesome dance number.


New member
Nov 14, 2009
Let me check my calendar. No, April hasn't started yet. In that case, I'm thoroughly confused. That's just odd and wrong.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Leave the Cap'n alone, and just make a kick ass movie where he beats on Nazis and the Red Skull for two hours.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Well, there goes Hollywood, ruining awesome super heroes.

What the fuck is honestly wrong with Cap's outfit? Oh it's got a flag, how edgy. Seriously though, this better be a joke. Cap it full of badassery, making him a two-bit performer is just... stupid.

Poor Steve.


PS Thanks
May 29, 2009
Anyone see the episode of Batman: The Brave and the Bold, "Mayhem of the Music Meister"? It was excellent, and that was freaking BATMAN of all heroes.

If this is done well, it can be great. People just need to get over their ridiculous fear of musicals, and remember how great movies used to be when people weren't bothered by singing and dancing.

P.S. Thanks

Queen Michael

has read 4,010 manga books
Jun 9, 2009
The only way this'll turn out okay is to make that singin' and dancin' darn good.


New member
Sep 18, 2009
Therumancer said:
However right now being a nationalist American is wrong, heck they even turned GI Joe into a multinational unit... and it bloody stands for "General Issue American" and was also intended to be highly nationalistic. Sheesh.
Actually it's less about nationalities and more about "whoever the hell is good enough",

Covarr said:
Anyone see the episode of Batman: The Brave and the Bold, "Mayhem of the Music Meister"? It was excellent, and that was freaking BATMAN of all heroes.

If this is done well, it can be great. People just need to get over their ridiculous fear of musicals, and remember how great movies used to be when people weren't bothered by singing and dancing.

P.S. Thanks
Yes but that version of batman is just camp enough to pull it off, Captain America on the other hand...

Deacon Cole

New member
Jan 10, 2009
I've heard worse ideas. It sounds like this is going to be intentionally bad because Cap doesn't want to do this. He didn't sign up to be a publicity stunt, but to kill Nazis. What this does is explain the moronic costume he wears and why he continues to wear it. It's a weak explanation, but stronger than most.

Personally, I'd rather not have filmmakers spend too much time explaining why super heroes put on silly outfits and go by silly names. They should just take all of that as a given and then do something neat with it.

But, of all the other needless exp0lanations in super hero films for why the hero wears a costume like it's the Fire Island Barn Dance, this is at least somewhat clever. I would prefer they not force us to watch cap sing and dance. It will be terrible. It's supposed to be terrible. But at least the reasons behind it are not as horrible as they could be.
Sep 14, 2009
GestaltEsper said:
...Show of hands, who thinks the director's Pro-Reg?
lol, good one

overall it could be okay, the whole captain america thing is and always will be a little bit cheesy, which i like about him, so give it a rest, it hasn't even come out yet and their is more nerd rage here then on a fuckin halo game


Elite Member
May 28, 2009
Soo... uhh... yeah.

I wasn't really looking forward to this movie in the first place so this doesn't really affect me. Actually, that's a lie, it does affect me a little. This is a pretty unique idea so I'm kinda interested in seeing where they go with it.

Sir Kemper

New member
Jan 21, 2010
We can only hope the song is a variation of 'America, Fuck Yeah!'

That would be epic.


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
Actually I can see that working. It's not like he wants to dance, like Spiderman did, but he can't do anything else as he's too valuable. It also explains the costume. The hardest part of Golden and Silver age comic book movies.


New member
May 19, 2008
They make a super-soldier and decide that they shouldn't risk using him as a soldier?


New member
Dec 3, 2008
The amount of communists he's going to need to kill to fix this balance is ridiculous.

Extra annoyed since Cap'n is my favourite marvel comic series so was really really hoping to see a decent film adaptation. It wouldn't even have to be that loyal to source material, some bits are going to be hard to transfer on to the big screen I accept that, but still a good film.

He's the epitome of an America Hero, you can give him all the flags you want and he's still kick ass. Although don't do a spidey 3 where our hero poses in font of a waving flag just before the final fight, that was just awful.