I had thought that here, in the Year of our Lord Current Year, we had finally rectified one of the most vexing and persistent problems in human history: The mismatch between the number of hot dogs in a pack, and the number of hot dog buns in a pack. Eight hot dogs, eight buns, the world rejoices in harmony.
But lo! That paragon of American gluttony, Oscar Meyer, has decided to throw all propriety to the winds, and sells hot dogs in packs of ten. TEN! Requiring the purchase of four packs of hot dogs, and five packs of buns, in order to achieve numerical felicity- elsewise leaving the hapless purchaser with leftover hot dogs to be eaten while enclosed in regular slices of sandwich bread, as if we were beasts in the fields bereft of civilization.
Our damnation has a first name- it's O-S-C-A-R!