Kenko said:
Flying-Emu said:
Kenko said:
I get it, and its as decadent as it is weak. When rapists and murderers sentenced for 2 months to 2 years and get out earlier for good behaviour, death penalty with torture before it is a viable option. Subhuman idiots who do drugs and drive inebriated and endanger other peoples lives should be punished the same way. Painfully and for a long duration. They are a waste of space and disgusting stain on humanities genepool.
Not even the wisest can see all ends.
1. You are not your fucking movei quotes.
2. Your point is moot as the situation in the vid is completley irrelevant to what we are talking about.
1. "A fine quotation is a diamond on the finger of a witty person, but a pebble in the hands of a fool." -John Roux.
2. The situation in the vid is actually more relevant than you might think. Gollum was addicted to the Ring, driven by its evil to do evil things. This woman was addicted to (insert drug here), and driven to do stupid shit.
Besides that, the only thing that matters is the first part: You can never know everything that there is to know about a situation. Lots of dead people deserve to be alive (this fine fellow, for example), and lots of the living deserve to be dead. Who do you think you are, to think you're qualified to decide who lives and who dies? My great-grandfather committed manslaughter: His axe-head flew off while he was working (I come from a family of loggers) and killed a man. Because of him not checking his gear before setting to work, a wife lost her husband, a mother lost her son. Did my great-grandfather deserve death?
You are not an omniscient being. You do not know everything. This woman made a mistake. Does she deserve to die? Debatable. Does she deserve to be tortured for years? Ab-so-lutely not.