Child Porn Charges for comedian; edited video makes it appear children were listening to dirty song


New member
Sep 12, 2008
FieryTrainwreck said:
That's what happens when you do anything risque without a major media company (and their army of lawyers) standing guard over your shoulder. It's a double standard built on money, and it's not the only one.
So what you're saying is that the US has become a plutocracy, and its democratic system is entirely a sham? I agree.

Ironic Pirate

New member
May 21, 2009
Nurb said:
Pain Is Inevitable said:
Freedom of speech is dead. Long live freedom of speech.

It's a good thing he didn't rob a bank for $100 while he was at it, or he would probably be facing life in prison now.
Robbing a gas station and beating the owner would actually get him less time than this
Robbing the bank and shooting the owner might have gotten him less time, if he claimed it was an accident.

On top of that, people with those charges are not treated well in prison, and then he' got to deal with all the time on the sex offender list...


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2009
The children didn't even hear the song. :/

I really, really don't see how he could lose the case; the jury would have to be a complete group of idiots for him to get jail time.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Fine, the parents don't want the video up. That's cool. I find it completely acceptable to have it taken down.

A fine? Sure, I guess.

Community Service? Kinda pushing it, but if the parents are really hell-bent on making sure this never happens again.... You're pushing it, but maybe.

A twenty year prison sentence, sex offender charges, while completely ruining an innocent mans life? Not too mention that he would get completely destroyed in prison?



Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
Ironic Pirate said:
Nurb said:
Pain Is Inevitable said:
Freedom of speech is dead. Long live freedom of speech.

It's a good thing he didn't rob a bank for $100 while he was at it, or he would probably be facing life in prison now.
Robbing a gas station and beating the owner would actually get him less time than this
Robbing the bank and shooting the owner might have gotten him less time, if he claimed it was an accident.

On top of that, people with those charges are not treated well in prison, and then he' got to deal with all the time on the sex offender list...
Yea, that's the thing, people who go to prison for non-violent crimes come out completely broken or very violent, either way becoming more of a threat to society than when they went in

Droppa Deuce

New member
Dec 23, 2010
Everyone is getting their panties in a twist.

Let's just sit back and enjoy the show. He'll probably get a bit of community service, but the justice system has sent out a clear message which is obvioulsy sending tEh interNetz into a tizzy : "don't f**k with us".

Freedom of Speech? Well, he was "free to speek" and what he said did not bode well with the state. So now the perp is all over the news. He won't go on the sex offender's register, but he is learning a valuable lesson and being made an example of.

Plus, filming people's kids and putting them on the net isn't cool; especially if he's editied the stuff to be innapproporite.

Sorry, but just becuase I don't agree with most of the keyboard warriors here, doesn't mean I'm a troll. This guy crossed a line, and Lady Justice is letting us all know about it.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Droppa Deuce said:
Everyone is getting their panties in a twist.

Let's just sit back and enjoy the show. He'll probably get a bit of community service, but the justice system has sent out a clear message which is obvioulsy sending tEh interNetz into a tizzy : "don't f**k with us".

Freedom of Speech? Well, he was "free to speek" and what he said did not bode well with the state. So now the perp is all over the news. He won't go on the sex offender's register, but he is learning a valuable lesson and being made an example of.

Plus, filming people's kids and putting them on the net isn't cool; especially if he's editied the stuff to be innapproporite.

Sorry, but just becuase I don't agree with most of the keyboard warriors here, doesn't mean I'm a troll. This guy crossed a line, and Lady Justice is letting us all know about it.
I can kinda agree with the crossing the line, but I don't think it warrants twenty years in prison and all the grief that comes with it.

I'm sure others do too.

I'd say most people were concerned about the prison sentence being suggested, not him getting community service or what have you.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
Droppa Deuce said:
I'm sure the perp is guilty of something.

Some time in the slammer will do him good.

P.S. Superimposing, altering, photoshopping, editing videos and images can still constitute as an obscenity.

Maybe he should have done his homework before wasting his time on his little project.
You know what, you may well be right for all we know. If he took the footage without first asking permision, that is an offence, if I remember rightly.

but this isn't pedofilia. I don't quite think you've got that part. And the other part you seem to have missed is that Not every 21 year old has commited a federal offence. And yet another part you've missed is that Going to jail isn't always going to help. And yet another part you seem to have missed is that No-one in the fucking nation should be force to expect to Be called a pedofile because of An edited video made for comidic purposes.


New member
Feb 8, 2008
Nurb said:
ImprovizoR said:
What the hell is wrong with Americans? You're so obsessed with pedophilia and child porn you see it everywhere! Present company excluded of course. Geeks seem to be the only sane people in America left.
-Canada considers purely written material child porn
-A lot of Western Europe have laws criminalizing cartoon porn
-Simpons porn is considered child porn in Australia

Stupid laws aren't reserved to one nation, my friend.
No, but the US is the only one litigious enough to go nuts with this.


Brain Freeze...yay!
Jan 14, 2011
Man, I struggle daily to think that our government actually is basically "good" It's stories like this that have me waiting until the revolution comes.


Elite Member
Jan 18, 2010
Droppa Deuce said:
"Paedophilia is funny,". Well, it isn't.
Pedophilia is pretty funny. As are the following.
Dead baby jokes.
Gallows Humour.
Holocaust Jokes.
Comedy Horror
Domestic Violence.
Nuclear Holocausts.
Cyanide and Happiness.
Mental Disability.
All other forms of Black, Dark, or "Edgy" comedy; at least to someone, somewhere.



New member
Feb 11, 2011
Droppa Deuce said:
the justice system has sent out a clear message which is obvioulsy sending tEh interNetz into a tizzy : "don't f**k with us".
The internet is seriuos Bussinez

sorry, had to.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Contun said:
Droppa Deuce said:
Everyone is getting their panties in a twist.

Let's just sit back and enjoy the show. He'll probably get a bit of community service, but the justice system has sent out a clear message which is obvioulsy sending tEh interNetz into a tizzy : "don't f**k with us".

Freedom of Speech? Well, he was "free to speek" and what he said did not bode well with the state. So now the perp is all over the news. He won't go on the sex offender's register, but he is learning a valuable lesson and being made an example of.

Plus, filming people's kids and putting them on the net isn't cool; especially if he's editied the stuff to be innapproporite.

Sorry, but just becuase I don't agree with most of the keyboard warriors here, doesn't mean I'm a troll. This guy crossed a line, and Lady Justice is letting us all know about it.
I can kinda agree with the crossing the line, but I don't think it warrants twenty years in prison and all the grief that comes with it.

I'm sure others do too.

I'd say most people were concerned about the prison sentence being suggested, not him getting community service or what have you.
I'm not concerned over the sentence. I'm more concerned over the porn aspects of it being used to make the arguement. I wrote a more detailed opinion earlier on the thread.

To put it bluntly, the guy deserves prison time. Let me put it to you this way, in cases where you see little kids doing lewd things for the sake of humor on TV or whatever, the kids in question are actors, and this is being done with the consent of the parents in a controlled enviroment. The problem here is that this guy was using the images of the kids, in a rather crude and demeaning capacity, both without their knowlege and consent, and without that of the parents. If someone did something like this with your kid, you'd be POed too. We don't know how many kids are involved, but understand that every one of them and every family was victimized here. If you say that each one is a minimum felony conviction of a year and there were 20 kids in the crowd then yeah... 20 years in prison sounds right. Is this overkill? Well to be honest I haven't seen the video, but the part that kind of irks me about it was that he was apparently performing the video publically, and while they made it sound like amateur antics I'm not personally convinced he didn't make money off of it either, which would make things even worse.

The *kiddie porn* charges are what I disagree with, since that strikes me as going a bit too far, unless this video is a heck of a lot worse than it sounds. The nature of child porn is a debatable subject, and I have mixed opinions, however we've been down this road before, and truthfully I don't think it should be an issue unless a real kid is actually being sexually assaulted. It opens up too much room for abuse or witch hunts otherwise. I think you can find something disturbing and distasteful without actually making it illegal, and in most cases where real kids are involved in ambigious matters, there are other laws like child endangerment that can be brought up.

On the case itself, the more I think about it, in addition to the point I made above, he could be convicted of a lot of other things as well depending on the state and town. I know a lot of schools don't allow recording or picture taking without express permission (for a lot of reasons, such as kidnapping, blackmail, or whatever else). I have a hard time believing he received permission to enter the school and sing that song on a seperate visit while recording it (so he could splice footage). The recording itself could violate a local or even state policy in the second case, and criminal tresspass could also be an issue.

The bottom line is you don't do crap like this with people's kids, he deserves to have the book thrown at him. If I think my kids are safe in school I'm going to be royally POed myself to see something like that on youtube.


Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
FoolKiller said:
Nurb said:
ImprovizoR said:
What the hell is wrong with Americans? You're so obsessed with pedophilia and child porn you see it everywhere! Present company excluded of course. Geeks seem to be the only sane people in America left.
-Canada considers purely written material child porn
-A lot of Western Europe have laws criminalizing cartoon porn
-Simpons porn is considered child porn in Australia

Stupid laws aren't reserved to one nation, my friend.
No, but the US is the only one litigious enough to go nuts with this.
Um... making laws protecting fictional characters is already "going nuts".


New member
Aug 29, 2009

Take a look at the following clip, taken from the 2005 comedy documentary 'The Aristocrats'. For those of you who truly cannot be arsed, its Doug Stanhope, a comedian, telling a really dirty joke to his baby.

[Warning: Video contains Aristocrats (Extreme obscenities)]

I mean, in this case, he's not edited it to make it look that way, he's actually telling the joke right in front of the kid! And he gets away with this, which was featured in a fairly successful documentary about the joke, while the fella in question now is being prosecuted for making it appear like he's singing the song to those kids? That's either hypocrisy, or a severe case of double standards.

Lord Kloo

New member
Jun 7, 2010
So is Saddam Hussian going to jail for pretending to have nuclear weapons even though he didn't..?

Does this mean the cast of meet the fockers will be jailed because the baby in it said 'Ass hole'..?

Seriously, I don't know how the US justice system works but I would hope to god that this was just a stupid judge using a literal rule of law..


Whose Eyes Are Those Eyes?
Oct 15, 2009
Macgyvercas said:
This happened, my friend, because my country (I think this took place in America) has started to follow the letter, rather than the spirit of the law (which I must admit is what Lawful Neutral governments are supposed to be. But while the governmment itself may be Lawful Neutral, the people in it sure as hell aren't).
The very formalistic approach, and the public acceptance of it, in the American legal system always struck me as odd, as does the seemingly general focus on wordings over substance on a more general societal level.

Faulty search warrant gets even the clearly guilty off the hook, religion and state is vigorously separated on paper while a single religion dominates completely in practise, certain words regarding race are taboo while the vast social inequalities which for historical reasons run parallel to lines of ethnicity are upheld etc. What population would be content with these true-to-form-but-nothing-else rights and verbal smoke and mirrors?

That this moral panic has lead to a law which indiscriminately target things I very much doubt even the agitated people who jumped onto it - or the politicians which passed it - had in mind in the first place just underlines the problems of legislating based on single tabloid cases and short-sighted popularism; laws created much too fast, without reflection of opposing concerns, any principal considerations, or proper limitations.

Nurb said:
In both cases, children aren't involved in a fictional form of expression, yet both are considered illegal (I guess). People don't make distinction when we get to the point of telling people what they can draw and what sort of comedy they can make
I didn't mean to state that (clearly) fictional depictions which convey sexual attraction to children should be outlawed (at least so long as discernible harm from them has not been assessed), merely that since this doesn't even rise to that, I can't even see why those who think such depictions due to their indisputable unpleasantness would support this. Just who ever wanted this?


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Even if he did sing the edited song to the children nothing should have come of it.