I'm starting to forget what the sun looks like
Yeah, german here. I live in one of the regions threatened by high waters (but my neighborhood sits elevated, no direct impact)So, shit's getting really swampy over here in the Netherlands due to all the rain we're getting. It would've probably been snow if we still had winters over here, but we don't anymore, now our winters are just autumn but sluttier.
But it is a bit eerie driving to work and passing a beautiful, wide lake... where rows of trees and energy masts just stand in the water and remembering: Ah yepp, those are fields next to the tiny river.
Eh, but my main complain at the moment: Man for days i have been "slightly" sick. Can't feel if it is ALL psychosomatic, or if i also have a slight cold, or if it is something slower, lighter. I just feels bad, and was laying in bed for about two hours weighing if i should get up and get to work.... eugh. So, went to work (Not on time)