Child Porn Charges for comedian; edited video makes it appear children were listening to dirty song

Aug 1, 2010
Droppa Deuce said:
Nurb said:
Droppa Deuce said:
I'm sure the perp is guilty of something.

Some time in the slammer will do him good.

P.S. Superimposing, altering, photoshopping, editing videos and images can still constitute as an obscenity.

Maybe he should have done his homework before wasting his time on his little project.
And you might want to do your homework and read some of the posts and examples above to show how wrong you are in your assumptions.

Anyway, it's like people who make Pedobear gifs of the little bear attacking kids or that girl from Lazytown etc. We know the kids are safe and the cartoon bear is superimposed and not real, but the message is clear. "Paedophilia is funny,". Well, it isn't.

I'll look into this guy's case in more detail soon, but I think the courts are sending a clear message.

Like I said, a little jail time might give him a bit of time to think of some new, funnier sketches. It'll do him good.
Hate to tell you this, but EVERYTHING is funny in one way or another.

OT: This is the most ridicules thing I have ever seen. I can only hope the Judge has a few brain cells and does the right thing.


New member
Feb 10, 2007
Droppa Deuce said:
Nurb said:
Droppa Deuce said:
I'm sure the perp is guilty of something.

Some time in the slammer will do him good.

P.S. Superimposing, altering, photoshopping, editing videos and images can still constitute as an obscenity.

Maybe he should have done his homework before wasting his time on his little project.
And you might want to do your homework and read some of the posts and examples above to show how wrong you are in your assumptions.

Anyway, it's like people who make Pedobear gifs of the little bear attacking kids or that girl from Lazytown etc. We know the kids are safe and the cartoon bear is superimposed and not real, but the message is clear. "Paedophilia is funny,". Well, it isn't.

I'll look into this guy's case in more detail soon, but I think the courts are sending a clear message.

Like I said, a little jail time might give him a bit of time to think of some new, funnier sketches. It'll do him good.
A little jail time? A little? This guy is facing 20 years.


New member
Feb 11, 2011
The interview with him is over.

Any1 interested in a good read have a look.

This is absurd

*quoted from the link*

"Emory said authorities on Tuesday came knocking on his door searching for children?s ?panties? and ?souvenirs? only a pedophile would have in his possession.

?They were looking for horrible, horrible things, like...? Emory stops, takes a deep breath and begins to cry. ?Like, children's underwear.?

The usually lighthearted, joke-cracking Emory stifled back more tears when he described the scene at his home, 5735 E. Summit, on Tuesday."


No words... .-.


New member
Feb 26, 2009
so basically hes looking at 20-25 years for making parents feel uncomfortable.



The Stormbringer
Dec 1, 2009
carnege4 said:
The interview with him is over.

Any1 interested in a good read have a look.

This is absurd

*quoted from the link*

"Emory said authorities on Tuesday came knocking on his door searching for children?s ?panties? and ?souvenirs? only a pedophile would have in his possession.

?They were looking for horrible, horrible things, like...? Emory stops, takes a deep breath and begins to cry. ?Like, children's underwear.?

The usually lighthearted, joke-cracking Emory stifled back more tears when he described the scene at his home, 5735 E. Summit, on Tuesday."


No words... .-.
Here's hoping they didn't plant any evidence in his house in an attempt to implicate him. I wouldn't put it beyond these people to try to frame him to strike fear into the hearts of everyone else who might DARE do something remotely offense! HEIL CENSORSHIP! HEIL!

As has been said before, I hate people. I really, really do.


New member
Nov 2, 2010
20 years. For this ? Some murderers have been given smaller sentences. This guy is gonna get eaten alive in jail. Blowing this out of proportion screwed up his life for good and sending him to jail is just....Well I'm just gonna say that I pity the society that creates it's own criminals. Fucking lynch mobs. I'm curious as to how were the kids harmed. Exploited - yes, he shouldn't have used their faces without parents consent, but he didn't sing that song in front of them. Did the kids see his video on youtube ? How will they explain to their kids why is that young man who sang and played guitar for them now handcuffed in that courthouse with bunch of people staring, judging? I mean they will probably be happy that they can say "He sang dirty songs and used bad words so now he's going to jail. That's why you should never, never, ever say bad words. Oh yeah and no sex before marriage or God will smite you with righteous fury". Self-righteous overprotective hypocrites.

The Rascal King

New member
Aug 13, 2009
Beardly said:
BioHazardMan said:
As someone who doesn't have brain damage I call bullshit.

I don't see how anyone could believe this guy belongs in jail for this.
Oh that's just mean, sir.

May justice prevail or else I declare war on Michigan.


New member
May 17, 2010
Even if the kids had been listening to the son, it wouldn't be child porn. Because, there's no pornographic or explicit content. But in this case... /headdesk


New member
Feb 11, 2011
CoL0sS said:
20 years. For this ? Some murderers have been given smaller sentences. This guy is gonna get eaten alive in jail. Blowing this out of proportion screwed up his life for good and sending him to jail is just....Well I'm just gonna say that I pity the society that creates it's own criminals. Fucking lynch mobs. I'm curious as to how were the kids harmed. Exploited - yes, he shouldn't have used their faces without parents consent, but he didn't sing that song in front of them. Did the kids see his video on youtube ? How will they explain to their kids why is that young man who sang and played guitar for them now handcuffed in that courthouse with bunch of people staring, judging? I mean they will probably be happy that they can say "He sang dirty songs and used bad words so now he's going to jail. That's why you should never, never, ever say bad words. Oh yeah and no sex before marriage or God will smite you with righteous fury". Self-righteous overprotective hypocrites.
And when the smart kid asks:

"Why he gets more years in jail than that bad guy who murdered 2 people in CSI?"

I will laugh


Nov 1, 2009
carnege4 said:
The interview with him is over.

Any1 interested in a good read have a look.

This is absurd

*quoted from the link*

"Emory said authorities on Tuesday came knocking on his door searching for children?s ?panties? and ?souvenirs? only a pedophile would have in his possession.

?They were looking for horrible, horrible things, like...? Emory stops, takes a deep breath and begins to cry. ?Like, children's underwear.?

The usually lighthearted, joke-cracking Emory stifled back more tears when he described the scene at his home, 5735 E. Summit, on Tuesday."


No words... .-.
Oh yeah, as soon as you are even ever so slightly accused of child pornography or being a sex offender of minors, your life and privacy is basically destroyed. Valid or not (In this case, definitely NOT).

It's fucking stupid, but not even overwhelming evidence to the contrary will save this guy's life and image now, unfortunately.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Tankichi said:
Nurb said:
Child porn charges were filed against a 21 year old for editing a video to make it look like he was singing a dirty song to a buch of first graders as a comedy bit. He faces 20 years in prison and 25 years on the sex offender with "producing child porn" on his record.

This is pretty fucking scary; arrested on CHILD PORN charges for editing a video to make it SEEM like 6 year olds were listening to his song? And put on the sex offender list? And people are claiming he should go to jail for something that didn't happen?

This is the shit you get when you start putting limits on personal liberties. You get a comedian in prison for NOT... NOT exposing kids to explicit lyrics, and you get dense assholes making him appear to be a child corrupting monster. This is just a different form of the "Cartoon porn should be illegal" argument

The Man Show actually had a child approach women in a sketch where he was asking them for sex. MADTV and SNL have had a lot of sketches that made it appear kids where exposed to sexual things. Hell the video I uploaded a few days ago was entirely about a joke involving a soda mascot that "Grapes kids in the mouth"

That is ridiculous. i can understand both of the sides but on one side i think the fact they are trying to charge him is ridiculous. He did something and it has been going on for years so why is this going on? I don't care about the freedom of speech but this is just pants on head retarded.

What impact could this video he made have? He sang a normal song there and spliced it together to make a gag video. boy do i hate people.

Should the people who make these be arrested?
if your referring to the people that created barney then yes but if you are talking about the people that edited that video with the beeps then no because thats just fucking funny


New member
Sep 12, 2008
Honestly, and people say there isn't a pedophile witch hunt going on.

Deny it now, I dare you.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
And yet this Judicial System does nothing to act on people like the Westboro Baptist Church who also have a negative impact on communities and children nor on any other groups upsetting people by exercising their freedom of speech.

Treat everyone the same way or don't. Don't pick and choose who you punish for their freedom of speech.

I can understand the parents feelings and I think using anyone's faces in your personal videos is dodgy, especially children. However, everything else about this case really does leave me speechless...


New member
Apr 16, 2010
That's what happens when you do anything risque without a major media company (and their army of lawyers) standing guard over your shoulder. It's a double standard built on money, and it's not the only one.