Changing my name (Yes I'm serious)


New member
Mar 27, 2009
Whatislove said:
Even though I hated FF8, I liked Seifer Almasy and out of all the names it is the most practical as far as naming convention is concerned (I would choose the spelling Siefer as shown in the picture over Seifer simply because It is closer to how I pronounce it).
I'd say Seifer Almasy (yes, spelt normally; I simply like how that spelling looks on paper). I'd actually consider changing my name to it...y'know. If I could be arsed to change it at all. With that said, it's fairly normal, actually, and so is genuinely useable. That's my vote.

Unless you're japanese. In that case, go ahead, Kaiba.


Digital Oracle
Nov 9, 2008
Whatislove said:
Long story short, I hate my name and I?m super nerdy, so as well as covering myself in nerd tattoos I am going to legally change my name to one of the names pictured.
I'm guessing that you're still rather young. If you're dead-set on changing your name, now is certainly the time to do it. The truth is that although some have said "it's like a tattoo (which you can have removed); just change it back later if you find out that it's causing you problems...", it's not that simple.

A tattoo exists only on your body: you can get laser surgery to remove them. Your name is heavily tied to your identity, and moving forward, just the process of moving through life is going to weave a web of financial, professional and personal connections that will all be impacted by a name change.

And honestly? You will most likely want to change your name back at some point in the future, when you are no longer so enamored of being the 'out there' geek-type. Seriously, how many people who are even moderately successful in the professional or personal spheres do you hear of that have weird names (athletes being the edge-case)? You don't hear about Darth Cruxis the CEO, or even the middle manager, nor do you hear about Mithos Yggdrasil being in a great relationship with an attractive, intelligent woman.
You hear about him being the loner barista at age 38 working in your coffee shop. Still.

And I know that you say that you feel secure in your job, but you are literally making yourself unpromotable/potentially unemployable: people who don't know you are going to immediately question your judgment- this will impact applying for other jobs, promotions within your job (you say you're cool with your boss, but he's not going to always be your boss if he has even an ounce of ambition; plus, in order to give you a promotion, he has to consider how it will appear to other people in the company, like his boss!). Then there are loans, applications for other services, what the cop is going to say when he pulls you over and gets your license...

I would strongly, strongly, strongly advise you to select one of the more subtle options like #3 and #4: true geeks will "get it", and the strongest comment you'll receive is "that's an unusual name". Hell, it might even work in your favor like Arnold Schwartzenegger's did. But 'Darth'? I'm sorry man, that's just going to cause people to shake their head and pity you as the Star Wars nerd who refused to grow up.

Oh, and a PS: for those of you who say "the world is evolving, people/employers/girls/etc won't have a problem with it." I would put to you that unless you are older than 30, it is highly likely you lack experience broad enough to make that statement (with a few very, very rare exceptions).


New member
Jul 2, 2010
OhJohnNo said:
Comocat said:
In International News, the continent of Australia has gone dark and no new communications from the country have been received in several hours. We are, however, receiving word that networking tycoon Darth Yggdrasil has forwarded his list of demands to the local authorities, giving them limited time to respond.
This too. If you go with any of these names and don't become a corrupt media tycoon, I will be disappointed.
Thank you. It's been a while since I laughed like that.


Elite Member
Mar 20, 2010
purf said:
Man. I don't even.

Is there any ryhme or reason behind the particular pairings? How about Prince Almasy? Might give you a headstart to get those billions of your family's fortune out of Nigeria.

Schnitzel Wurst?
Alka Seltzer?
Badumm Tish?
Ima Doush?
Allur Base?
Or the classic, Michael Hunt. Everyone loves Mike Hunt.

On the upside, a lot of people would probably mishear "Darth" as "Garth" and assume you were named by someone who is either big on country music or Wayne's World.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
That's like getting a permanent face tattoo. It will make your life hard and you will surely regret it down the road.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
AWAR said:
That's like getting a permanent face tattoo. It will make your life hard and you will surely regret it down the road.
I have to agree with this guy.


New member
Sep 27, 2009
1. Darth Cruxis.
2. Siefer Almasy.

Guys, he's given this a lot of thought. Let's just wish him the best of luck.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
3 or 4. I could actually see someone going by those names.

I don't think I'd want my first name to be Darth or Prince, and I'd consider anyone who demanded to be called their full name all the time highly annoying. Mithos is also a weird, silly name.


New member
Jun 25, 2012
Please dont go with Mithos Yggdrasil. Just dont do it. Aside from the sheer silliness of being essentially called "Legend: Tree of Life", which sounds like a terrible video game name, there is also the issue of cultural appropriation. You do realize Yggdrasil is actually a really core part of some culture's mythology, and even religion? There are people that still practice spiritual rites using concepts and characters like Yggdrasil, Loki, Odin etc. Hollywood and the comic industry is bad enough about abusing these concepts without people walking around naming themselves after them for giggles.

And I wont lie, as a native Greek speaker, I am not too thrilled about seeing my language being constantly bastardized because it sounds "cool", from people with no understanding of what the words mean, or their cultural significance. Anime is particularly horrible at this, just throwing seemingly random greek words in there when they need something to sound arcane or mystical. It's really pretty off-putting, and more than a little offensive.

Other than that, I gotta go for Siefer, not so much for the day to day implications of having a normal sounding name, since you clearly don't care about that, but because it simply sounds less of a caricature. It's a somewhat subtle reference that presents a person as more than simply a gamer or geek, but a person which happens to like geekery. If I heard it, I'd go "huh, interesting", instead of "huh, you got nothing else going on do you?". And this comes from a massive geek.

Legato is a solid runner up, but the surname Kaiba is pretty bad. Aside from the cultural insensibility and weeboness of simply assuming a Japanese name just 'cause(assuming you don't actually have Japanese roots), it also does not really flow very well. Legato's original surname is much more fitting.

As for the other two... well, at that point, you are going for full on caricature, so I would suggest the best of both worlds, Darth Vegeta. Brilliant.


The leading man, who else?
Aug 23, 2009
Like my mother says: a day not laughed is a day not lived. God, this thread is funny. I still think (and hope) that this thread is a joke. Then again, you already have the tattoos, so that says enough... Seriously, you're 22 and you think this is a good idea, and more to the point, this is the best you can come up with? Really? Ah well, it's your life, go for it. I'd pick option 3, since that IMO would be the least embarassing for people around you.

(And you're not American? Colour me shocked!)


New member
Feb 12, 2010
Pick one where the first and the last name can be used seperately. Prince Vegeta or Darth Cruxis sound fine when you use the full name (well, they probably sound fine to you at least :p; I honestly think all of them are silly, but you should do whatever you like), but you'll use your full name only to introduce yourself. At any other time, people will want to refer to you by your first name, or on formal occasions, by your last name. Titles like 'Prince' or 'Darth' aren't really suitable as first names, imo.


New member
Jul 2, 2009
My vote would have to be for Seifer Almasy because it sounds more...acceptable than the others, I suppose? Something that would look better on your public records and such.

Also, you would still want to be taken seriously and with a name like Prince Vegeta I just don't see that happening.


New member
Jan 11, 2013
Whatislove said:
ccdohl said:
Related question, how do you pronounce Yggdrasil? I'd say go with number 5, unless you can't pronounce it.
From Tales of Symphonia it is pronounced ~Mee-thohss yig~drah~sill~
I haven't played the game so i don't know, but is the name actually spoken in dialogue? As far as i know, (as i don't know of any other yggdrasil) it's originally the name of the mythic tree of life. In which case the y is pronounced differently in the same way fjord is pronounced fyord, so so it would be igg-drah-sill. Even if its not and the y is pronounced, id strongly urge you to pronounce it the norse way, as that's how most people who know of the word know the context; in norse mythology, and i highly doubt you want to be correcting people on how to pronounce your own name. Lest you come off as an idiot who cant pronounce the name he chose for him self.
OT: I'm voting for Darth and Prince just because i want to see you come back, and let people know how they reacted to you and whether you plan to change it back. If you want to be a glutton for punishment be my guest. :p


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Isn't Vegeta named after "vegetable?"

Imagine meeting some die-hard fan of the show and him telling you that you changed your name to a pun on "vegetable."

OT: I choose First Last.


New member
Oct 25, 2012
Sherokain said:
Whatislove said:
ccdohl said:
Related question, how do you pronounce Yggdrasil? I'd say go with number 5, unless you can't pronounce it.
From Tales of Symphonia it is pronounced ~Mee-thohss yig~drah~sill~
I haven't played the game so i don't know, but is the name actually spoken in dialogue? As far as i know, (as i don't know of any other yggdrasil) it's originally the name of the mythic tree of life. In which case the y is pronounced differently in the same way fjord is pronounced fyord, so so it would be igg-drah-sill. Even if its not and the y is pronounced, id strongly urge you to pronounce it the norse way, as that's how most people who know of the word know the context; in norse mythology, and i highly doubt you want to be correcting people on how to pronounce your own name. Lest you come off as an idiot who cant pronounce the name he chose for him self.
OT: I'm voting for Darth and Prince just because i want to see you come back, and let people know how they reacted to you and whether you plan to change it back. If you want to be a glutton for punishment be my guest. :p
It is spoken in-game, yes, but also it has slightly different spelling to the tree of life - Yggdrassil vs. Yggdrasill - I'm sure it is meant to reference the tree of life somewhat considering most of the game revolves around the world tree (named the giant kharlan tree) which gives out mana (E.G Life).

I definitely plan on doing a follow-up after it's been changed, I'm just tossing up ideas, like, do I start a weekly/fortnightly/monthly blog to document all the experiences I've had/am having or do I just come back in 6 months with a thread or blog post to let people know how the first 6 months were? In any case, I've got a while to think about it.

AgentLampshade said:
Isn't Vegeta named after "vegetable?"

Imagine meeting some die-hard fan of the show and him telling you that you changed your name to a pun on "vegetable."

OT: I choose First Last.
Yeah it does mean Vegetable which kind of sucks, but all the DBZ names were derived from foods/every day items (well most were anyway)


Power Vacuumer
Jun 28, 2010
OlasDAlmighty said:
That's a great image, I think I might shamelessly steal borrow it in other threads, because boy, is it need sometimes.

OT: Don't do it, it's a terrible idea. On a gaming forum populated by geeks and nerds, the consensus seems to be that we couldn't take you seriously. What would the rest of the world think?
You may say that you don't care, but that doesn't mean something like that won't affect you.

OhJohnNo said:
Wow. Lots of people here care way too much about "chances with the opposite sex".
You can care too much about that, but I think that going through with this would severely hamper chances forming long term relationships. There is nothing wrong with not wanting to die alone and thus making choices fitting along those objectives. Few of us want to die alone with no companion.


New member
Dec 28, 2012
People like the OP are the reason name changes have such bullshit rules and high monetary costs.

You're making life harder for people who actually need them.


New member
Dec 27, 2008
Whatislove said:
Long story short, I hate my name and I?m super nerdy, so as well as covering myself in nerd tattoos I am going to legally change my name to one of the names pictured.
Alright, I'm not gonna lie here, buddy. What I'm gonna list isn't on your list. And, to be honest, it's a reference to a japanese porn mag. But, when you hear the name, I think you'll agree that it's awesome.

Change your name to Dick MacNamara.


Sure, you could wuss out and say, "Well, I'll just use Richard for the first name," but NO. Use Dick MacNamara. Just imagine that on your passport. You walk into the airport, hand your passport to the TSA agent (Just for my sake, we'll assume you're American), and that guy looks at you and says, "Dick MacNamara? Is that... Is that even real?" And you now have the right to look that punk in the face and say, "Too goddamned right, BOY."

You'll be too manly for them to search. Oh, and for added emphasis, become as ripped as possible, and perhaps become a porn star. BAM! Name change and career counseling, all in one epic package. DICK MACNAMARA FOR THE WIN.


New member
Oct 25, 2012
Thanks everyone so far for casting your votes, I won't thank the people continually (still) trying to persuade me (Protip: Nothing you say will make me change my mind)

I just wanted to update the thread with the current scores based on escapist's and tumblr's votes (keep in mind the first choice vote is worth 3 points and second is worth 1)

Currently in 1st place is Mithos Yggdrasill with 100 points
Second is Prince Vegeta with 94
Siefer Almasy placed 3rd with 91
4th place is taken by Legato Kaiba with 82 points
and in last place is Darth Cruxis with a mere 63 points

All in all it is still any name's game at the moment, the top 3 are very close.

There is 7 days left to cast your final votes before I make my final decision and get the process rolling