Choo choo! All aboard the Complain Train!

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Fire update:

Looks like the spread of the fire has slowed down and containment is doing better. The fire was initially doubling in size every 8 hours or so, but overnight it expanded by just 3000 acres from 19,000 to 22,000. It's funny how human perception of size is so elastic based on proportions. When it initially expended from 1,000 to 5,000 acres burned it felt apocalyptic, but after it hit 19,000 acres burned adding another 3,000 on top of that feels like barely a step up (it's like what they say, 10 people dead is a tragedy and 10,000 people dead is a statistic).

Evacuation orders are still in place, but the number of areas with evacuation orders hasn't increased.

I could still see the fire outside of my window last night, so the section that originally started the fire hasn't quite been put out yet, but I'm hoping that if the wind does change directions the fire would need to travel over areas that were already burned before getting to my neighborhood, so hopefully that would slow it down significantly.
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Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
My OSU email service will close at the end of this year along with everyone else's due to Microsoft overcharging my university to use Outlook. So now I have to move everything from my university email that uses Outlook to my personal Outlook account.

I have 600+ accounts, most of them being workday job search accounts.

I am currently job hunting. If we were a sane government, we would not only have a USPS deposit bank; we would also have a government email service with cloud storage to boot. I would rather trust the US government to not fall than Microsoft and/or Google to not fall.

But in the future, when Google fails, and Microsoft soon falls, I told you all so.
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
My OSU email service will close at the end of this year along with everyone else's due to Microsoft overcharging my university to use Outlook. So now I have to move everything from my university email that uses Outlook to my personal Outlook account.

I have 600+ accounts, most of them being workday job search accounts.

I am currently job hunting. If we were a sane government, we would not only have a USPS deposit bank; we would also have a government email service with cloud storage to boot. I would rather trust the US government to not fall than Microsoft and/or Google to not fall.

But in the future, when Google fails, and Microsoft soon falls, I told you all so.
I doubt very much Microsoft are going anywhere. Xbox might be run by idiots but the day to day, bread and butter money for them is still going strong. Office, Azure, Windows (desktop and server) are the standard in end user computing the world over.

I do feel your pain on migrating accounts to a new email though, that shit is a fucking nightmare.
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I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
My dad has been watching some third world manufacturing videos recently and I've seen a bit of them here and there. It should be illegal to import anything from these countries. Like, you've got these guys making a massive gear in a foundry wearing flip flops and cotton clothes. No safety glasses, ear plugs, boots, coveralls, nothing. The guy is jumping around brushing off his feet as drops of molten slag touch him. And this is the reason that Canada has next to no manufacturing these days. Because we buy all our products from countries that can undercut us in costs because they don't meet the safety, labor, or quality standards that would be enforced if these products were manufactured here.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
My dad has been watching some third world manufacturing videos recently and I've seen a bit of them here and there. It should be illegal to import anything from these countries. Like, you've got these guys making a massive gear in a foundry wearing flip flops and cotton clothes. No safety glasses, ear plugs, boots, coveralls, nothing. The guy is jumping around brushing off his feet as drops of molten slag touch him. And this is the reason that Canada has next to no manufacturing these days. Because we buy all our products from countries that can undercut us in costs because they don't meet the safety, labor, or quality standards that would be enforced if these products were manufactured here.
Yup, and when safety standards and quality standards ARE enforced in these countries the products end up costing as much as they do when they're made domestically (once you account for all the costs associated with shipping, import taxes, etc.).

People complain that when they buy things from Temu that it's all cheap plastic crap and think that anything made in China is cheap plastic crap. When Chinese companies make products using high quality materials and production techniques they rival or even exceed what's made in America, but it costs as much as buying domestically would.

There's things like high quality leather boots, or leather jackets, or pocket knives that Americans and Europeans pride themselves on making the "best in the world," but these things can be (and are) made in China with the same quality. A really well made pair of leather boots from China costs $700, just like a really well made pair of boots made in America, or the Netherlands.

Labor is cheap in some countries, but truly skilled and safe labor isn't cheap anywhere.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
My dad has been watching some third world manufacturing videos recently and I've seen a bit of them here and there. It should be illegal to import anything from these countries. Like, you've got these guys making a massive gear in a foundry wearing flip flops and cotton clothes. No safety glasses, ear plugs, boots, coveralls, nothing. The guy is jumping around brushing off his feet as drops of molten slag touch him. And this is the reason that Canada has next to no manufacturing these days. Because we buy all our products from countries that can undercut us in costs because they don't meet the safety, labor, or quality standards that would be enforced if these products were manufactured here.
They've got a thread for ya'.
Jun 11, 2023
United States
Chairs suck. There has to be a more ergonomically healthy way to be stationary for hours at a time. All the best posture in the world won’t prevent chairs from leading to lower back and hip problems.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
My MP3 player broke a few days ago and I can't get a replaced from amazon because the return date expired back in late August.

My copy of Shadow of the Ninja Reborn Is that GameStop, but they won't sell it to me because they're released date is not until tomorrow. Even though I was told it would come out on the 12th. If that is the case, I might as well just preorder on Amazon for now on. So it's that way the game is already at my doorstep. I hate this double dip nonsense when it comes to this smaller game studios/indie. I get it, but just have these games come out the exact same day. I know digital Is used as a safety net, but most of these games will not be harmed coming out physically individually the same day.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Fire Update:

Fire's burned a bit over 23,500 acres, but the spread has stopped and containment is at 19%.109 buildings have burned down with more damaged. 14 people have been injured but I haven't heard of any fatalities.

Edit: 152 buildings destroyed now and 31 damaged.
Last edited:

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
My girlfriend's family is putting down the cat today (FeLV).

I know it's "just a cat" and it's not even my cat but I'm tired of feeling sad. I already lost two family members to cancer this year. I've been in and out of hospitals for the better part of 2024.

A couple of weeks ago a friend broke it to me that she was pregnant and more than just being happy for her I was happy to finally be told "Let's meet, I have something important to tell you" and it turns out to be good news, for a change. First time this year. Feels like nothing good ever happens to the people I love.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Fire update:

Fire is 81% contained, I doubt it'll spread anymore. We had a drop in temperatures the last few days, and even a little sprinkling of rain which helped. I feel comfortable unpacking my go bag at this point.

The tally of damage thus far is 160 buildings destroyed, 34 damaged, and 21 injuries but no confirmed deaths as far as I know.

This will probably be my last update unless something drastically changes.


I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
In what way? I know that it's been overloaded with bad AI stuff, or at least read that it was, but I don't use it that much myself so can't say.
In the way that I was blocking scripts without realizing it and it was just showing me a very basic layout of pictures and you didn't get a closer look at them when you clicked, it just took you to the site. I thought Google had purposely neutered their own functionality for unknown reasons as so many sites seem to do. It's better now.
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The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Car shopping sucks. (There's my hot take for the week.)

My current car is running relatively fine, but 19 miles per gallon kind of sucks when my commute is 11 miles each way, so I've been looking for something more fuel-efficient. My bank actually has a site with vehicles from "approved" dealers, and I was looking through that when I came upon a '14 Chevrolet Cruze at what looked like a steal ($9k for 57k miles)... until I looked that model up online, and apparently it's notorious for transmission, engine and coolant problems (one person wrote something like "you won't have time to pull over before your gasket heads melt").

Independent shopping hasn't fared much better. One dealership proudly advertises a 2012 Ford Focus, which had problems so severe that Ford got sued over them. And of course there's all the Kias, which my mechanic has described as "disposable cars". I'm just looking for a decent, reliable, efficient car that's not going to force me to take out some huge loan, but I guess I missed out on that.


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
63 people died, 350k people (in my domain) are offline. My two main apps are unreachable and nobody knows why yet. Joining the recovery effort bridge on a Sunday.

I'm also low on rum.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Why do on-ear headphones even exist? I got one as a gift, I hear they need some breaking in time, but fuck me my ears hurt.
Are you talking about the headphones that used to come with Walkmen, the ones that have a foam pad and actually sit on your ear? I didn't know those were even still a thing; I figured over-the-ear and earbuds were the standard. That said, on-the-ear headphones never get comfortable; whoever gifted you them probably doesn't like you as much as "a gift" would suggest.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Are you talking about the headphones that used to come with Walkmen, the ones that have a foam pad and actually sit on your ear? I didn't know those were even still a thing; I figured over-the-ear and earbuds were the standard. That said, on-the-ear headphones never get comfortable; whoever gifted you them probably doesn't like you as much as "a gift" would suggest.
Well, it was from an uncle who works for one of the big audio equipment manufacturers. He just kinda sent a whole bunch of stuff for our family to split between ourselves. I guess he prioritized quantity over quality.