Comic-Con Hilariously Strikes Back Against Hate Church


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Furburt said:
Gentleman, I salute you.

Nerds: 1
Bigots: 0

Your move, Phelps.
Let's hope his next move involves his little black hateful heart giving out. I want to build an outhouse on that assholes grave, then everyone can pay their "respects" to "pastor" Fred Phelps.

OP: Figured they would do something like that, whenever they do show up there's a counter protest, still, good on them. Personally I think the best way to stop them is to either A: Do the Texas thing. Shoot them all (except for kids under 8) and shoot the survivors again, then put the kids into some form of reintergration program to reverse the brainwashing. Or B: Ignore them, they're attention whores, starve them. I really like option A though...


New member
Jun 18, 2010
lol Im Christian and if I was there Id be right in with the nerds! Woo! NerdPower! Also its true that the best way to ruin the protests is by bringing it down to just stupidity so that the focus is off them and on something funny and lighthearted and not so hating


New member
Dec 31, 2009
You know, this is EXACTLY what WBC craves, fucking attention. The thing Fred Phelps fears above all else, above the hell he so preaches, is dieing unknown and forgotten.

The greatest counter protest is to just ignore these assholes.


New member
Nov 23, 2009
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
Here is the transcript of one journalist, Bob Calhoun, with lead WBC Protester Maggie Phelps

BOB CALHOUN: So why are you out here at Comic Con today?

MARGIE PHELPS: well we're out here to say that if were to invest one fraction of the resources that you spend and invest in worshiping Batman, and the Ghostbusters and Buffy the Vampire Slayer and so fourth in reading the Bible and obeying God, this nation would not be (garbled).

BC: You seem to be pretty knowledgeable you threw out Buffy there.

MP: We read the news. It's not hard to track what's going on in this country. This kind of convention would draw a lot more people than, for instance, a convention about obeying God.

BC: What about the Promise Keepers though? The Promise Keepers fill arenas several times bigger than this.

MP: Promise Keepers. Promise Keepers, dot com, potato, po-tah-toe -- all worshiping false Gods.

BC: So the Promise Keepers are worshiping false gods as well...

MP: Of course they are. They are worshiping themselves, first and foremost. It's just another false religion.

BC: So who are the real Gods then?

MP: You mean who are the real servants? There's only one God and you know it and all mankind knows it. It's in your DNA. The Promise Keepers claim to worship the only true and living God, but instead they worship their works and self righteousness and that's every bit as wrong as these foolish people worshiping Batman and all.

BC: Okay, Batman I understand, but why picket the soldiers' funerals.

MP: Because the soldiers are dying for the sins of this nation and the whole world is looking over at those events. They are big, splashy, patriotic pep rallies. We've picketed over 500 of them. They're great, big, giant public events. Why not picket them?

BC: It's really tacky. These people are grieving. These families lost somebody.

MP: They're not grieving. They're angry with God and they're mugging for the cameras, and they're mugging for the cameras and they're bringing all their business outside... Let me finish. They're bringing all their business outside on Front Street and Main Street for everyone to talk about.

BC: At a cemetery? That's Main Street?

MP: Number one, we don't picket cemeteries. We picket on public sidewalks, 30 minutes before the funeral, and we leave when it starts. Have you ever been there picketing? I have. I see what goes on.

BC: But aren't you people just mugging for the cameras? You're here at Comic Con. You're at Ronnie James Dio's funeral. Aren't you just being fame whores just like the whores of Babylon you purport are in there (pointing to the San Diego Convention Center)?

MP: We're using any public forum available to get these words before the eyes and ears of doomed America. (Raising her voice) We are not claiming...

BC: I think you're just fame whores like the people in there (Note: Sylvester Stallone was in there somewhere).

MP: And I don't care. Now going back to what sprung you off onto that side trail, we don't claim that we're privately mourning for our dead son. They do.

BC: How are you supposed to know that though? How are you supposed to know whether they are mourning privately or not? What made you God? Does God speak to you?

MP: By their public actions. I don't care or know or care what they do in private. We don't speak to them in their private quarters. We speak to them when they come out on the public sidewalk. And that's what all of America is doing, bowing down to those dead bodies saying, "God Bless America" like a bunch of fools.
Oh I see question dodging. I love how their arguments get beaten so badly.


New member
May 1, 2010
PhunkyPhazon said:
Not to mention the whole "counter-protest" thing happens everywhere the WBC goes. While I expected there would be one, occasionally people will do something a bit more ballsy and creative [], which is why I'm actually a bit disappointed. If there's anything the people at Comic-Con have, it's creativity. For example, Mega 64 is attending, right? Their entire internet career revolves around being assholes to total strangers, so imagine if they had done a sketch where they dress up and bug the WBC. Or someone dressed as Batman gets up close to one of them and screams "SWEAR TO ME!" (Due to the whole "idol worshiping" thing) Of course, this is all assuming the WBC's police escort don't mind someone getting at least somewhat close to them <_<

At least there were some funny signs. ("God hates Jedi!" "Support fiction, read the Bible!")
That linked clip is hilarious: "He's...he's irresistable", I especially love the Fox quote: "If you think America is doomed then GET OUT," I never thought I'd find myself agreeing with Fox. You know the crazy envelope's been pushed when even they're backing away slowly.

As for the Comic Con counter, I think the Commander Shepard sign, and the "I find your lack of faith...disturbing," were my favorites, as well as ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD!!


New member
Aug 24, 2009
Next time, someone should dress up as Jesus with the sign "Time until resurrection: 3:00:00:00"


New member
Jun 20, 2010

Nerds of the world! I invite you to laugh at WBC's god-awful (pun intended) cover of Lady Gaga's telephone :D

These people make me sick. Go Comic-con for fighting back!


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
You can't start a god-fight with pagans---you'll quickly find yourself severely outnumbered (in gods, at least).

Then again numbers aren't everything because atheists manage to beat monotheists despite constantly trailing the game 1:nil.