"Clinically proven" oxymorons and misnomers

Singing Gremlin

New member
Jan 16, 2008
The Shade said:
I can't stand it when people say, "I could care less."

The saying is "I couldn't care less." This indicates that you are at the minimum caring level.

The other way makes no sense. Think about it!
Arguably, it could work. It's a more convoluted concept, but saying "I could care less" could be considered to be more of a dismissal than not being able to care less. It suggests that, while it is possible to care less about something, it isn't even worth the effort involved in developing that level of nonchalance.


New member
Jul 13, 2008
Dys said:
Communist dictator....just no
Why? Communism has always had dictators, however conflicting with its political ideas it may be. Chairman Mao, Lenin, Stalin.... you get the idea.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
curlycrouton said:
Dys said:
Communist dictator....just no
Why? Communism has always had dictators, however conflicting with its political ideas it may be. Chairman Mao, Lenin, Stalin.... you get the idea.
Would you care to name a leader from an actual communist state or are you happy to assume that the names they gave themselves were not propoganda?
I can't think of a single 'communist' party that has had remotely communist ideals after they rose to power (Fuck the United states is a better example of a communist state than the USSR). You wouldn't call the peoples Democratic Republic of Korea a democracy, so why would you call the USSR or China communist? If they directly oppose communist ideals in what sense are the communists?

Johnn Johnston

New member
May 4, 2008
berethond said:
RavingPenguin said:
berethond said:
PIN number.
PIN is an abbreviation for Personal Identification Number.
Personal Identification Number number?
or ATM machines
ATM is an abbreviation for Automatic Teller Machine.
Automatic Teller Machine machines?
Yup, that too.
When something like that happens, it's called "RAS Syndrome".

The RAS stands for 'Redundant Acronym Syndrome'.

ultra magnus

New member
Jul 11, 2009
Nivag said:
Sorry, this just cracks me up every time:

Microsoft Works
I never relised how funny that is.

Also virtual reality: virtual=fake, reality=real. How can something be fake real

Nivag the Owl

Owl of Hyper-Intelligence
Oct 29, 2008
I hate it when people use the word "fit" to describe anybody physically attractive. It means healthy and good endurance, dammit!

In fact, I basically hate any word that has been adapted by morons to mean something completely irrelivant.


New member
Jul 13, 2008
Dys said:
curlycrouton said:
Dys said:
Communist dictator....just no
Why? Communism has always had dictators, however conflicting with its political ideas it may be. Chairman Mao, Lenin, Stalin.... you get the idea.
Would you care to name a leader from an actual communist state or are you happy to assume that the names they gave themselves were not propoganda?
I can't think of a single 'communist' party that has had remotely communist ideals after they rose to power (Fuck the United states is a better example of a communist state than the USSR). You wouldn't call the peoples Democratic Republic of Korea a democracy, so why would you call the USSR or China communist? If they directly oppose communist ideals in what sense are the communists?
I think it's fairly safe to say that the USSR was Communist. It's Government nationalized all productive property, put factories and railroads under strict government control, collected and rationed food, and introduced bourgeois management of industry.

OK, so the leaders might conflict with the Communist ideal, but the nation of the USSR, and most of its people, was most certainly Communist.


New member
Feb 9, 2009
I'm from Australia and our news programs always credit Japanese sources as "The Asahi Shinbun Newspaper." and more annoyingly the papers do it too..


New member
Oct 14, 2008
Odude said:
Scientific law. There's no such thing people. Science does not deal in absolutes, only in evidence for or against a theory.
A scientific law is a perfectly valid term.
What everyone forgets is that science doesn't use terms such as "law" and "theory" in the same way as the layman does.


New member
Jun 5, 2009
It grates me pretty good when people say 'No offense, but,' before they say something to someone that they know is going to offend in several ways.

It's an annoying cop out phrase, and every person using it already knows that they mean every offense, but they don't want to put in the effort towards the impending fight/argument they just created. Assholes.


The Basement Caretaker.
May 26, 2009
ANPR - Automated Numberplate recognition.

Numberplate is all one word...so why two letters?

And why isnt it ANPRS - Automated numberplate recognition system.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
danskrobut said:
Dys said:
Communist dictator....just no
Also ATM machine.
you can have a communist state without a dictator it just hasn't happened yet
If there's a dictator it isn't communism, communism cannot exist without democracy.

curlycrouton said:
Dys said:
curlycrouton said:
Dys said:
Communist dictator....just no
Why? Communism has always had dictators, however conflicting with its political ideas it may be. Chairman Mao, Lenin, Stalin.... you get the idea.
Would you care to name a leader from an actual communist state or are you happy to assume that the names they gave themselves were not propoganda?
I can't think of a single 'communist' party that has had remotely communist ideals after they rose to power (Fuck the United states is a better example of a communist state than the USSR). You wouldn't call the peoples Democratic Republic of Korea a democracy, so why would you call the USSR or China communist? If they directly oppose communist ideals in what sense are the communists?
I think it's fairly safe to say that the USSR was Communist. It's Government nationalized all productive property, put factories and railroads under strict government control, collected and rationed food, and introduced bourgeois management of industry.

OK, so the leaders might conflict with the Communist ideal, but the nation of the USSR, and most of its people, was most certainly Communist.
The system of government was very near the opposite of communism. It's less wrong to claim that Britain or the U.S.A are communist than it is to claim the USSR is, they at least have a restrained form of democracy and a level of freedom.

danskrobut said:
Dys said:
Communist dictator....just no
Also ATM machine.
you can have a communist state without a dictator it just hasn't happened yet
Claiming to be communist doesn't make you one. Like I said above, you wouldn't call the Democratic Republic of Korea a democracy, so why call the USSR communist? (I've bolded that because people seem to ignore it, and the hypocrisy is a tad annoying).

A communist dictator is an oxymoron, a dictator is someone who exclusively has power over a state while a communist state is one where everyone has equal power.


New member
May 10, 2009
Mimsofthedawg said:
I hate people who get all worked up when I say, "That's gay,"

One of the definitions (And a much, MUCH older one than "to be homosexual") of gay is, essentially, and obscenity, or a negative, odd thing. It's technically correct to say, "That's gay,"

Personally, I find it more offensive to call homosexuals gay. I also find it ironic. The term "gay" in reference to homosexuals came about as a negative conotation - you'd call anyone who was obscene gay.

If anything, both uses of the term should be halted. But since that won't happen, I refuse to stop saying my technically correct (not culturally accepted) use of the word.
*Puts on glasses*

Actually, the term "gay" was originally created to mean "happy" and "carefree", so using it in that context would be incorrect.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
Compatriot Block said:
Also, I don't know if this counts, but "no offense" makes me end any conversation right then and there. Why is it that people think that they can get away with saying anything if thy add "no offense" to the front? "No offense, but you're a worthless pile of pond scum" IS offensive. And you do NOT get to be upset when I call you out on it. FUUUUUUUU-

I hate people.
I say something similar - I'm not being funny but... i.e."I'm not being funny but I think you've got your head firmly up your arse". Is that the same thing?

BlueMage said:
Working for a consulting firm as I do, I've come to hate the phrase "The customer is always right"

No. No no no. Frequently, not only is the customer DEAD WRONG, but they're morons who couldn't find their own arse with both hands, a torch, a manual, two assistants and a week to organise the whole expedition.
Aw, man, that's fantastic. You should have that framed in your office.

Mister Ash

New member
Aug 19, 2008
sallene said:
Flying high....

If you are flying arent you already technically high up in the sky?

High as a kite, agian, if its a kite and its up in the air, isnt that a given that its high?

but you are 'AS high AS a kite, indicating how high up you are. rather than the fact you are just high (standing on a chair is high, compared to the floor)