Children have bad taste in entertainment

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Shadowstar38 said:
Anyway, that brings me to the topic of the thread. Is there any book, movie, game, or show that you use to love, that ended up sucking up a rewatch?
Yes, but I expect that even as an adult. Not everything survives accurately in nostalgia. The primary problem is that children are unchallenged because they are viewed as the fastest way to a parent's wallet. Corporations were smart to figure this out, but it has helped to bankrupt entertainment in terms of substance.

Sonicron said:
Eh, I wouldn't support that statement on principle. Still, a lot of things that were awesome in your childhood will liquify your brain as an adult... try watching an episode of Power Rangers once you hit 20 - I dare you.
I'm in my thirties. I watched everything up to Zeo about a year ago TOPS. It still provides the same level of entertainment as when it first came out. It's a kung fu show with big stompy robots and evil monsters. There's a decent level of appeal to that.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Buretsu said:
I watched that about a month ago. It was still an awesome movie, but the CG was a LOT shittier than I remember it being.
Part of that probably being how poorly it aged. I remember enjoying it in the theater, though.


New member
Jan 16, 2011
You Yanks just did it wrong is all.

Alright, with that out of the way, I still try to keep up with Pokémon sometimes (the show and movies that is). Just can't do it.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Well... only one I can think of is the 90's X-Men cartoon. I used to love watching that, but a last year I saw it on Netflix and decided to rewatch it and my god I had no idea how terrible the voice acting was. I still enjoyed it though.


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
I still enjoy the original Pokemon seasons, and even older anime like Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball (DBZ is kind of meh to me).

Robot Number V

New member
May 15, 2012
Uh, yeah. Kids are fucking morons. They have bad taste in everything. They don't know any better. To answer your question, I tried watching the first season of Digimon on youtube a while back. not recommend this.


Pandah Extremist
Jul 20, 2008
Not really...Although I haven't gone back to actually rewatch things from my childhood.
Wait a minute...on second thought...the Super Mario Brothers Super Show was pretty damn awful. The Live action part was far better than the cartoon in my opinion. The cartoon portion (after rewatching) never failed to give me a headache.


Nov 24, 2009
United States
Well I still like the digimon movie (and yes I can understand it's bad but the music still makes it awesome).
most 90's shows are still way better than what they have now though. even if they were just glorified commercials

The Madman

New member
Dec 7, 2007
Most kids stuff is shit. I went on a nostalgia binge awhile back and for the most part left disappointed...

Then there was some stuff I left enlightened about. For example, holy shit, the one of the villains in the old Canadian TV show Reboot was wearing BDSM gear and the other one was literally robo Hitler. This explains so many confusing things about my teenage years!

That show also got extremely dark extremely quickly. Damn.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
Shadowstar38 said:
Have you watched Summer Wars? It's pretty much the digimon movie... but done much better.

OT: I must have some of the thickest nostalgia goggles ever... because I still love just about everything I watched as a kid. Especialy the digimon movie. I just recently re-watched the digimon series. (The first 3 anyway...)

Except the Pokemon movies. Those are complete shit. I made my parents watch those... I'm... I'm... an awful son.

Aris Khandr

New member
Oct 6, 2010
pilouuuu said:
I like Labyrinth much more, but I'm afraid to watch it again and see it was crappy. I'd rather keep my good memories.
For me, at least, Labyrinth is still awesome. Also, The Last Unicorn holds up very well.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Redlin5 said:
Yes, Digimon sucked. So did Beyblade when I look back on things and don't even get me started on Yu-gi-oh, the show I bought into...


But, to be fair to kids, adults liked Jersey Shore enough to let it last 6 seasons. 6 SEASONS!
After this post I can hardly say anything bad about kids shows.

OT: Kids don't have much experience and they haven't yet been able to develop their own personality and taste. They don't have the same skill when it comes to critical thinking as adults (though they are capable despite what so many seems to think). Those who make kids shows know this and thus they make their shows easily understandable which makes them bad to a more refined audience.

Now even as a kid I thought Digimon was bad, but the story was interesting enough for me to watch it despite that me and my sister was making fun of every bit of it. Looking back at shows I used to watch and love I wonder if I still like them because I have good memories of it or because they actually are good. Some are downright terrible though and I wont even try to pretend I see any merit to it.


Enlightened Dispenser Of Truth!
Feb 4, 2010
The Elm-Chanted Forest has only gotten better after discovery of MST3K. Where once it was a relatively generic kid's movie, it's now a comic gem.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I completely disagree, OP. I liked Digimon as a kid, and now I love it.

I make a point to rewatch the first three seasons (the best ones) every year.

I even love the Digimon movie. Even though it seems that nobody else does.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Scooby-fucking-Doo. Not the series, the original ones (not the guest star ones) were good and still hold up. The movie. Oh my God...My and my bro recently saw it and we were like: 'are you sure it looked like this ?'

Power Rangers but I only saw an episode cause it had the Black Ranger of the 1st generation. Explosions 29 feet away and they jump like hoppers. Hilarious !


New member
Aug 31, 2009
newfoundsky said:
Sonicron said:
Eh, I wouldn't support that statement on principle. Still, a lot of things that were awesome in your childhood will liquify your brain as an adult... try watching an episode of Power Rangers once you hit 20 - I dare you.
I like the Power Rangers movie still . . .
A few months ago, I watched up until Tommy became the Green Ranger and the evil, mind-control spell was broken. I don't know how I did it, I really don't...I haven't watched The Movie so that's probably helping.


I remember not liking Swat Cats when I watched it a few months ago but watching it all the time as a kid. I'm too afraid to try watching Biker Mice from Mars again...

I'm curious to watch Catdog though. I hated that cartoon as a kid but maybe my age will let me appreciate it if I were to watch it now.

I didn't like Captain Planet as a kid but as a 24 year old, I fucking LOVE that show! Especially the ones that deal with race relations, gang violence, nuclear weapons, etc. Comedy gold.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
Power Rangers got old after i turned like 6, Batman the animated series though, my god it holds up so well, along with most of warner brothers cartoons from the 90's (someone mentioned speilberg, and i must agree, the guy respects kid's minds)


New member
Nov 21, 2008
JimB said:
My niece watches all those laugh track-dubbed "bunch of teenagers inexplicably living without adult supervision" sitcoms on Nickolodeon, ABCFamily, whatever; and I don't think she notices this, but she never laughs or smiles or responds in any way to what she's seeing. She just stares, her face and posture devoid of any indication that she is enjoying what she sees. I think she's being tricked into thinking they're funny by that goddamned laugh track.
I've noticed this too. I live in a large family, my younger siblings will watch TV, completely blank faces, no emotion.

It's really scary if you think about it.