Confess your nerd sins


New member
Apr 3, 2013
-I've never played a single tabletop game, aside from stuff like monopoly.
-I think the early Zelda games suffer from crappy puzzle design, and haven't played any of the new ones.
-I think most of the reasons they ever gave for Light being a suspect in Death Note were contrived an almost ruined the show.
-I don't watch Game of Thrones, mostly because I don't feel like it.
-I think the Megaman: Battle Network games on GBA are fantastic, if a bit childish.
-All of Skyrim's writing is slightly original ideas threaded together with cliched plot points.


New member
Jun 1, 2014
-I'm into Warhammer and Warhammer 40K JUST for the fluff, lore and books, and not the tabletop stuff
-I could never get into Dr. Who. My little brother watches it, but I could never get into it (Didn't help that a friend kept telling me about some of the more freaky episodes....)
-Never liked Game of Thrones/Song of Ice and Fire. I like fantasy and dark fantasy stuff, but some of the themes in GOT/SoIF where WAY too dark for me.
-Only been interested in The Walking Dead from TellTale's games, not the comic or the TV series
-I've had an on-off relationship with trading card games (mainly Yu-Gi-Oh, but I had a bit of a phase where I played Magic The Gathering when I was younger)
-I enjoyed FFXIII (Though I awknowlage that it isn't the best Final Fantasy. That goes the the SNES and PS1 games)


New member
Jun 28, 2014
I read about half of the first LotR book before I had to put it down because it bored me so badly. Perhaps it's because I saw the movies first, but to me, the first book (at least) is just an overly descriptive, slow-paced, sleep-inducing book.

I couldn't even read past the third chapter of GoT either, also because it bored me to tears. I don't care for the books, and I care even less for the TV series. I don't see the appeal. I really don't.

Due to me never having owned any PlayStation consoles, I've never played any of the classics for them like Metal Gear Solid, Shadow of the Colossus, Ratchet and Clank etc. This one, however, I want to do something about. Alas, I don't have that much money or space in my room right now...

I'm not a movie buff. At all. I don't care for superhero movies, I've never seen Wreck-It Ralph, and I simply don't have any willing suspension of disbelief, no matter how over-the-top it is. Don't get me started on Exploding Sun. [small](Fuck, I hate that movie!)[/small]

I have never seen Doctor Who. I've never had an interest in it. I can understand and appreciate the references well enough, but I just don't really care for it. I guess that's because I'm not that interested in movies or TV shows overall.

That's everything I can think of at the top of my head. There are probably more, though.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
Oh... this is nice.

1. I never buy individual comics if I can help it. Just trades.
2. I like Battlefield Earth as a bad B movie that I consider so ridiculous as to be fun to watch.
3. I don't like most of Dr. Who. Not only that, but the one or two Dr.s that I actually liked I can't tell you which Dr. they are because I've never bothered to track their numbers. Whoever recommended I start Dr. Who from the first known episode forward can suck a toad.
4. Never got past the first two episodes of Lost.
5. Tried to go back and play Fallout 1. Eyes are still bleeding and I hate humanity more than ever before.


New member
Jan 11, 2011
I HATED The Dark Knight.
There wasn't anything about that movie I enjoyed. It was trying too hard to be a psychological thriller... and it was predictable. I haven't seen it since it came out. I never want to watch it again, and it's the reason I never saw the third movie.
I really liked Batman Begins.

I also thought Winter Soldier was "just ok". Really loved the first Captain America. I also saw the live action movie from the early 90's and loved it.


New member
Jul 8, 2010
Oh, bless me father for I have sinned.

I don't care at all about Dr. Who.
I have never watched anime, and I never will.
I find most comic books to have juvenile and simplistic morality.
Addendum, the only comic book movies that I thought were worth anything were Tim Burton's Batman and the Dark Knight.
I don't like Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
The only Star Wars movie I really liked was Empire Strikes Back.
Addendum, the only prequel movie that was really bad was Attack of the Clones.
Deep Space 9 was the best Star Trek.
I enjoyed Avatar (the James Cameron movie).
I love Assassin's Creed.
I think Halo is a better shooter than Half-Life.

It's dark this hole I dug for myself.



Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
Past me, what are you doing? Wait... STAWP!!
FPLOON said:
-I probably would not be suited to be a GameStop employee because I fail to keep up with the latest AAA titles... (Pretending is fun?)
-I LOVE giant robot/mecha anime.. but can not name a single Gundam model name...
-Still watches the Pokemon series dubbed... Has been rotting for Team Rocket since Black & White...
-Love me some Touhou... I know more about the non-canon doujins than I do the main series...
-Loves the lore of .Hack//... Would probably fail the easy quiz based on said lore...
-Prefers Persona 3 over Persona 4... (Let that REALLY sink in...)

I think my biggest moment would be when I tried to defend every single Hulk comic, even though I have never read a single Hulk comic in my life... and I still haven't... The friend who wanted me to defend them would never let me hold that down, especially when I told him beforehand that Hulk was my favorite of the current Avengers...
Well, let's see if I can "update" this list, I guess...

-Really like the MCU... yet has only seen Guardians of the Galaxy in theaters...
-I like the later seasons of TBBT more than the earlier seasons, especially when the episodes involve either Bernadette or Amy...
-I think Glee did do some awesome song covers...
-I do enjoy when things I like gets Rule 34'd and/or Rule 63'd...
-The recent season of Doctor Who was the first season I watched when it actually came out...
-I probably would not like a Robot Chicken Marvel Special as much as I did the DC specials...
-I've only played one Ys game... and I didn't finish it...
-Some of the games I bought for the GameCube and PS2 I only bought due to how popular they were instead of actually wanting to play them first-hand...

The only other thing I can think of was spending too much time making mock spreadsheets of various stats in the Kingdom Hearts series... but, I'm not sure where the "sin" is in that particular info...


New member
Jul 15, 2014
I have never played a metal gear solid game

the only jrpgs i've played are pokemon. No chrono trigger, no xenogears, no smt, nothing.

I think neverwinter nights 1 is the best wrpg ever

I have no idea how people manage to get into a British show by the name of dr.who

I think the joker from the dark knight had awesome writing

I can't get into any anime that doesn't have lesbians and lots of sci-fi

I think esports will never actually be a thing since companies always control balance and leagues

The godfather part 3 is my favorite of the three

The original star trek is the best of the series, the next generation is the only other that came close

i'm sorry

Nobody dislikes the first three lotr movies, even with the weaknesses they have. Things like the charge of the rrohirrim and evading the balrog where 2 gud

yeah tolkien goes on about the burial of Boromir for like 15 pages


New member
Jul 9, 2013
-Im a filthy casual. I like absorbing a lot of media, rather than obsessing over a couple of pieces. I dislike trying to be better than strangers on entertainment.

-I really like lets plays.

-I play on easier modes.

-I dont like depicting things im a fan of on my clothes.

-I play games on mac a lot.

-I get bored by legend of zelda games.
Sep 13, 2009
Oh I've got a bunch

- Never read a single comic, despite having seen plenty of media spawned from them
- Could care less about Dr. Who
- After a good match in a competitive game I could care less if I won or loss
- I've never even looked at my gamerscore
- I used to rock climb competitively
- I can't stand watching Let's Plays
- I've never had someone bully me for being a nerd, and I'm very open about my interests
- Mario Kart sucks. Crash Team Racing is, and will always be, the best kart racing games

TizzytheTormentor said:
-Halo 3 is one of the best games on the Xbox 360.
I can actually get on board with this. It's the best splitscreen multiplayer game that's come out since the Gamecube generation. Soaked so many hours into this with my brothers, and we can still find new ways to make it fun.


New member
Aug 6, 2010
- If I can, I go for the easier difficulty settings.
- I loathe "nerdy" clothes, I just prefer to wear something plain.
- Never finished a Zelda game, or a Metroid game, or a Castlevania game and I have zero interest to do so.
- I don't read comics, there are a few series I want to read but I probably won't ever get around to reading them.
- No interest in Dr. Who, Breaking Bad or
- Game of Thrones (the show, read the books and enjoyed them).
Those are the few I can think of off the top of my head. I could probably think of a few more, but I'd rather keep this short.


New member
Oct 27, 2008
Oh, boy...

I think the Star Wars community consists of perpetually overly-proud nostalgia whores who have turned Empire Strikes Back into the most over rated film of all time, dismissing retrospective criticism because of its nostalgia value and critical acclaim, and justifying their own petty hatred by constantly pointing to RedLetterMedia's reviews of the prequels as 'proof'.

That said, I only really like Return of the Jedi, and the climactic scenes from New Hope and Empire. The prequels aren't great, but not that far below the originals in terms of overall quality to me.

I hate the majority of 80's cartoons immensely. It was the worst decade for animation, by far, introducing the many terrible business decisions made by studios that persist to this day, including the practice of measuring a series' success by its toy sales.

I think if you still support those disgraces of cartoons, Transformers G1 and 80's Ninja Turtles, you deserve nothing better than Michael Bay.

Other classic nerd/childhood favorite movies on the internet that I don't like include:
Blade Runner (yes, I've seen the Final Cut)
Land Before Time
most Muppet movies
Little Mermaid (only main Disney animated film that I loathe)

I love the Lord of the Rings movies but have trouble getting into the books.

While I think the Batman animated series was good, I think fans tend to overlook how many bland filler episodes existed in pretty much the same number as great episodes.

In terms of games, I adore the Zelda series, but I don't like Link to the Past or Link Between Worlds very much for pretty much the same reasons that others love them.

I prefer a goal-oriented gaming experience. As such, I find objective-less games that tell you to do whatever you want despite giving you the possibility of an epic story like modern Bethesda games to be very uninteresting. Some might call me a fan of 'linear games', and that's not too far from the truth. I think linear games have better difficulty curves.

That said, based on most comments I've seen advocating directionless objectives and non-linearity tend to sound like whiny 'DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!" complaints rather than appreciation for open-ended design.

I think Metroid fans' reactions to Adam Malkovich in Other M have been greatly over-exaggerated in terms of how 'sexist' it is. That said, I don't really like Other M, but I'm not butthurt over it because I never really liked Metroid all that much. Again, not enough immediate goals given to me.

I am terrible at strategy games, so games like Starcraft an Fire Emblem are almost completely out for me.

I can't stand one-click combat, and several Bioware games lose me because of it. I only really like the Mass Effect games.

That said, I waited until fan reactions to 3's ending came in, and I just waited the storm out until all the dlc was released before I played it so I could have the whole story my first time around. I am thus 'okay' with the ending.

I also despise using a keyboard to control a videogame character in a 3D environment. I think the WASD setup is very uncomfortable, and no other configuration feels comfortable to me. Controller with analog sticks all the way for me.

I think the Wii's reputation sank because of shovelware being dumped too frequently on the console. As such, I think there are several cool hidden gems for the console.

I can usually tell the difference between 30-60 frames per second, but I don't give a shit if one is used or the other. I can adjust to one or the other without much difficulty.


New member
Apr 3, 2009
-I don't care about comic books:The only comics I have read and loved were the French one.

-I don't like Dr Who: It tries to appeal to both adults and children and in doing so it falls flat on its face.

-I don't care about the Mass Effect ending: Probably because I've never played the games.

Have no intention of reading Game of Thrones: Why bother reading the books when i've already seen the tv series?


New member
Nov 11, 2009
I have no problem with the ending of Lost or Battlestar Galactica.
I have devoted a large number of hours to Candy Crush and Subway Surfers.
The new Star Trek movies are fine.
I don't care who shot first, they were only cheesy kid's movies about space wizards.
I loved the Dark Knight Rises.


New member
Apr 2, 2012
I don't care at all about the Resident Evil games but I find the movies very entertaining.


New member
Aug 25, 2010
I don't care about Star Wars
I don't care about Star Trek
I don't like Dr Who
I don't like TV show of Game of Thrones
I actually found physics to be quite useful
I think Pokemon is overrated
I read quite some Frozen fanfiction and liked plenty of it (some of it is downright bizarre, but I found plenty I like)

There, I think I covered most of it.

Oh, and I think Nutella is disgusting

Leonardo Huizar

New member
Jul 1, 2012
I like The Big Bang Theory and feel it gets a bad rap even though its popularity is based on the massive following from Latin American countries or the fact if that show is so bad towards the geek community then why are their panels at every comiccon they show up in always standing room only?

I dont like FF7. I was planning one time to LP it BUT i either was possesed by spoony or I could not stomach any of the bull shet badly written in the game. I could not stop myself from tearing this game another after another [in my mind anyway]. I could get into details but I really dont want to write all of 5 hours of gameplay.

As a martial arts practioner & US Regular Army Veteran I feel that Power Rangers is so Gaw Damn stupid especially if you had to deconstruct their combat/teamwork/people they choose.

To me Batman is the most over rated, idiotic, most unrealistic super hero ever made.

Over rated because hes can beat anyone, anytime, anyspecies, anywhere, anyearth... but prep times and budget limitations.

Idiotic cause lives in a world with super science, magic, and alien tech... uses gadgets, kevlar costume, and has a work out regiment

Unrealistic cause shot, stabbed, poisoned, gassed, youknowwhat extended medical history of bad physical shet happening to Bats but where as most people have endure and struggle with but not "Most realistic". That also includes the nasty as garbage sewers, what ever weird effect certain magical or energy bolts might have on already pre-damaged body. Works in a never ever covered in guano Batcave. Never bugged by the IRS on how he uses his money [DKR doesnt count since adds to my points]. Telling me the people in Gotham are so thick they cant figure out Bruce is Batman especially since hes so popular that a lot of folks with varying degrees of skill wouldnt go find out? Also he "mastered of 230 martial arts" as in 10000 hours to master 1, but somehow Bruce trained for [guestimation math] 270 years in between criminology, engineering, and stealth BUT still has to stay on his toes against loud untrained crudly armed psychopaths. Yeah you know what superheroes learned 1 and could kick Bats in a fist fight ass: Iron Fist, Shiang Chi, Daredevil, Green Arrow, Wild Cat, and Supes without powers since he actually is a master of a kryptonian martial art [2 in fact]


New member
May 17, 2010
-Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap is the only game of the series I've finished (surprised everyone's more of less on that bandwagon). Nothing on Metroid either. Really just skipped through Nintendo's golden age (almost completely missed the Smash Bros Melee phase) from NES to Genesis to PlayStation.

-I have not seen Firefly, Buffy, any Dr. Who, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, either Avatar series, Arrow, Flash (one or two episodes) and can't stand Seinfeld, but I enjoy Big Bang (though it's starting to grate).

-I have not seen 2001 Space Odyssey.

-I've read the first Game of Thrones and am not sure I'm compelled to continue, both because I didn't find it all that interesting (I know, I know, Sansa gets better) and that for whatever reason I don't have the patience to look forward to an 800-1000+ page book per installment (though I don't want to binge-spoil either).

-I legitimately think a Street Fighter film, given the right perspective and effort, can be a masterpiece on par with Dark Knight, maybe even better.

-I don't completely hate Man of Steel - there's plenty wrong with it but I appreciate what it was trying to do, even if supposedly Superman Returns did it better (at least for certain things).

-I thought Guardians of the Galaxy was ok.

-Even though it's gotten really easy, I still love Final Fantasy 7 and honestly think there's some interesting subtext, especially about Sephiroth. Actually think Tidus is an ok character especially compared to Vaan.

-I can't remember the last time I've read a comic book outside one or two compilations I've found or have been loaned - haven't read Secret Wars, Civil War, World War Hulk (War 2: War of the Wars), Crisis on Infinite Earths, or Killing Joke (flipped through it once - God it looks gross).

-I'm saddened how pathetic he is now and how little he seems to factor into the Marvel universe, but I really like Venom.


Apr 28, 2008
Someone Depressing said:
I can't stand moe anime. Hate it. From the impossibly skinny legs (the thighs being narrowed than their necks is my favourite) and ridiculously massive dinner plate eyes, and the... Ugh, they make me cry out of misery.

You'll never catch me! Even if you do, there's too many of us now! You've let things go unchecked for too long.
The uprising is just too far along at this point.