Choo choo! All aboard the Complain Train!

Jun 11, 2023
United States
As much as I like Arnold Schwarzenegger, you don't need celebrities like him pointing this out. Okay people have been spoiled. What are you going to do about it? Other than pointing out the obvious. I know he's a cool guy and has done good things, but there are plenty of other celebrities or people who treated like they're celebrities pointing out the same thing, yet either do nothing or have not my problem attitude about America or other countries
problems spoiling their kids.

Thank you! Thank you so much. All I feel is this is another case of older generations blaming younger ones (which the older ones created or made worse) . It's the same dumb cycle we've seen again and again.
Obviously he can’t do much about this now, but when he was governor he did allot more money in the budget for after school programs than every other state combined. He’s also been outspoken about recent efforts to reduce funding for it.

It is a cycle, but it won’t be broken by following the trend we’re currently taking. Complaining can and has been proven to get things done and enact change, but only when enough organized action is taken. That is the ongoing challenge.
Jun 11, 2023
United States
Eh, can only speak for my own experience, but the generation above mine (so, not quite boomers I think) is the most fucking whingy, entitled, life-isn't-what-we-were-promised bunch of sadsacks out there. Nothing's ever good enough and it's always someone else's fault.
Did they grow up in the sixties then? Yeah it goes to show how long things have been going this way I guess.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Obviously he can’t do much be this now, but when he was governor he did aged more money in the budget for after school programs than every other state combined. He’s also been outspoken about recent efforts to reduce funding for it.
I don't doubt he did good. I'm familiar with some of the policies he had a place when he was governor. Even at Arnold age, he can still do something even if it doesn't seem like much.

is a cycle, but it won’t be broken by following the trend we’re currently taking. Complaining can and has been proven to get things done and enact change, but only when enough organized action is taken. That is the ongoing challenge.
Which is the exact problem I'm talking about. So far most people are doing complaining yet aren't doing anything or shove it on somebody else. Large complaints are usually enough, but still huge action needs to be taken. Enough with the pointing fingers and actually help people, regardless of the generation. And that includes the rich getting off their lazy, greedy, asses and helping out too.


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser once famously said "Life wasn't meant to be easy". By who's fucking rules? The entire point of human advancement since we were cave dwelling dip shits has been a collective effort to make things easier for each subsequent generation of humans. Not all advances were huge, but little by little, we developed knowledge and tools to make our lives easier.

But sure, whatever. Maybe the old farts will feel better if we somehow start another proper world war and we go ahead and butcher another two odd generations of sons (and daughters) to be left in soil not their own while everyone at home puts up with rationing and bombings. And maybe after that we can have another Great Depression - although we seem to be gearing up for that already.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Yeah *raises hand with 5 year old son who’s been way too spoiled and typically has attitude if he doesn’t get his way*. It’s been a tough cycle to break haha. At least he’s been well-behaved at school (so far…).
I don't have any kids of my own, but after living with my gf's son for nearly 8 years now, I couldn't be more grateful for that fact. This kid walks over both of his parents, and all they do about it is fight with each other while doting on their spoiled, ungrateful brat in a tug-of-war for his affection. I couldn't handle a child in this day and age, at least not the way I'd raise one, the way my parents did with expectations of respect and discipline; I'd likely net the "strict parent" label because these days, if you're not changing a kid's diapers into their late-teens, you're doing it wrong.

I'm sure your kid is great, though... 😋
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Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
But sure, whatever. Maybe the old farts will feel better if we somehow start another proper world war and we go ahead and butcher another two odd generations of sons (and daughters) to be left in soil not their own while everyone at home puts up with rationing and bombings. And maybe after that we can have another Great Depression - although we seem to be gearing up for that already.
Wasn't that a defense of Brexit? The UK went through WW2 and rationing, it's fine if this generation gets kicked in the teeth by Brexit?


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
As the resident relatively younger person on the forum... Yeah, sure Arnold. I don't even disagree with the general premise that experiencing stress and discomfort helps you grow. But the waking up at 5 AM bullshit? Asking about how a person is feeling is somehow weak? I'm sure Arnold has worked real hard in his life, just as I'm sure the man has not experienced any true discomfort for a very, very long time. I do always love how the discussion is that the kids are weak, fuck these kids, get these kids of their pads. It's never that parents either don't give enough of a shit or are not capable of giving enough of a shit to raise their kids properly. No, it's definitely these kids' fault for not waking up at 5 AM and going on a 3 mile run barefoot in the snow. Yes he mentioned parenting, but only after he shook his fist at the nasty Gen Zs. Maybe we should interview some 100 year old circus strongman and hear him complain about how these whippersnappers have it soooo easy with their electricity and medicine.

Well, I guess that's my complaint of the day. Complaining about someone else complaining.

My real complaint was that I had to head back to my phone plan provider because my old plan was still active. They told me it would be deactivated in 2 to 3 days, 5 days later and I'm still still waiting. About 5 mins after I left their store, the plan is deactivated. So I guess someone somewhere, probably underpaid, forgot to press a button 2 to 3 days ago.


Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
Wasn't that a defense of Brexit? The UK went through WW2 and rationing, it's fine if this generation gets kicked in the teeth by Brexit?
It was, though the people saying it also hadn't been through WW2 and rationing.


Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
Yeah, probably born late 50s and early 60s. A generation that had it exceptionally good and are relentlessly negative.
They're mostly considered the arse end of the Boomers these days... because fuck only knows why. They used to be known as 'Busters' because they were born after the post-war baby boom busted..

The whole '20 year' generations thing they generally use now is stupid because it can end up with both parent and child technically classified as the same generation... which is just wrong.

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
Yeah, probably born late 50s and early 60s. A generation that had it exceptionally good and are relentlessly negative.
Eh... I think generational gaps are overplayed. People complain about life not being as they expected and the olds fucked it up for them and the young are lazy ungrateful shits every "generation". I'm great and have things the toughest and work the hardest and everyone else has it easy and is a lazy incompetent shit, because I know what I've been through but actually have no fucking clue about them. It's just people.

I could say that it's always millennials that I see whining about how hard adult life is now thanks to the older generations (as opposed to all the others, who had it super easy because the previous older generations handed them a world that was a golden utopia), or Gen Z becoming aware of the wider world outside of school and realising a lot of it is a big ol' pile o shit like every teenager does, or GenX complaining about millennials and GenZ doing the above...just like they did when they were kids. But I'm not (well, except for the fact that I just did), I'm going to do the true GenX thing and say "Pfft, yeah, whatever, losers" and carry on killing myself with drink drugs.*

There's always shit things happening. I'd take anything post war over bring around in the 40's but you had the cold war, the 70's were a real pile of garbage economically. The police could get away with being even bigger arseholes than they can now. Society in general was more repressive. I mean, if you were in the US or UK you'd be spending your 20s under Thatcher and Reagan.
If you were rich, you'd be doing pretty well, if you're poor you can go and die in a hole, after you've finished your shift of course. Same as it ever was and ever will be.

Well, that was a slightly disjointed rant, but it's my 2 cents. Which doesn't buy what it used to back in my day. Thanks Obama and everyone who isn't me!

*I'm not actually doing this anymore.
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Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
Eh... I think generational gaps are overplayed. People complain about life not being as they expected and the olds fucked it up for them and the young are lazy ungrateful shits every "generation". I'm great and have things the toughest and work the hardest and everyone else has it easy and is a lazy incompetent shit, because I know what I've been through but actually have no fucking clue about them. It's just people.

I could say that it's always millennials that I see whining about how hard adult life is now thanks to the older generations (as opposed to all the others, who had it super easy because the previous older generations handed them a world that was a golden utopia), or Gen Z becoming aware of the wider world outside of school and realising a lot of it is a big ol' pile o shit like every teenager does, or GenX complaining about millennials and GenZ doing the above...just like they did when they were kids. But I'm not (well, except for the fact that I just did), I'm going to do the true GenX thing and say "Pfft, yeah, whatever, losers" and carry on killing myself with drink drugs.*

There's always shit things happening. I'd take anything post war over bring around in the 40's but you had the cold war, the 70's were a real pile of garbage economically. The police could get away with being even bigger arseholes than they can now. Society in general was more repressive. I mean, if you were in the US or UK you'd be spending your 20s under Thatcher and Reagan.
If you were rich, you'd be doing pretty well, if you're poor you can go and die in a hole, after you've finished your shift of course. Same as it ever was and ever will be.

Well, that was a slightly disjointed rant, but it's my 2 cents. Which doesn't buy what it used to back in my day. Thanks Obama and everyone who isn't me!

*I'm not actually doing this anymore.
Yeah, I'd just come from a gathering of people of that age who just spent the whole time complaining about how everyone is useless and can't get anything right these days and how young people don't know how to raise their kids properly, and it kind of coloured my statement.

I think every generation from the war onwards has objectively had it harder though, even within-generation if you consider the different worlds faced by early millennials (me) and later millennials, where I was just in time to not get completely wrecked by mad house pricing. I've got a lot of sympathy for younger people, though it's tempered somewhat by the silly and wasteful things they do with their hair.

Oh, and these people loved living in a repressive society.

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
I think bub every generation from the war onwards has objectively had it harder though, even within-generation if you consider the different worlds faced by early millennials (me) and later millennials, where I was just in time to not get completely wrecked by mad house pricing. I've got a lot of sympathy for younger people, though it's tempered somewhat by the silly and wasteful things they do with their hair.
Yeah I have a couple of mates who occasionally bring up "wokeness" and I just tune out. Or maybe I just tuned out sometime in the late 90's and never quite tuned back in.

Economic fluctuations happen. Mid 00s, early 90's, every other week in the 80s, the entire 1970s. It's house prices or jobs or petrol or wages or rent or food. Things are a bit shitter for a while, then they get better again.
I would really disagree on a civil liberties point of view, although I imagine you weren't talking about that and currently we seem to be heading into a dip.

Oh, I have sympathy for them too, they live on planet earth the poor fuckers. Better than Venus though. One thing I will have to concede on is university fees, that sucks absolute balls. And the internet and social media. At least all the stupid shit I said and did when I was a teenager is lost in time, except maybe in the faded memory of the few people there at the time. Poor buggers these days get it blasted round the world and recorded for everyone to laugh at for eternity.
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The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
So for the first time since about 1994, I am deliberately without a motor vehicle. After already having replaced my car's alternator and radiator, I brought it in to my mechanic for a new set of problems, and was told that the cost to make it completely road-worthy would come out to around $2500.

I could literally get another car for that price.

And the thing is, I don't really want to. Since I work from home, I only drove that thing once a week to get to the store and the laundromat; the store delivers, and the laundromat is on the bus line. So as much of a hassle as it'll end up being, I have joined the rank of the pedestrians. Now I just have to return the plates and cancel my insurance....

What do you mean the local DMV office is closed for renovations until next year?!
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Jun 11, 2023
United States

So yeah, complaining that someone “uneducated” like Harvey will probably never be running this country. You know, the sad irony here is the politicians are the true actors, whereas Harvey’s just being real.
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Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
I have prepared for you fine folks the most 1st world problem I have ever created for myself. I'm trying to play Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 on my Samsung G9 which is an ultrawide 5Kx1440p hdr monitor and my RTX 3080 with ultra settings and RT on is only getting 35-40 FPS with a lot of drops below playable.

I can not possibly play this game at anything lower than maximum and am seriously contemplating going to Microcenter here in a second and buying a RTX 4080.

I can easily swing $1k, but its going to be the dumbest financial decision I've made in a long time, especially considering literally only Cyberpunk pushes my RTX 3080. Everything else runs fine at max, but liek ..who knows. maybe spider-man 2 needs this beef?

It's all quite a bother

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