Characters you reckon have literally ZERO fans?


New member
Apr 16, 2010
Well, Scrappy-Doo and Jar jar are the only things that come to mind.

Oh yeah, Chris from Sonic X. So utterly useless and incompetent and acts gay for Sonic most of the time, acting like he doesn't have any friends than him. The show would have been better without him.


Vocal SJW
Nov 15, 2009
I liked Navi, personally. Sorry to all those who said Navi.
Mido, on the other hand...who even remembers that guy when they think OOT? I'm going to go with him.


New member
Mar 15, 2009
Anyone dressed in a red uniform in Star Trek the original series as they were offed as quickly as they came on screen.
Oh and Snow from FFXIII, talk about been melodramatic..."Seeeeerrrrrrrraaaaaaah!" Over and over and over and over *Sigh* Just kill him already!


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
Fiendishfiend said:
coxafloppin said:
Fiendishfiend said:
I don't know if hes been said yet or not but: Henry "Hank" Pym.

Ant-man. Giant-man. Goliath. Yellowjacket. Whatever.

He could shrink and command ants, then grow, then shrink and grow, then beat his wife.
I don't think anyone really liked him that much even when he was in the original avengers, Why are they making a movie about him?
Very good point, Hank Pym is an arogant asshole.

Is he getting his own movie? Or being featured on a more important avengers movie?
I think the speculation now is that he is going to be a part of the Avengers (Founding member and what not) then get his own movie later.
I Hope that doesnt come into fruitation, Hes been like 4 Heros in total, and none of them have been good.


New member
Feb 20, 2010
LWS666 said:
Rutskarn said:
LWS666 said:
The Mehster said:
The Pyro?
if you mean from TF2 then news flash, the pyro and the scouts mom are the same.

in the locker area there's a handbag above the pyros spare gear, so it's a safe bet that the pyro's a girl. and the hand bag has a culliflower on it, on meet the spy the spy calls the scouts mom his "petie schouflor" (yeah, i can't spell anything french) but the translation is culliflower
It's a radically different kind of purse, and the flower on the pyro's bag is really more like a daisy.
do i go around dis-proving YOUR conspiracy theories?
You might. Why do you ask? What's your angle? Who are you working for?


[Speech: 100]
Nov 5, 2009
Rutskarn said:
LWS666 said:
Rutskarn said:
LWS666 said:
The Mehster said:
The Pyro?
if you mean from TF2 then news flash, the pyro and the scouts mom are the same.

in the locker area there's a handbag above the pyros spare gear, so it's a safe bet that the pyro's a girl. and the hand bag has a culliflower on it, on meet the spy the spy calls the scouts mom his "petie schouflor" (yeah, i can't spell anything french) but the translation is culliflower
It's a radically different kind of purse, and the flower on the pyro's bag is really more like a daisy.
do i go around dis-proving YOUR conspiracy theories?
You might. Why do you ask? What's your angle? Who are you working for?
in that order, i wouldn't, because i felt like it, 90 and an assassanation coproration no-one

Optimus Hagrid

New member
Feb 14, 2009
Your sidekicks in Mystic Quest are souless, empty shells of party members. Except Tristam. He ROCKS.

razormint21 said:
Dan Smith from Killer 7

Im his only fan i know!!!
Any fans here?
What the Hell? Dan Smith is the coolest MFer there is. In fact my friend refuses to play as anyone else - although to be honest I don't think he realise you can switch personalities.


New member
Mar 24, 2010
All the characters from Bayonetta. If you like super long legged chicks who were made to be sexual but instead looks freaky(especially when she just stands there) then ughhh yeah...


Gaming Wildlife
Apr 5, 2009
Does anyone actually like Tidus from FF10? He's quite possibly the dumbest character in the final fantasy series.

Either that or Jar Jar binks. Anyone like them at all?