Mathak said:
Evill_Bob said:
1982- Games Workshop creates Warhammer.
1987- Games Workshop creates Warhammer 40,000
~1992- Blizzard tries to work out a deal with Games Workshop on a Warhammer PC game
~1992- Games Workshop says ?nope?
1994- Blizzard yells "ASSHATS." and creates Warcraft
1997- Games Workshop releases Final Liberation: Warhammer Epic 40,000 and other games based on their popular sci-fi franchise
1998- Blizzard releases Starcraft and screams ?REMEMBER ME? YEAH YA DO!?
~2011- CCJoy begins construction on Joyland. Hilarity ensues.
You probably mean 'Games Workshop 'creatively borrows' from just about every fantasy and sci-fi universe of the era to create WH and WH40K'.
Not that I don't like those franchises, but originality ain't exactly their strong point.
1979- Aliens is released, introducing the Xenomorph.
1982- Games Workshop creates Warhammer, a grimdark fantasy tabletop game. Featuring the forces of Chaos, a bunch of crazies ruled by D&D alignment system styled Great Old Ones. Grimdark elves and grimdark orks abound.
1987- Games Workshop creates Warhammer 40,000, which is basically Warhammer in space. Space elves and space orks abound.
~1992- a suspiciously Xenomorph like race is mentioned in the Rouge Trader.
~1992- Blizzard tries to work out a deal with Games Workshop on a Warhammer PC game
~1992- Games Workshop says ?nope?
1994- Blizzard yells "ASSHATS." and creates Warcraft
1997- Games Workshop releases Final Liberation: Warhammer Epic 40,000 and other games based on their popular sci-fi franchise
1998- Blizzard releases Starcraft and screams ?REMEMBER ME? YEAH YA DO!?
2001- Games Workshop adds Tau as a playable faction to Warhammer 40,000 and declares ?YEAH WE REMEMBER YOU YA LITTLE CROTCH BITING MUNCHKIN!?
~2011- CCJoy begins construction on Joyland. Whining ensues.
Happy now?