Child Porn Charges for comedian; edited video makes it appear children were listening to dirty song

Ice Car

New member
Jan 30, 2011
Freedom of Speech? What? I was unaware we had that right in the US. Well, the more you know.


New member
Mar 26, 2010
"Hey dude, what's that thing there in the sky?"
"Dunno, can't really see it well, it's so far away."
"Oh hey, it's just our liberty flying away, nothing important."

Seriously, this is the most ridiculous thing I've seen in a really long time. How the hell can this be justified?! The judge clearly didn't really think about this. He probably just heard the words "child" and "sex" and already made his opinion. I can't find any other explanations for such a stupid sentence.
This shows what's wrong with our system, right there. Someone who robs a person and beats him brutally gets less time in jail that this guy. Anyone with half a brain would see that there's something wrong in this logic.

Damn, I better stop here because I'm getting really worked up over this. I'm really restraining myself at the moment from writing things that would get me put on probation.


New member
Mar 23, 2010
John the Gamer said:
How was this in anyway damaging to the kids? They didnt listen to the song, and the only way they could have been affected is if the parents let them watch it on youtube...
Problem being is they consider it an obscinity as it can be targeted at those who do partake in child pornography. Even though this guy hasn't done anything wrong, per se, it can be considered fuel for someone else's fire.

Which, IMHO, is absolutely ridiculous.

It's like asying that if you film a movie or music video, and kill a character, that you could be held accountable for murder.

TBH, though - IMHO, the reason some people find such harmless material obscene is that it actually affects them somehow (either arousal, curiosity, etc.), and instead of trying to cope with their confusion, they immediately go on the witchhunt. It's akin to someone posting a pic of their child in a bathtub, and some strange blowing a whistle and saying it's child pornography.


New member
Jul 25, 2009
Icame into this thread expecting a video of children being fucked to some bad music...

Anyways now that I read the OP my jimmies are rustled. The judge just wants to teach him a lesson because he didn't find the joke funny/had a personal issue/is more serious with children related crimes and he overreacted.

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States
Droppa Deuce said:
P.S. Superimposing, altering, photoshopping, editing videos and images can still constitute as an obscenity.

Maybe he should have done his homework before wasting his time on his little project.

Obscene differs from person to person. I consider it fucking hilarious. Others don't.

I despise the word Obscenity. It's just another way of saying "I don't like that, get rid of it".

Nickolai77 said:
Perhaps society needs some kind of internal enemy to persecute even if such an enemy is sometimes non-existent. First it was blacks and communists, then it was homosexuals and now it's pedophiles.
And because of that, I'm treated like gutter trash and cannot leave my house without a weapon for protection. Or, at least that will be the case when I can legally purchase firearms.

Seriously, I'll hold the baton gays held but can we remove the unneeded addition for us in the form of a flashing sign that says "KILL HIM HE IS OF THE DEVIL!".


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Here are some of the lyrics for y'all

?See how long it takes to make your panties mine?

(wide shot of the children)

?I'll add some foreplay in just to make it fun?

(close up of girl laughing)

?I want you to suck on my testes until I spurt in your face?

(close up of girl covering her mouth)

?I'll lick on your chewie?

(close up of two girls covering their mouths)

?I want to stick my index finger in your anus?

(close up of boy making a shocked face)

?I'll be the bus riding your ass up and down my town?

(close up of boy with grossed-out look on his face)

?I'm gonna use my sausage to make fettucine, then for dessert have a Harry Houdini?

(close up of girl laughing and rocking)


Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
Amphoteric said:
Here are some of the lyrics for y'all

?See how long it takes to make your panties mine?

(wide shot of the children)

?I'll add some foreplay in just to make it fun?

(close up of girl laughing)

?I want you to suck on my testes until I spurt in your face?

(close up of girl covering her mouth)

?I'll lick on your chewie?

(close up of two girls covering their mouths)

?I want to stick my index finger in your anus?

(close up of boy making a shocked face)

?I'll be the bus riding your ass up and down my town?

(close up of boy with grossed-out look on his face)

?I'm gonna use my sausage to make fettucine, then for dessert have a Harry Houdini?

(close up of girl laughing and rocking)
Sounds hilarious actually.

I think George Carlin's words are more important now than any other time

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States
Alar said:
carnege4 said:
The interview with him is over.

Any1 interested in a good read have a look.

This is absurd

*quoted from the link*

"Emory said authorities on Tuesday came knocking on his door searching for children?s ?panties? and ?souvenirs? only a pedophile would have in his possession.

?They were looking for horrible, horrible things, like...? Emory stops, takes a deep breath and begins to cry. ?Like, children's underwear.?

The usually lighthearted, joke-cracking Emory stifled back more tears when he described the scene at his home, 5735 E. Summit, on Tuesday."


No words... .-.
Here's hoping they didn't plant any evidence in his house in an attempt to implicate him. I wouldn't put it beyond these people to try to frame him to strike fear into the hearts of everyone else who might DARE do something remotely offense! HEIL CENSORSHIP! HEIL!

As has been said before, I hate people. I really, really do.
You have no idea how often that actually happens. Most commonly done for non-offending Pedophiles that don't do anything but the police just despise them so...

Yeah. This is just a peachy world we are in. :/


New member
Feb 14, 2011
The difference between what this man has done and other gags like John Lajoie is that this guy didn't get the written permission of the kids or parents before doing this stunt.

Anything of this nature needs signed waivers or it is an offense under the law. It should definitely not fall under pedophilia though.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Kingsnake661 said:
He WOULD have been legally allow, (maybe..i honestly don't know the law well enough) if he hadn't lied about his intentions to the school and used the kids images without consent. I can't see this as an infringment of his civil liberties, his "art" was produced illegally in the first place and thus, i would assume, has no protection from the first admendment. (again, i don't know for sure, but i think that's how it works.)

If he'd HAD concent, then, i doubt there'd have really been much of an issue here. But then, it's obviouse he'd have never GOTTEN concent, which is why he lied...
If a person is in a public place, you have the right to photograph that person. That's the beginning, middle, and end of this argument.

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States
Amphoteric said:
Here are some of the lyrics for y'all

?See how long it takes to make your panties mine?

(wide shot of the children)

?I'll add some foreplay in just to make it fun?

(close up of girl laughing)

?I want you to suck on my testes until I spurt in your face?

(close up of girl covering her mouth)

?I'll lick on your chewie?

(close up of two girls covering their mouths)

?I want to stick my index finger in your anus?

(close up of boy making a shocked face)

?I'll be the bus riding your ass up and down my town?

(close up of boy with grossed-out look on his face)

?I'm gonna use my sausage to make fettucine, then for dessert have a Harry Houdini?

(close up of girl laughing and rocking)
That just seems hilarious. XD

Really, I don't see the issue, especially since no children actually heard the lyrics.

The only legal issue is that he got the footage under false pretenses and didn't ask permission from all involved(or in this case, the parents).

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States
zelda2fanboy said:
Kingsnake661 said:
He WOULD have been legally allow, (maybe..i honestly don't know the law well enough) if he hadn't lied about his intentions to the school and used the kids images without consent. I can't see this as an infringment of his civil liberties, his "art" was produced illegally in the first place and thus, i would assume, has no protection from the first admendment. (again, i don't know for sure, but i think that's how it works.)

If he'd HAD concent, then, i doubt there'd have really been much of an issue here. But then, it's obviouse he'd have never GOTTEN concent, which is why he lied...
If a person is in a public place, you have the right to photograph that person. That's the beginning, middle, and end of this argument.
But that is where the issue is muddled.

Does a school count as a public place? In most cases, no.

EDIT: And I'm not entirely sure you are correct on that. :/


Kinect Development Sucks...
Sep 24, 2008

It's like this (except for the van part at the end)

Trying to arrest someone for paedophilia when othing of the sort has happened

(Fuck yes I got to use this video AND it's somewhat to the thread)


New member
Dec 20, 2008
He's not going to get jail time, I think the parents just said they're angry that he used their kids for a bit. In any case, no jury's going to put a kid in jail for this. He'll probably get a fine or something.


New member
Feb 1, 2011
TheGuiggleMonster said:
This thread makes me think of this: although it isnt't actually related very closely, but the criminal charges could be the same.

This case is just ridiculous. He will almost certainly be found innocent.
If this case goes through, the guy who made this video might be next, followed by the girl in the video (even though she'd be an innocent and would definitely get off the hook.) Next, would be Stephen Lynch for his "Superhero" song, not to mention "Why Mommy Left Us." Then, after they have one successful comedian under their belt, they'd go after The Man Show for the previously posted video.
Hell, they could bring down all hell on the Carlin family for George's Airport Security stand-up, bringing something from the Patriot Act against that.
Call me crazy, but this don't sound sane.


New member
Oct 19, 2010
Therumancer said:
Contun said:
Droppa Deuce said:
Everyone is getting their panties in a twist.

Let's just sit back and enjoy the show. He'll probably get a bit of community service, but the justice system has sent out a clear message which is obvioulsy sending tEh interNetz into a tizzy : "don't f**k with us".

Freedom of Speech? Well, he was "free to speek" and what he said did not bode well with the state. So now the perp is all over the news. He won't go on the sex offender's register, but he is learning a valuable lesson and being made an example of.

Plus, filming people's kids and putting them on the net isn't cool; especially if he's editied the stuff to be innapproporite.

Sorry, but just becuase I don't agree with most of the keyboard warriors here, doesn't mean I'm a troll. This guy crossed a line, and Lady Justice is letting us all know about it.
I can kinda agree with the crossing the line, but I don't think it warrants twenty years in prison and all the grief that comes with it.

I'm sure others do too.

I'd say most people were concerned about the prison sentence being suggested, not him getting community service or what have you.
I'm not concerned over the sentence. I'm more concerned over the porn aspects of it being used to make the arguement. I wrote a more detailed opinion earlier on the thread.

To put it bluntly, the guy deserves prison time. Let me put it to you this way, in cases where you see little kids doing lewd things for the sake of humor on TV or whatever, the kids in question are actors, and this is being done with the consent of the parents in a controlled enviroment. The problem here is that this guy was using the images of the kids, in a rather crude and demeaning capacity, both without their knowlege and consent, and without that of the parents. If someone did something like this with your kid, you'd be POed too. We don't know how many kids are involved, but understand that every one of them and every family was victimized here. If you say that each one is a minimum felony conviction of a year and there were 20 kids in the crowd then yeah... 20 years in prison sounds right. Is this overkill? Well to be honest I haven't seen the video, but the part that kind of irks me about it was that he was apparently performing the video publically, and while they made it sound like amateur antics I'm not personally convinced he didn't make money off of it either, which would make things even worse.

The *kiddie porn* charges are what I disagree with, since that strikes me as going a bit too far, unless this video is a heck of a lot worse than it sounds. The nature of child porn is a debatable subject, and I have mixed opinions, however we've been down this road before, and truthfully I don't think it should be an issue unless a real kid is actually being sexually assaulted. It opens up too much room for abuse or witch hunts otherwise. I think you can find something disturbing and distasteful without actually making it illegal, and in most cases where real kids are involved in ambigious matters, there are other laws like child endangerment that can be brought up.

On the case itself, the more I think about it, in addition to the point I made above, he could be convicted of a lot of other things as well depending on the state and town. I know a lot of schools don't allow recording or picture taking without express permission (for a lot of reasons, such as kidnapping, blackmail, or whatever else). I have a hard time believing he received permission to enter the school and sing that song on a seperate visit while recording it (so he could splice footage). The recording itself could violate a local or even state policy in the second case, and criminal tresspass could also be an issue.

The bottom line is you don't do crap like this with people's kids, he deserves to have the book thrown at him. If I think my kids are safe in school I'm going to be royally POed myself to see something like that on youtube.
You're absolutely right, but any prison sentence at all is overkill. Sure the parents have the right to be angry, and what he did was wrong. But sending a man to prison ruins his life, and has a huge impact on the people that love him. Do you seriously believe that the man deserve such a heavy punishment?


The Babe with the Power
Mar 11, 2010
Jesus Christ on a fucking pogo stick! Whoever decided to file charges obviously doesn't have the brain power to make a pissant's motorcycle go around a cherrio.

On a less ranting tone: we are wasting taxpayer's money and the courts time on the legal bs


New member
Dec 18, 2009
Droppa Deuce said:
I'm sure the perp is guilty of something.

Some time in the slammer will do him good.

P.S. Superimposing, altering, photoshopping, editing videos and images can still constitute as an obscenity.

Maybe he should have done his homework before wasting his time on his little project.
Wow. So singing a dirty song, not in front of children, but in front of a camera and editing the footage to make it look like was in front of children is the same as having sex with a child? Quite the group cerebral giants we have here.

Dimensional Vortex

New member
Nov 14, 2010
So this guy's life has basically been ruined because he edited kids into a video? Isn't that just really wrong?

I mean maybe he could have been told to take the video down or he could be given a warning, but nope, 20 years in jail.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Well, has he been convicted yet?

Not from what I can tell.

Stupider stuff has been dragged into courts, and it's all been tossed out. This won't be any different. Notify us when he actually gets punished for it, otherwise, it's all just wild conceptualizing.