Compare and Contrast the last two games you've played.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
I'm currently playing through LittleBigPlanet 2 after spending several weeks playing Fallout: New Vegas. Gotta say, they're quite different. In more ways then one.

One's a kid friendly platformer with a cute little mascot, the other's a gritty post-apocalyptic RPG/FPS hybrid.

In some ways though, they're kinda similar. They both allow you to do some form of customization. Whether it be making levels in LBP, or simply making your own kind of character in Fallout.

So what about you guys? What were the last two games you played and how much do they contrast from each other? How similar are they?


New member
Sep 5, 2011
Tetris and Mass Effect.

I guess you can picture the blocks as ships that you have to dock to a space station.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
Max Payne 3 and War of the Roses.
Gritty noir 3rd person shooter that's very cinematic compared to a fairly clean medieval multiplayer only combat sim... thing.
Just about all they have in similar is the camera being outside of the body and the fact that you're killing people.


New member
May 2, 2011
Hitman Absolution and Diablo 3.

One I got on release day. One I got months after release and on sale due to fear of bugs.
One frowns on killing anyone except a few carefully picked targets. One makes you kill everything that moves, including trees.

Captcha - car trouble. Good point captcha.

One lets you punch cars. One doesn't have cars.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
I've mostly been going through XCOM on Normal IM again to whore achievements. Feels easy after Classic IM. I'll give it a go on Impossible afterwards but I don't have high hopes. Right now all I'm counting on is Colonel Arnold "Ace" Rimmer making it through every mission to the end of this save.

On the other hand I've started on Seiken Densetsu 3, an Action/RPG for the SFC, on my own console. Ahem. WHY HAVE I NOT BOTHERED WITH THIS GAME BEFORE. I'd certainly heard about it but until now I've never followed through with my curiosity. It does make me a little sad over the fate of Square, but that's something I've long since let go as just one of those things.

I can just sense that this is going to be really good.

They've both got conflict and threat on a large scale. In XCOM the world is pretty much buggered if the project fails and in SD3 it seems as if everyone is invading, abducting, manipulating or murdering everyone else. Other than that there's not much that's similar.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
Ummmmmmmm, BlazBlue: Continuum Shift: Extend vs League of Legends... I main a female character in both? I guess? Noel and Irelia, complete opposites in every way from the amount of the story i've played. Note that i've only played the CT part of the story so technically i've played fuck all ^_^

They're both centred around online play maybe, BB actually has a pretty extensive single player mode though. League has literally none, unless you count bots in which case lol.

They both have a troll character, Singed and Platinum respectively. I have no idea why Platinum exists or what inspired her but I think proper swaggy Platinum combos would be extremely infuriating to watch if you were against her. Singed is just Singed. Fuckin' Singed.

Then there's Rachel... Who caused me to lower the AI difficulty to rock bottom on her own. None of her projectiles stop if you hit her, she has that frog that shocks you and is out constantly, if she gets any pillars up it's GG and she can hit confirm anything into that full screen super that halves your health.

The keepaway-iest of any keepaway characters I have ever seen. She puts Morrigan/Doom to shame.

I wish I could play her :/


New member
Mar 3, 2012
Halo 4 and Gears of War 3. Both shooters, one is FPS, one is 3PS. Both have stunning graphics. Both have aliens. Halo has shields, Gears does not, yet they both regenerate in cover.

Gears is way better. Horde mode 2.0 is the best thing on current gen consoles.


New member
Feb 24, 2011
Jak 2 and Borderlands

You can free-roam in both of them and shoot at things. They both attempt for humor. They both have vehicles for fast transportation. And both characters take orders from random NPCs for quests.

Jak2 has cartoon visual while Borderlands is cellshaded. Also, in Jak2 there are 4 weapons (I believe) while in Borderlands has shit-tons.


New member
Dec 14, 2011
Valkyria Chronicles and Disgaea 4. Recently purchased a PS3 and am sticking solely to RPG/JRPG's with the intent to earn worthy platinum trophy's.

Both are strategy RPG's (Disgaea is infinitely more hardcore, but Valkyria is such an amazing game) that feature very likeable characters and unique art styles.

While i am enjoying both, Valkyria's lack of trophys matters to me more than it should. Damn you, podcast Beyond!

I really should be getting back to grinding, dood.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
Well, it would be Persona 4 Golden and either World of Warcraft or The Walking Dead: Episode 5, because I'm not sure if an MMO would fairly count in something like this... also, I think the fact that I've been playing it for almost six years means that just based on a law of averages it'd usually be included in threads like this one. So, yeah, I'll go with Walking Dead.

Well, both games are from genres that I don't typically delve into: Persona 4 is a JRPG with monster-raising (sort of), dungeon-crawling, and life-sim elements, and The Walking Dead is a point&click adventure game set during a zombie apocalypse.

Hm... both of them feature a fair amount of death? And rather compelling stories centered fairly heavily around character development.


New member
Jan 26, 2012
Deadly Premonition and Bastion.

DP's a surreal mind-screw mystery that juxtaposes horror and quirky humor, while the other's an artful dungeon crawler style indie game. Setting and tone are completely different, though I suppose both deal with an unreliable narrator from time to time.

In retrospect both also have a brilliant atmospheric scene before the climax, carried by its music and slow pace.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
Far Cry 2 and PlanetSide 2. No problem.

FC2 appears to be an open world Adventure-Shooter (I just made that up, but its based on ideas that were kicking around in my head ever since I tried to analyze Bioshock), and it is, for the most part. You get two discrete sandboxes to play in, and you can do whatever you want to, but mostly you'll kill a lot of nebulous 'bad guys' who politely re-spawn whenever you wander to the end of the block. This would be much more efficient if you had guns that didn't jam right away. Better quality weapons can be purchased in a limited in-game economy. You can earn currency through doing missions as a mercenary - and killing more nebulous 'bad guys'. Also there is a small amount of currency in hundreds of caches in the sandboxes, but scraping up gun funds that way takes much longer. You'll probably end up using about 6-8 different weapons, and its possible to spend all the money you need to spend before you leave the first sandbox - meaning you end up with a lot of excess currency. The number of missions you can perform are limited, and whatever story there is gets pushed slightly forward when you've done a certain number. Also you get buddies who can rescue you when you fall in battle, and also grant you perks if you do missions for them (also limited). The story itself is interesting, but not very engaging; the main supporting character talks too fast, and is a self-righteous blowhard. Interestingly, the game itself can raise player awareness of the horror of tropical diseases and poverty in Africa - but not to the point where they will volunteer for the Peace Corps. I liked FC2 almost immediately.

PlanetSide 2 is a "Free to Play" team-oriented, class-based, Massively Multi-player Online Murder Activity Playset for Sado-Masochists. That is to say that it has a lot in common with the multi-player versions of most of the SpunkGargleWeeWee games. You join one of three factions and have to go kill the other two factions because they are different colors than you. Friendly Fire is always on, and it can be difficult to identify the OpFor quickly - especially if you have toons with multiple factions. The world/island/thing that you are on is plenty big, and there are two more of them if you get bored with the one that you are on. There are some F2P shooters where your sidearm matters a *LOT*, but surprisingly, this isn't one of them. Your standard issue weapon is fairly good compared to others that you can unlock. You unlock weapons, attachments, upgrades and perks with certification points; which you earn by killing, healing, repairing, resupplying or hacking things. You gain cert points fairly quickly (teamwork really, really helps!) but those things that you need cert points for, take a LOT of darn points. AND you have to certify or unlock items SEPARATELY FOR EACH CLASS! If you want your tank to carry more ammo, you have to unlock that separately with each class that you intend to drive the tank with. So there's no such thing as spare currency in this game. There will always be something that you want to spend it on. If you can't bear to wait, you can spend money to buy Station Points, which can be used to unlock weapons, but interestingly, they are not entirely fungible with cert points. Approximately once a month(?) there are double- or triple- Station Point sales, where the same dollar amount gets you double the number of SP. (This may not be relevant, but SP seems to cost significantly more in the EU than in America. It's usually the other way around.)

PS2 has decent platoon & squad-based communication, and players can join 'Outfits' if they so choose, so the organizations are pretty SpunkGargleWeeWee standard. PS2 has what seems to be a large number of servers, and even the servers that are crammed full seem to run fine for me - on my 4 year old E8400 Wolfdale rig. After my first session of playing PS2, I was aggravated, and just barely resisted a strong impulse to uninstall it. Now I'm kinda hooked, so I should probably uninstall it for my own protection.

To summarize, lets consider it a checklist.
> Both open world.
> Both have neat fast-travel systems, both of which suit their setting quite well
> Both have ground vehicles that steer fairly well - much better than the cars in Saints Row 2
> Both require killing tons of dudes
> Both have formidable opponents, as FC2 has good AI, while the players in PS2 may be more clever than you (Tip: remember that PS2 has jetpacks!)
> Both will have the player purchasing upgrades
> Both have unique currency that can be acquired at reasonable speed
> Both can be addicting following successful forays, causing you to spend more time than intended
> Both end badly. FC2 has a stupid ending. PS2 ends when you uninstall it to get your life back.

> FC2 has invisible walls that you won't discover, unless you try climbing or wandering out in the desert. While in PS2 there are none, all the objectives are within your map, and no real reason to wander off.
> In FC2, you get to shoot absolutely everything that moves. The game does not allow you to hold weapons when it does not want you to shoot friendlies. In PS2, Friendly Fire is always on, and you will kill teammates. Just accept it.
> You pay for FC2 once, unless you get sucked into buying DLC. You will be strongly tempted to spend money on PS2, but you really can manage without. Maybe. The certification system is a little overbearing, but it doesn't constitute "pay to win"
> FC2 has no aircraft, while in PS2 you cannot run over wild animals. Players, yes.

Note: By Adventure-Shooter, I don't mean its related to point-and-click "adventure games". Rather, I mean a game where you kill things in an environment that is large, alien, or otherwise fascinating to explore. Bioshock would have grown wings and flown away if it was set in a larger explorable world.

Also: For Twing-Twang!


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
LoL and Frog Fractions.

Ummm.... I played both of them on my laptop and.... that's really the only similarity I can think of. Frog Fractions is a very unique game


New member
Jul 12, 2009
Well I played TheLastStory maybe a month ago and when I finished that I bought PandorasTower which I am playing at the moment.
Both are JRPGs and were a part of the Operation Rainfall to get them from Japan to the West. So yeah, both are third person RPGs. In PT you travel alone inside towers as the name suggests while LS is more free and you travel in a group.
Pretty similar but for me LS was very fun and entertaining whilst PT hasn't really caught me yet and I can't really play it for more than 1.5 hours before it starts to feel like it's just repeating itself over and over again, well maybe that changes a bit into the game, who knows.


New member
Jun 21, 2011
Persona 4 Arena and Guild Wars 2.

Uhh... these two games are completely different. One is a fighting game, and one is an MMO. Two genres which play completely differently from one another.

I don't have much that I can compare, but I guess I can say that both games kind of have a branching storyline. It seems as though no matter what you decide in the storyline for both games, you will always end up with a fixed ending. You can pick your paths, but your paths will always converge into the 'canon' path later on. But really, other than both games being multiplayer-oriented, that's all I can think of as far as similarities go.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl and XCOM: Enemy Unknown.

About the only similarity is that you tend to get killed a lot.