I'll say this: CoH was the most impressive and immersive MMO I've ever played; it takes a lot for me to be able to get past that iron curtain of animation lag and skill buffs to feel enthralled with what I'm playing. That, and the amazingly detailed character creation, were what spurred me into playing all the way up to L30, which is a pretty mean feat for ANY online game.
That said, the game was extremely, painfully, noticeably redundant. Every - single - mission consisted of 'go here, kill these guys inside this building, leave'. Sometimes you had to kill lots of guys. Sometimes you had to kill one guy in particular. SOMETIMES YOU GOT TO DO SIX BUILDINGS IN A ROW.
It makes me wonder, then, how much leeway the mission architect allows. Could it maybe just amount to thirty-thousand more 'enter-kill-leave' missions? Somehow I think so...
Oh well. It's definitely a step in the right direction ^^