Child Porn Charges for comedian; edited video makes it appear children were listening to dirty song


Lord Cromulent
May 21, 2010
This is all just designed to help set up a bullshit precedent. They all realize that they have no control over what's done on the internet, but if they can get a conviction, then it can cause a chain reaction and skyrocket everyone's career.

If he has a good lawyer, they won't give in to this blatant exploitation of the justice system.

[small]Somewhere in the distance, legion lies in wait...[/small]


New member
Feb 3, 2011
What the hell does Family Guy have to do with any of this?! Who cares if it's run by geeks? Who cares if people in the UK watch it more than the people in the US? This may come as a surprise to you... but... not all american's are right wing religious fanatics.

Oh yeah, And to hell with your pretentiousness.


New member
Feb 4, 2011
I can't believe this, I just can't wrap my mind around it. Those self righteous fuckers, I hope they all die slow and painfully. This is the kind of bullshit that makes me hate my country.

Fuck the justice system that allows this crap. Fuck the people that sue for bullshit reasons. Just....just....fuck!

Nova Helix

New member
Mar 17, 2010
Is the prosecutor brain dead? He mentioned the video hurting the children but in all likelihood the kids would of never seen this video. This is the most absurd thing I have ever seen.

How many movies have children edited into shots that contain excessive violence, nudity, or drug use? Are those directors pedophiles? Hell the top video on "funnyordie" is a baby cussing at Will Ferrell, he must be a pedophile.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
If they don't want their kids shown in the video, fine, demand it be taken down. Legal rights to their (sic) own likeness and such, but "child porn"? This is absurd. "Land of the free" my ass...


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Therumancer said:
Contun said:
Droppa Deuce said:
I can kinda agree with the crossing the line, but I don't think it warrants twenty years in prison and all the grief that comes with it.

I'm sure others do too.

I'd say most people were concerned about the prison sentence being suggested, not him getting community service or what have you.
I'm not concerned over the sentence. I'm more concerned over the porn aspects of it being used to make the arguement. I wrote a more detailed opinion earlier on the thread.

To put it bluntly, the guy deserves prison time. Let me put it to you this way, in cases where you see little kids doing lewd things for the sake of humor on TV or whatever, the kids in question are actors, and this is being done with the consent of the parents in a controlled enviroment. The problem here is that this guy was using the images of the kids, in a rather crude and demeaning capacity, both without their knowlege and consent, and without that of the parents. If someone did something like this with your kid, you'd be POed too. We don't know how many kids are involved, but understand that every one of them and every family was victimized here. If you say that each one is a minimum felony conviction of a year and there were 20 kids in the crowd then yeah... 20 years in prison sounds right. Is this overkill? Well to be honest I haven't seen the video, but the part that kind of irks me about it was that he was apparently performing the video publically, and while they made it sound like amateur antics I'm not personally convinced he didn't make money off of it either, which would make things even worse.

The *kiddie porn* charges are what I disagree with, since that strikes me as going a bit too far, unless this video is a heck of a lot worse than it sounds. The nature of child porn is a debatable subject, and I have mixed opinions, however we've been down this road before, and truthfully I don't think it should be an issue unless a real kid is actually being sexually assaulted. It opens up too much room for abuse or witch hunts otherwise. I think you can find something disturbing and distasteful without actually making it illegal, and in most cases where real kids are involved in ambigious matters, there are other laws like child endangerment that can be brought up.

On the case itself, the more I think about it, in addition to the point I made above, he could be convicted of a lot of other things as well depending on the state and town. I know a lot of schools don't allow recording or picture taking without express permission (for a lot of reasons, such as kidnapping, blackmail, or whatever else). I have a hard time believing he received permission to enter the school and sing that song on a seperate visit while recording it (so he could splice footage). The recording itself could violate a local or even state policy in the second case, and criminal tresspass could also be an issue.

The bottom line is you don't do crap like this with people's kids, he deserves to have the book thrown at him. If I think my kids are safe in school I'm going to be royally POed myself to see something like that on youtube.
When you put it that way I feel a lot less inclined to side with the guy. Still, prison seems like too harsh of a punishment; I feel it should be saved for the most heinous of crimes.

Well thought out argument. You come off as a good parent.


New member
Aug 24, 2008
Funny or not this is obviously wrong but I think that 20 years in prison is definitely too much, a fine and maybe 18 months community service with an apology seems like a more reasonable punishment.


New member
Jan 7, 2010
People get less time for raping someone. Actually physically raping a woman gets you less time. The legal system is F***ed up.


New member
Dec 29, 2008
Okay, sure, that seems fair. It's only a quarter of his life gone for the sake of a fucking joke.

I tell you what, it had better have been HILARIOUS.

Ridley the Violator

New member
Nov 11, 2009
If he gets convicted and sentenced to 20 years in prison, and it actually sticks, he'll probably be torn apart by the other inmates before his sentence is halfway done. There is no question of whether he was wrong or right anymore: what these people are trying to do is an abomination of justice and an affront to common sense and decency. They need to be stopped, now, before they ruin his life more than they already have. Absolute moral monsters.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
It's funny how it talked about parents outraged.


New member
Jan 7, 2010
Nova Helix said:
Is the prosecutor brain dead? He mentioned the video hurting the children but in all likelihood the kids would of never seen this video. This is the most absurd thing I have ever seen.

How many movies have children edited into shots that contain excessive violence, nudity, or drug use? Are those directors pedophiles? Hell the top video on "funnyordie" is a baby cussing at Will Ferrell, he must be a pedophile.

Do you remember the song 'All the things She Said'? Well the director made a music video for those 2 girls but was put in prison for child porn because I think two of the girls were making out. Things that are bad enough don't go unnoticed.


Possessor Of Hats
Apr 6, 2008
Lord Kloo said:
So is Saddam Hussian going to jail for pretending to have nuclear weapons even though he didn't..?

Does this mean the cast of meet the fockers will be jailed because the baby in it said 'Ass hole'..?

Seriously, I don't know how the US justice system works but I would hope to god that this was just a stupid judge using a literal rule of law..
Umm....Saddam had a chat with the hangman. So err...yes? (Not really of course, he was hung but it wasn't for that reason.)

Anyway...while I can proclaim the silliness of all this. Posting that video without the parents permission is the only real wrong this guy has wrought. It is ridiculous, the thought that he could get twenty years for this, but then, that is unlikely to happen, as I am reminded of the case of Christopher Handley:

Handley was indeed tried and charged for possession of 'obscene' manga, after entering into a plea bargain in which he did plead guilty having exhausted all other options which as far as I can tell got him a reduced sentence. It's still to turn a phrase, a mockery of justice.

Nova Helix

New member
Mar 17, 2010
Rem45 said:
Nova Helix said:
Is the prosecutor brain dead? He mentioned the video hurting the children but in all likelihood the kids would of never seen this video. This is the most absurd thing I have ever seen.

How many movies have children edited into shots that contain excessive violence, nudity, or drug use? Are those directors pedophiles? Hell the top video on "funnyordie" is a baby cussing at Will Ferrell, he must be a pedophile.
Do you remember the song 'All the things She Said'? Well the director made a music video for those 2 girls but was put in prison for child porn because I think two of the girls were making out. Things that are bad enough don't go unnoticed.
I don't know the situation with the 'All the things she said' video, but if there were under aged girls kissing then there might be a case.

In this situation some guy edited a video to make it look like kids heard some sexual lyrics. The WORST that he should be charged with is illegally using their images, or deformation of character. Both are civil disputes where the parents should sue him, there should be no criminal charges against him.


New member
Oct 19, 2010
What he did was wrong. He should not have edited that video without the parents permission. Normally I would say that this should result in a heavy fine, but since the parents testify against him as a creator of child porn, I think they're about even.
Owh Should we create an online petition or something. This guy really can't go to jail for what we did. But I'm not sure if the judge is going to think like that. Sometimes innocent people get convicted even while everyone including the judge knows the person is innocent.


New member
Jan 7, 2010
Nova Helix said:
Rem45 said:
Nova Helix said:
Is the prosecutor brain dead? He mentioned the video hurting the children but in all likelihood the kids would of never seen this video. This is the most absurd thing I have ever seen.

How many movies have children edited into shots that contain excessive violence, nudity, or drug use? Are those directors pedophiles? Hell the top video on "funnyordie" is a baby cussing at Will Ferrell, he must be a pedophile.
Do you remember the song 'All the things She Said'? Well the director made a music video for those 2 girls but was put in prison for child porn because I think two of the girls were making out. Things that are bad enough don't go unnoticed.
I don't know the situation with the 'All the things she said' video, but if there were under aged girls kissing then there might be a case.

In this situation some guy edited a video to make it look like kids heard some sexual lyrics. The WORST that he should be charged with is illegally using their images, or deformation of character. Both are civil disputes where the parents should sue him, there should be no criminal charges against him.

I should of explained more. I think they are going way too far with this guy and it should be a civil dispute. I was just trying to say that when directors actually do something wrong they are imprisoned.


New member
May 25, 2010
WhY? might i ask, the childrens likely hood of seeing the video is slim already, if they are on youtube there probably watching cat videos or whatever is in the popular section. The parents also need to calm down, the man never sang the edited song to them, if the kid does find it(to me) that say more about the childs curiosity about the internet and the parents need to sit down and have a talk with them. The man is obviously innocent of any "crime" and the redneck dads and soccer moms in his area need to take a step back and look at themselves.