Columnist Deems Enslaved Racially Insensitive

Aug 18, 2009
No. Just no. Fuck this columnist. He is the irresponsible bastard in this conversation. Stirring up sensation with his claims of racial insensitivity. I really do love it when reporters do a half-ass job with their research in order to get some type of story out within some crunched deadline. Then the stupid cocksucker has the never to say, I wonder if it would hit the shelves if the main character was a few shades darker. Seriously? This asshole is just looking for some way or another to fuck with the gaming industry right now. Perhaps both Bethesda and I are both the biggest racists in the entire fucking world, because I was allowed to put a slave collar on black NPC's and got money for it. (I did it to white people too - moreso). Point is, Kyle Harvey is a dickless cocksucker trying to stir up a wave of sensationalism that he can hopefully ride to his next promotion or some manner of paycheck. Do yourself a favor Mr. Harvey, become a real fucking journalist, one who does appropriate research and can produce valid arguments instead of retarded gray-area ramblings, in hopes of grandeur. His mom probably doesn't even take him seriously.

So we cant shoot a black ZOMBIE, you know a kind of non-living, definitely inhuman creature that will eat your brains as a white person without being racist? Oh shit!! Well then, doesn't that just justify my indiscriminant murdering of hundreds and hundreds of white policemen, firemen, senior citizens, even prostitutes all while playing as BLACK protagonist CJ in GTA San Andreas!!! Forgot to mention that little gem there, didn't you Mr. Harvey. Sorry, fucker, you just got called on your bullshit.


New member
Jun 12, 2009

seriously this guys an idiot


New member
Oct 21, 2009
My podcast in it's early days talked to the woman who was spearheading the whole, "black zombies are offensive campaign". As a woman of color I say this often. Some people are so far removed from REAL racism, they assume everything is racism.

I'd say to this guy, if you are a person of color, I'll give you my grandmothers phone number, who grew up in rural Alabama, and saw the 'White's Only' signs and couldn't enjoy a simple ice cream cone inside the shop where she'd bought it because she was a black woman. Learn real racism so we can actually do something to combat it. This, oh there's a monkey, it's racism! (And incidentally, I'd like to say I find it offensive that this person equated color to monkey in this instance, so everytime you see a monkey it's indicative of a person of color, really? Who's the one with the problem here?!)

It's a game! I'm more stoked that there is a female lead. You want to argue a racism angle? How about let's get more BLACK WOMEN as game leads or Asian woman or Latina's. This other BS is basically your lack of knowledge about the game and the industry as a whole. Ugh...get these wannabes out of our community. We have enough issues without these types sticking their noses in.

Apr 24, 2008
Tenuous and contrived crap...

Let's be honest, he didn't play it...and he's looking to be offended...feckin' begging to be offended.

Stirring up tensions - racial or otherwise - where there wouldn't(and needn't)be any, is about as "socially irresponsible" as it gets.

Kyle Harvey, no sense of propriety, a giant hypocrite and an unbelievable douche.


New member
Apr 21, 2010
I don't get his argument. Seriously, slavery does not equal racism.That would be like saying murder is racist no matter who is involved. Hey monkey and the woman who enslaves him are the same race. What if they were both black? Would he still call it racist? His name is Monkey for reasons other than the fact that he is a slave. This is the kind of guy that when he hears the word slave the first thing that comes into his mind is."Racism against black people."


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
Having heard all I've heard abut slavery during these 25 years I've been on this planet, I might conclude that it only ever happened to black people...

Enslaved isn't racially insensitive. It MIGHT be racially insensitive if Monkey was decisively black, but he isn't. So shut the frakking hell up already, you don't have a monopoly on slavery just because of your skin color. We get it, some bad shit happened to a bunch of african people so a bunch of white people wouldn't have to work. But guess what? People have been happily enslaving other people for most of history, regardless of their particular physical appearance...


New member
Oct 21, 2009
Oh and I wanted to add @Therumancer racism is NOT dead. One visit to Youtube is all it takes to disprove your theory here.

But I do think some people aren't really sure what constitutes racism. Yes there are subtle tones of racism that we all do to each other. But we're becoming more aware of what's racially insensitive, to be sure.

It's not dead, but I say it's better. We do need to remain vigilant, but not idiotic. I highly doubt there is some grand conspiracy to slip racism into a game, just to subvert black people. The most racist and offensive game I've played to date is GTA IV. And you know what, I LOVE it. It's unbiased in it's sexism, racism and bigotry and pokes fun at all of these sterotypes and does it beautifully. Hmmm funny no one was protesting Rockstar...then again that would require playing the game, which clearly none of these wannabes are doing.

I say again, get out of our community. Gamers have brains, yes we are cruel to each other, bash each other and fight like any family does. But you're not our family, GET OUT!

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
qbanknight said:
This is pathetic, another insensitive self-righteous prick who believes himself holier-than-thou just because he's politically correct.
I'm sorry, my irony meter just exploded. Drop the "PC" strawman and that could readily apply to your own post.

And while we're at it, why did you bring up your own ethnicity and skin tone? I'd like to think there's a logical reason, but it reads as though you omitted the "and therefore, nobody else should be offended." Does your experience as a Cuban negate the experience of other people with a lot of melanin? Do you speak for all people "of colour," sir? How else can you invalidate the opinion of another as you have done? Do you, in face, speak for all black people? Is it impossible for blacks to find this offensive?


New member
Sep 11, 2010
The article is complete bullwhonky, but he does raise a point in saying that the game would be worse received if Monkey were black. It would also be worse received if it was a man controlling a woman. People need to forget past prejudices in order to avoid their re-surfacings. IMHO
Aug 18, 2009
Therumancer said:
This gets into one of the problems that I referance continuously in various discussions. I doubt it will happen, but try and remember the "Enslaved" complaints here in the future, especially when you see similar kinds of complaints being made.

The problem is that racism is pretty much dead in the US, and the Western First World for that matter. To find racism you mostly need to travel to the second and third world, and into the eastern areas (Middle East, Far East). There used to be racial issues in countries like the US however, unlike today where being called a racist is an insult, and what real racists exist are a tiny fringe minority that have to hide their sentiments due to wide scale social persecution.

The thing is that a lot of political groups formed to fight racism when it was an issue. People made careers out of it, and strove to form multi-generational dynasties for a battle that they felt was going to be ongoing. Entire subcultures, like a lot of those American Blacks are part of in part define themselves by having oppressors to fight. The problem is that when the war was won, and a lot sooner than many people felt it would be, you wound up with a lot of warriors without a battle, and a lot of people with power bases that would erode making them normal, instead of important, if the conflict was to end.

Martin Luthor King Jr. himself pointed out that what he was doing was the easy part. The hard part is when the oppertunities open up and the racism is gone, and people are left with nothing but a lot of hard work, and noone to blame for their failings besides themselves. Bill Cosby gets a lot of flak for talking about this from time to time.

Pointing fingers at something like "Enslaved", "Resident Evil 5", or other pieces of media allows the black community to effectively *CREATE* an enemy for themselves. Today we're increasingly dealing with a boogieman of alleged "secret racism" or a majority that is "racist without realizing it" due to the fact that an unverifyable straw man presents an eternal enemy to blame for problems, and for minority leaders to justify why they should be important and why people NEED to turn to them for guidance and to lead them as a political block.

The thing is that with a minority group equal representation does not mean that everything is going to involve them or be 50-50. It simply means that they won't be omitted simply for being who they are.

There are examples of racism to deal with, but those are BIG problems and not the kinds of things that someone can make a political career in the US out of, or get attention. You can point fingers at places like China, or the ethnic cleansing happening throughout the third world parts of Asia, Africa, and Central and South America, but all of those issues would basically involve saying that the US should go to war and kill a whole heck of a lot of people in order to end the conflicts. Wars are never popular, and honestly anyone concerned about racism that isn't here isn't going to make much of a case for themselves as a leader.


When it comes to Slavery itself, it's a touchy subject and I think this game is kind of cool for opening up a lot of those questions. See slavery is not an inherantly evil institution, it's simply presented that way due to modern politics and how the world is now. People rarely stop and think about it other than to immediatly jump on "slavery is bad".

To give a simple example of modern politics involving slavery, think of the idea of convicts being forced to perform hard labour? A lot of people, including me have no real problem with this. However we don't do it much anymore because someone decided to start screaming about it being slavery to the state, and forced the system to make such labour voluntary, and to provide (very minimal) wages to be spent in the commissaries.

Oh sure, there are issues with it that I have as well, but I tend to look at it from the perspective of how if the goverment uses convict labour for road repairs and such, it means that regular non-convict workers aren't going to get those contracts and not have jobs. The state employs a LOT of people to do things like work on roads that otherwise wouldn't have jobs if they used convict labour.

Still I think there ARE things that convicts can be used for, and I have no real objection to making them work as part of the sentence.

That's a slavery issue, even if people don't see it as one.

To take things in another direction, especially with unpopular wars like the ones we've been involved in, people have discussed the possibility of penal brigades. Rounding up all the people in our prisons, shipping them overseas, and forcing them to fight in The Middle East for example. If they freak out and do bad things, it's not only not in our back yard, but in the back yard of someone we don't like very much (hence why we're at war). A win/win scenario all around. There are numerous science fiction stories that explore this idea, with various "final conclusions" on whether it's good or bad.

That's a slavery issue too, and more similar to what we see with Monkey than a racial issue. He's not a nice guy from everything I've seen (at least to begin with), and he's being used as a warrior by the person that enslaved him.

Then on the subject of war, one has to look at things from the perspective of a conquereor. Yes, conquest is no longer a "morally acceptable" thing, but I think that's a transient, modern point of view in the end. When it comes to conquering or defeating another nation, what do you do with all the people? They aren't going to remember you well, and if they build back up they might very well come looking for revenge, Nobody is the bad guy from their own perspective. To deal with this problem permanantly you can either kill them all, lock them in prison forever (which is impractical), or enslave them. Viewed from an overall perspective slavery can be seen as an act of mercy.

It should also be noted that slavery is also something that has been practiced from the dawn of human civilization, starting with the black peoples in the Fertile Crescent. I frequently laugh at racist associations with slavery because in the end every race has enslaved other races at some point when global power has shifted. What's more whites, who are considered the "big bad guys" were the victims more often than not, we just happen to be the last group of people color wise to have engaged in it. I honestly think we're pretty much lightweights when you consider our scant few centuries as slavers, especially in light of the conditions we provided for slaves which while not pleasant were positively posh compared to how slaves had been treated by other civilizations. While nobody wants to be a slave (obviously) I suppose I'd rather live in a hut and pick cotton or something, than be forced to haul giant stone blocks to build a pyramid, or thrown into a pit as lion chow for someone else's lulz.

That said, it can be argued that Slavery has benefitted many people through the ages. I've read arguements that we owe Western Civilization to it. Largely because the greeks and romans enslaved us lighter skinned barbarians (even though we're all more or less white). From them we learned many things during that time in captivity. When Rome eventually fell there was a "Dark Age" but it was ultimatly that knowlege (a lot of which was preserved by the church) but in the end civilization rose from those ashes and was largely based on their teachings.

Had the Romans just turned around and genocidally killed all the Barbarians they conquered throughout Europe instead of enslaving them, there probably would be no Western civilization. A lot of the art, philsophy, and ideals on goverment that we currently hold would never have come to be.

Now granted, I don't argue the case as well as many others, and admittedly don't agree with it entirely, but it does present some interesting food for thought.

Above and beyond any racial issues or overtones, when someone talks about slavery and how any mention of the very idea is wrong or should be oppressed, stop and think about it.
Decent argument, but the only thing I'd dispute is that racism is dead in the US or in the first world altogether. It's a lot more subtle, but that ugly monster is still lurking around. I work in construction and witness it every day in our very own USA. Take another first world country like Japan, of which is highly xenophobic, and you'll see that this evil beast lives on in the hearts of men and women worldwide, regardless of demographics.


New member
Oct 19, 2007
Is it weird that, out of all the "arguments" the columnist provided, I'm stuck on the color of Monkey's skin?

Yes, he's tan. However, most of that curious shade of whiteish comes from the fact that he's a large, muscular man who's been living outside in the freaking wasteland/wilderness for gods only know how long. That's DIRT! He's a man covered in dirt, grime, and other assorted ways nature has to sully your person. Given the backstory, it might be possible Monkey doesn't even know what a bath is. And THEN he gets captured, and we go from there (which, given that most of his enemies are robots, will probably add motor oil to the patina of grime he's already got).

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
chewbacca1010 said:
I have nothing to say about the story, but I honestly have no idea why stuff like this gets posted since all the reactions from people here are exactly the same.
You mean "being offended is bad, and you are a bad person for being offended?"


New member
May 8, 2010
Somebody should tell this guy that gamers still can't believe Jim Crow went through so you're not going to receive any sympathy or understanding.

Look at this dudes last paragraph. 'IT NOT'S THERE, SHUT UP, BAAAAAAAGH!!!!!' And this guy is a paid 'professional'. Haha.


New member
Aug 17, 2009
Mintycabbage said:
Not every slave was black. If you want proof just look at the Roman Empire's Slave trade. Also in middle age Europe, peasants were basically slaves and they were the same race as the nobility! Hell there is still slavery today among the Chinese Mafia trafficking people. Shouldn't we be just as sensitive to them. I think monkey would be a little it tanned, having to work in the sun all day. According to this guy we should ban all media containing slaves fighting for freedom, so logically we should also ban the film Spartacus.
Those kinds of racism won't get him as many pageviews, and you know it! Get your logical, well-reasoned arguments out of here, this man is talking about a videogame he never played and knows nothing about on the internet, damnit!