Children, why do some hate them so mutch?


New member
Jan 19, 2012
I have read and seen on this site as well as many others, that a lot of people have really strong opinions on having children.
Some people even show hate/disgust towards this topic, and i wonder why is that?

Isn't having a child something that should be seen as a good thing?
No matter how bad you feel about yourself or the world around you, you are putting something on the world, and You have the chance to help it develop and learn.
To help it understand, and to love.
Some also say they see them only as something that costs money, Ofcourse they cost money, you will need to help them raise to the fine person it can become.
Wouldnt you feel proud, and satisfied seeing your child grow up to be a great person?
Not to mention seeing your family name go on, and holding something that is a piece of you.

I have great understanding to people who wouldnt like or want kids, but i simply dont understand how some people can put forward such hatred/disgust for it.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
I'm not sure people hate kids so much as they hate the veneration they receive from some corners of society. In the eyes of some, particularly new parents, there is no higher calling than childbirth, and no more perfect being than their own offspring. Reproduction is's an a-priori compulsion. I get it. I understand. But when you are not in the throes of said compulsion, it can be hard to stomach the fanatical zeal with which people embrace the cult of children. So you come to view it with the same withering scorn that atheists often employ when discussing Christianity.

Also, children are loud and smelly and rude and generally profoundly irritating when you don't have a superhighway of hormones coursing through you.

Amethyst Wind

New member
Apr 1, 2009
While I do want children of my own someday, they are much more difficult to deal with than adults.

They are irrational and can't be reasoned with.
Their energy seems limitless compared to adults.
They are experiencing things for the first time, things we take for granted and don't feel the need to explain but then have to when the kids ask.

Children are a huge drain on everything you are; financially, physically, emotionally, mentally. They are a very long term investment and don't really start paying off for years.


New member
Jan 19, 2012
Amethyst Wind said:
While I do want children of my own someday, they are much more difficult to deal with than adults.

They are irrational and can't be reasoned with.
Their energy seems limitless compared to adults.
They are experiencing things for the first time, things we take for granted and don't feel the need to explain but then have to when the kids ask.

Children are a huge drain on everything you are; financially, physically, emotionally, mentally. They are a very long term investment and don't really start paying off for years.
well i do agree they drain a lot, and i can see why some people would pass on it just because of it.
But its not about it paying off its more likely about the feeling it give you, but i guess you really need to have that certain feeling for it of actually wanting and liking kids to think that way aswell.
I never really thought about it but recently i realised that sometimes the people that hate kids, might actually start loving them just because of a big change in their life.

And because they are such a drain, people should really just think well before they start on it, make sure they can handle it financially and if they are in the right time to be able to give all theyre energy to such.


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat šŸ
Mar 31, 2010
This site has a very high proportion of male teenagers, who generally are the least tolerant of children which is why such strong opinions are around here. Teenagers tend to try to rebel against the accepted society norms too, which to be fair in some cases can be a good thing if the social norms are racist or sexist for example, even if it's redundant with this topic. Just wait a decade or two and eventually chances are the hormones will finally kick in and they'll change their minds.

Until then, just let them have their own opinions I guess, everyone's different. I find a lot, perhaps even most, adults boring to be around but I don't whine about it on Internet forums, instead I make friends with those who get along with.


New member
May 23, 2010
I don't know how I feel about children at the moment, really, but I can certainly understand why some people hate them.
They're loud, obnoxious, rude, uneducated, smelly money- and timesinks. And they break stuff and need constant supervision.
And parents can be bloody annoying, I hear.
Then there's the fact that not everyone sees putting a new life on earth as a good thing. I certainly didn't when I was depressed (Not clinical depression or anything).

I like children so long as I only have to deal with the good parts though.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
I want children of my own to be honest, but I don't want a fucking herd of them. At most, I want 2. My girlfriend who at the moment, I am seriously considering to be with her till the end, she changes her mind often from no kids to one to five to two. Everytime she does, she says its her final decision, next week she has another opinion. I've grown out of reminding her each time.

Either way, I want no more than two. Always been my plan. I want to raise a child, respectfully and responsibly. I want to atleast put an example out there for other parents, not like they'll pay attention though. Plus I like my relationship with my parents, and I want to have a relationship like it with a kid of my own.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
I'm one of the people who do want to have a child at some point but I can see why some people are against it.

It's pretty much a life changing thing on you and likewise you may dread on the years spent raising your child during his or her childhood. I mean the times you got to dicipline and keeping an eye on him or her. Those years are so going to be stressful on you.

Also at the end of the day depending how much of a good or bad parent you were, the overall result of your child progress (act and behave) is also the reflection on how you raise him/ her. However not all of it fall onto you since the enivouriment and the friends he or she made are also factors on how he or she will turn out.

I can assume some people would fear the commintment and blaming him or herself when their child had become naughty or something negative etc due to the way he or she had raise the child (again depend how good or bad you raise the child).


New member
Jul 3, 2011
Children are absolutely essential to the survival of the human race.

They are also the single most irritating living things that live on this planet.

I'm serious. You might be stuck on a train with a tiger, but the tiger would probably get bored and go to sleep, making the tiger a more pleasant commuter than a kid.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Saladfork said:
Children are absolutely essential to the survival of the human race.

They are also the single most irritating living things that live on this planet.

I'm serious. You might be stuck on a train with a tiger, but the tiger would probably get bored and go to sleep, making the tiger a more pleasant commuter than a kid.
I call for more tigers on mass transit. If we're really lucky they might eat some of the kids.


Dad, I'm in space.
Mar 10, 2010
I think some people's hate will pass one they're no longer a teenager, although they may still be firm in their decision of, "I don't want Children" which is absolutely fine.

I actually think it's pretty rare to find someone who *truly* despises Children, I think a lot of people do find them annoying/awkward etc. but don't really hate. It's like I find Dogs annoying and smelly but I don't flat out hate them or declare ultimate hate.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
Well some people think the world has enough bodies already. I want a kid someday, maybe two but yeah herds is kind of ridiculous. And THEY ARE NOT MIRACLES. It is a biological function. Lets reel back the magic energy stuff a bit.


Jamieson 90

New member
Mar 29, 2010
I don't mind them, we seem to get on pretty fine to be honest, you just have to keep your expectations low and accept that there are certain things they can't help. Besides I plan on going into teaching so I can picture the interview now.

Q) Do you like kids?
A) No I hate the little shits, so annoying, also whinning, asking stupid questions.
Q) Right...

Not going to go well is it.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
In general I dislike kids. They're loud, smelly, annoying, smart-asses...also they're sticky and mess up things if left alone. I'll be 24 in a few days so my feelings towards kids has softened somewhat from loathing to strong dislike with a strong bias towards my own kid brother (whose a smart-ass...seriously, if I was anything like him 14 years ago I'd have had the shit kicked out of me. It gives me fury) and my nephew Mason whose still toddling and will be 2 in March.

I honestly don't want my own kids though...Mason is enough for me since I can still spoil the hell out of him then give him back to his parents when he's no fun anymore.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Because i am selfish . I HATE kids . They are annoying , require attention , state the obvious and require reconition for it . Mentally taxing , physically taxing , emotionally taxing . You can't use corperal punishment on them( i mean spanking not punching them in the face). People judge you based on how your kids act , they are irrational and have a mind of their own , and bad behaved kids make parents look incompetent even though children have their own minds and can make their own decision .And they cost a lot of money

I don't want kids , i can understand why some do , but not me .( i'm 23 btw)


Feb 9, 2010
BloatedGuppy said:
I'm not sure people hate kids so much as they hate the veneration they receive from some corners of society. In the eyes of some, particularly new parents, there is no higher calling than childbirth, and no more perfect being than their own offspring. Reproduction is's an a-priori compulsion. I get it. I understand. But when you are not in the throes of said compulsion, it can be hard to stomach the fanatical zeal with which people embrace the cult of children. So you come to view it with the same withering scorn that atheists often employ when discussing Christianity.

Also, children are loud and smelly and rude and generally profoundly irritating when you don't have a superhighway of hormones coursing through you.
This sums up my feelings pretty well

I don't hate kids but I have no intention of having any(and no I'm not a teenager I'm in my 30's)and frankly I'm tired of the assumption that I will have/want to have kids at some point.My older brother is married with 2 kids and I'm sick of being asked "so when are you going to settle down and start a family?" like that is the only option available to me


iDrink, iSmoke, iPill
Nov 16, 2008
Work retail for a little bit in a store that has a kids section. My rage to these bastards is never ending.

Aris Khandr

New member
Oct 6, 2010

That sums up a lot of it. There's also the fact that I have roughly a 0% chance of getting pregnant. And, really, I am okay with that. I don't feel the need to reproduce. I like some kids, dislike others. Depending on the child. Just don't feel the need for my own.