Catherine Publisher Talks About Covering Up Game's Risque Art


Elite Member
Nov 6, 2008
Zom-B said:
In the scheme of things, changing the box art is not an earthshaking event. On the other hand, it gives the conservative mindset, the ignorant, the fearful power over what other consenting adults can and cannot view. Sure, there is the "what about the children angle", but it's up to parents to control what their children are exposed to to some degree while at the same time educating and preparing them for the times when they are not under parental supervision. We can't shelter our children until the age of 21 and then thrust them into the adult world with no exposure to adult situations and materials and expect them to be able to deal with things like sexuality in a thoughtful, mature and positive manner.
I'm going to do the same snipping with your post to avoid having a massive wall but first I'm going to tackle this specific paragraph. Now I agree with you 100% that parents should control what their kids see and that the government should keep their noses out of what they find offensive because most of their opinions are irrelevant due to not being a part of the actual present culture for quite some time. But this isn't something that happens in the privacy of one's home. This is a public place where children will be (and be there often) and some parents simply aren't ok with that. You might say that's hypocritical, but I can't tell you how many times I've seen parents with kids look at movie posters or video game boxes and say things like "This is disgusting" or "How can you show this kind of stuff in public?" People are easily offended. This is more of a matter of trying to not have to deal with parents raising their own kids...

I know it doesn't make much sense, but I prefer keeping the peace over causing outrage for no reason. Controversy is very important, especially in today's society which is (thankfully) moving away from the outdated and backwards world of Conservatism where they feel like banning things is easier than having people choose for themselves in order to gain the votes of older people who are out of touch and easily offended (and yet claim to be for small government but that's a topic for another day). But I only believe that controversy is appropriate when... well, it's appropriate. For instance, gay pride parades are controversial to some people (read: bigots) but we live in a time where gay marriage is still considered wrong by (unfortunately) a very large amount of people. What they're doing is putting people in an uncomfortable position in order to bring up discussion. I find that completely appropriate. However, what is Catherine trying to prove by doing this?

Change can happen, but when you try to force it for no reason, you prove nothing. I try to look at the opposite side when I look at this. On our side, we see that the society that we live in is moving away from a backwards, overly religious, and easily offended one and turning into a more accepting and reasonable one where people are learning to raise their own kids rather than having everyone suffer through censorship in order to keep their children "safe." The opposing view, though, sees our side as sinful and evil and indulgent in earthly pleasures (don't laugh, I've actually heard people say this kind of stuff) and that we're trying for nothing more than shock value.

What I'm trying to say is this... we live in a backwards society. America obviously has it's priorities all wrong. But forcing sexuality into places where it doesn't need to be proves nothing and only sends a message that we are merely just trying to offend everyone to get a reaction. Change is gradual, but it can and will happen and it's happening a lot faster than it has before. It's silly to us now, but society is stubborn and doesn't like thinking for itself.

And throughout this, I've just assumed you were American which might not be the case, but it is the case for me. I'm from Tennessee, so I'm right in the Bible Belt. Wikipedia says that Nashville (more or less where I live) is "sometimes referred to as The Protestant Vatican." I see and deal with the kind of people who would sue over a nip slip every single day. This would not go over well with these people and while I understand that they aren't everyone, they make up a good majority of the population. We have to let new ideas grow on people, and we'll meet people who don't want to listen, but like I've said, change is gradual and more people will listen if we actually sit down and let societal change happen instead of trying to shove it in everyone's faces. While that does work at times, I don't feel like having a video game with sexual content on its box art sends the best message or will work in any positive way.

Rabid Chipmunk

New member
Nov 11, 2010
I honestly don't see what the big deal is. Yeah, it's a shame the box art got changed, but the game is still the same, so what the hell does it matter? And frankly, I don't think too many Americans are going to buy Catherine based on what they see on the cover as they pass it; I believe it's going to be a cult hit.


New member
Oct 16, 2009
With any luck Europe won't be affected by this bullshit. Not that I'd be picky over cover art, hell, I'm not even sure if I'll get the game, god knows I've been burned before by hammy-as-fuck english dubs on japanese games before (Zone of the Enders 2 I'm looking at you). It's the double standard chickenshit many here have commented on already. "Cool! Guns, murder, guts and blood! Awesom... OH MY GOD! Is that some side boob??? Get the censorship crew in here double time!!!"


New member
Sep 20, 2009
This is why I love it when Australia bans a game and we get called the demons of the industry, yet the US can't even handle some slightly raunchy box art.


Elite Member
Jun 27, 2009
United States
I'm sick of the negative attitude towards sex in the United States.
We won't move on as a society if you can't understand that Sex is good and not dirty in any way.


Mages Rule, and Dragons Fly!
May 2, 2011
United States
ramox said:
acsoundwave said:
Not "America", but Wal-Mart & K-Mart: they have to stock the game.

(captcha: ecomagination...?)
...just, no.

It's not Wal-Mart or the like. It is indeed a US thing. And one that will never cease to baffle me.
Nowhere else nudity and sexuality are regarded as less apropriate for minors than any kind of violence.

so yeah:
GrizzlerBorno said:
Some day America will stop being such a Hypocritical prude.....
Stop being a hypocritical prude? The U.S.? Ha! Yeah, and Microsoft will stop making Halo. Ha!

(disclaimer: Post ment to spread Ha ha's not boo hoo's.):p


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Meh, as long as the game will still be 2deep4 12 year olds, no one will notice it. And the angle isn't that much worse, just zoomed in, so my imagination will do the rest. As long as all the remixed Romantic-era music is still in, I'm cool.


New member
Feb 8, 2011
ProfessorLayton said:
However, what is Catherine trying to prove by doing this?

And throughout this, I've just assumed you were American which might not be the case, but it is the case for me.
Catherine itself might not be trying to prove anything, but from a cultural and societal standpoint it's saying that adults have sex, we think about sex, we talk about sex, we play games and watch movies that include sex and that there's nothing wrong with it. It's normal and decent and part of what makes us human.

Hiding it away because it might offend some people keeps sexuality stigmatized. I don't advocate putting hardcore pornography where anyone can see, but children can see adults in wet bathing suits at the beach or pool which can be just as revealing and sexy as cover art for a game or book.

It's about exposing people to it in a way that presents it as a "normal" thing, not as something that should be hidden from certain people so they're not offended or warped in some way.

And for the record,I'm Canadian, from Vancouver, British Columbia, which I guess is a fairly liberal part of a relatively liberal country.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
I'm still trying to figure out why everyone is awaiting this game with the same ferocity as Duke Nukem Forever.

Someone enlighten me. Is it the sex? The platforming? Story?

As for the cover art. I don't really see the problem. At least the content isn't being censored. The good ol' U.S of A decided not to be Australia on this one. Great job guys.


The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
xXAsherahXx said:
I'm still trying to figure out why everyone is awaiting this game with the same ferocity as Duke Nukem Forever.

Someone enlighten me. Is it the sex? The platforming? Story?

As for the cover art. I don't really see the problem. At least the content isn't being censored. The good ol' U.S of A decided not to be Australia on this one. Great job guys.
The developers are the same people behind the critically acclaimed Persona series. Add that to the fact that this is a original title trying to experiment and test new ideas among the sequel dominated market this year and you are going to get excited fans.


New member
Oct 27, 2010
I support censored box art, these games are displayed in areas that commonly have kids, and I myself see no problem with kids seeing this sort of imagery, it's still be the decision of the parent when a child gets exposed to this sort of thing, besides the game itself is unchanged so why should anyone even care.


New member
Apr 29, 2010
Sorry, the bad news was glossed over by the reminder this article covered:

We're getting the game itself without any changes. <3


From high atop the treehouse
May 3, 2011
The game is the same. The box art change doesn't phase me, offend me or make my heart skip a beat with rage.

I'm glad Walmart is changing the cover of it for two reasons:
1- I don't have to be the one to explain the sexysexsex to my niece while we're cruising through the videogame isle looking for Poniez.

2-Those poor people who are working the Walmart electronics section won't have to be yelled at for something they can't control; imagine the outrage from scary people they would have to endure. I shudder at the thought of what even an hour of their workday looks like.


New member
Nov 2, 2009
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
Seriously? I find that laughable. Having a gruff looking middle aged guy pointing a sawed off shotgun at people from a poster is okay, but a hint of sexuality? Gah, offensive! Go away!
Yes, sir.

This is really starting to tick me off. How twisted must the american view of sex be in order to make me feel like a sex-crazed person just because I think it's nothing wrong with it.

Don't forget that games are made for kids. Would someone please think of the children???