It's official; I hate my new boss.
He's one of those corporate kiss-asses who loves for everyone to hear him talk (especially higher ups) even when the substance of his words would struggle to fill a thimble. He's gotten into the habit recently of committing me and the one other guy that reports to him for results with very specific and immediate deadlines without knowing what it takes for us to produce said results. Then, when we tell him that what he's committed us to is unrealistic, his immediate solution is to scheduled a meeting with us to "discuss" how we can make it happen, which are basically meetings wherein we tell him how we can't, and he contributes "ok, but how can you?" without offering any solutions of his own let alone doing what he should do which is go back to leadership try to buy us the time we need.
And it's further infuriating, because he tries to guilt "us" into this faux team mentality, talking about how "we're" getting hammered with questions, or "we're" being heavily scrutinized, and "we" need to figure out a way to deliver. Dude, HE is the one who said WE could, but only me and this other guy are the ones actually DOING anything!! All he does is CC us on emails, then hound us for constant updates as the deadlines close in.