CONFESSION TIME (reveal your most unpopular tastes)


New member
Aug 18, 2010
I think my favorite Halo game was Combat Evolved...

Toy Story 3 was a great movie, even if it's a little young for me...

I LERV Pokemon!!!


New member
Oct 25, 2010
Dead_Man said:
I screamed like a girl several times during my first play-through on Doom 3

I also didn't find Silent hill 2 that scary
I liked god hand
Sonic adventure 2 was my favorite dreamcast game


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Woodsey said:
WrongSprite said:
I think Two Worlds is fucking fantastic.
I was going to make a joke, possibly referencing the dialogue in the game, but it hurts too much to even think about it xD

OT: The only decent feature of RDR's story is the ending, and even then I don't think it's as big a thing as people say it is. Marston is also pretty poorly written in terms of his character, not dialogue. There are perhaps 3 missions in Mexico that actually do anything with the story, yet it's the biggest section of the game. How does this happen? Well, to artificially extend the game you're sent on increasingly menial missions by people who keep telling Marston they'll find the things out later, when they're actually raping women.

1) Marston would really be scaring the shit out of them until they tell him, and even though he gets angry every time they say it he simply folds and ignores it until he does the same thing next time.

2) He's portrayed as being highly respectful of women, yet he lets a bunch of them get raped by an arse hole who keeps wasting his time.

It's not a bad story: it's fairly well acted, some of the themes are explored quite well, etc. But there's not really much to it, it's hideously paced and Marston is conflictingly written.
I found the conflicting writing of Marston fitting because he's a conflicted character. He finds it hard to leave behind his old way of life, but is desperate to stick to his new one.

OT: I like Valve, but not their games except for Portal and Left 4 Dead 2.

PC Gaming is bollocks.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
I like Supreme Commander 2 far better than Supreme Commander 1. I think Civilization is incredibly boring and dull. I own Stormrise, which is an affront to humanity in and of itself. Oh, and I am an unashamed hipster.

I think that's everything.
ThatLankyBastard said:
I think my favorite Halo game was Combat Evolved...

Toy Story 3 was a great movie, even if it's a little young for me...

I LERV Pokemon!!!
CE was the best, hands down. And if you don't like Toy Story 3, you're a soulless monster.

EDIT: Oh, and Starcraft! Starcraft is shit! I just couldn't get into it.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
AnAngryMoose said:
Woodsey said:
WrongSprite said:
I think Two Worlds is fucking fantastic.
I was going to make a joke, possibly referencing the dialogue in the game, but it hurts too much to even think about it xD

OT: The only decent feature of RDR's story is the ending, and even then I don't think it's as big a thing as people say it is. Marston is also pretty poorly written in terms of his character, not dialogue. There are perhaps 3 missions in Mexico that actually do anything with the story, yet it's the biggest section of the game. How does this happen? Well, to artificially extend the game you're sent on increasingly menial missions by people who keep telling Marston they'll find the things out later, when they're actually raping women.

1) Marston would really be scaring the shit out of them until they tell him, and even though he gets angry every time they say it he simply folds and ignores it until he does the same thing next time.

2) He's portrayed as being highly respectful of women, yet he lets a bunch of them get raped by an arse hole who keeps wasting his time.

It's not a bad story: it's fairly well acted, some of the themes are explored quite well, etc. But there's not really much to it, it's hideously paced and Marston is conflictingly written.
I found the conflicting writing of Marston fitting because he's a conflicted character. He finds it hard to leave behind his old way of life, but is desperate to stick to his new one.
Writing a conflicted character and having conflicted writing isn't the same thing.

In virtually the same sentence on numerous occasions he gets angry at one of the three Mexican guys for stalling on him, before then simply agreeing to do whatever they ask.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
I prefer the 3D Sonic titles (pre-Sonic 2006 and even 1/2 of unleashed) over most of the 2D titles. I understand that those games aren't the greatest, but I enjoy them way more than the 2D games.

repeating integers

New member
Mar 17, 2010
Phoenix09215 said:
OhJohnNo said:
Phoenix09215 said:
I like Naruto. Yeah....
So do I. Or rather, I would if this fucking Konoha History filler arc would come to an end sometime this decade. It's a shame, the other filler arcs in Shippuden were good (as opposed to the original's filler arcs).
Oh god they're annoying. Not because they are fillers but because they aren't actually very good -.- Especially after such a good bit of storyline. I'm just going to go ahead and presume the filler will still be running through tonights episode as well? (I haven't actually bothered watching half of the episodes recently so I don't actually know).
I got no clue, I'll check when I can be bothered to.

The Pain arc was damn awesome. I stop caring about everything else in the animé when Girei (that's Pain's theme) fires up - even NaruHina takes second place :p. Too bad we probably won't hear it again for a while.


Charismatic Leader
May 5, 2009
Durgiun said:
I LOVED and still do LOVE Alpha Protocol. To me, that is a pretty good game that deserves a sequel.
And how!

Hm, I guess I had better come up with one or two of my own, huh?

-I have a strange obsession with mining in games and have often left my friends to fend for themselves in battle in various MMOs because a harvest-able node showed up nearby.

-In a similar vein, I find I quickly grow bored of an MMO without a good crafting system in it(Pre-Patch Star Wars Galaxies, how I miss you!) so I find myself drawn much more to games like Fallen Earth than more popular games that would traditionally be my genre.

-Surprisingly with the two above facts, I have only played about 10 minutes of Minecraft(though I have watched probably close to 10 hours of video on it).

-When our Susan had to ask if someone called her 'brother' earlier in the thread, my first thought was an appropriate response is 'Arendt you?' but that seems a ban worthy pun.


New member
Aug 29, 2010
The Rockerfly said:
Woodsey said:
The Rockerfly said:
PC gaming is a joke
I know this is the point of this thread, but this definitely calls for a "huh?".
The price of upgrades
The difficulty of installing everything, making sure you have the right updates for your computer
Software up to date
Pirates everywhere
PC gaming controls don't work for a lot of games. FPS and rts yes they are fantastic but have you ever tried playing devil may cry or a good fast racing game
Pop in and play convenience almost doesn't exist for pc gamers except for flash games and maybe one or two exceptions
If anything is fun or action based it's dum in most of the eyes of the community
Uncertainness every time I buy a game if I can or can't run it wasting my money if I can't because maybe I can run it but the specs on the back or shit or the game is badly optimised and I can only run it on 5 frames per second

So you could put up with all them for a bit better graphics and slightly cheaper games or you could get a console. Easy choice for me
Sorry to thread jack but some people have very odd views...
I'll grant #1. My gaming PC was $800...but it can play more games than your single console. I have over 4 times as many games (number pulled out of ass) than you do on a console.

The only difference in installing a PC game to a Console game is you get to choose which folder to put it in. Consoles are constantly requiring updates as well. Windows updates automatically.

Consoles have just as many pirates, though I don't see how, other than DRM, that affects your play experience.

With controls and the PC, you always have the option to just use an Xbox360 controller for fighting games, or a wheel and pedals for racing games...your point is moot.

It takes me 2 minutes to join a TF2 game from the desktop, 3 to get into Mass Effect, one minute for COD4... my PC is always on. If it's not, it's a 3 minute boot-up.

I've never run into performance issues. It's very, VERY easy to ascertain how well your PC will handle a certain game based. If you have difficulties, you should have built your rig better.
A bit better graphics? The second you bought your console it was obsolete, and other than getting a bigger HDD, you're stuck with it.

Sorry...but it just sounds like you are blindly following a particular idiom without actually paying attention to, well, anything beyond your own short view. I know it's your opinion and I respect that...but you are basically spouting off lies here.

ON TOPIC....Mass effect is a pile of boring crap. I'm having to force myself through it...that's not a good game.


New member
Apr 19, 2009
I think that CoD3 has been the best CoD to date and hate any of the later iterations (CoD4 was tolerable on the PC).
I don't like Half Life. At all.
Apparently Pokémon liking is an embarrassing thing, so my 500+ hours on Soul Silver can go here (the animé is also one the few animés I actually like...some of the filler episodes can be a little dull though).
I enjoyed Transformers 2 (haven't seen the first one).
Metal Gear Online is my favourite online shooter at present (I enjoy the combination of stealth and shooty action, plus it doesn't take itself too seriously, hiding in bins, running around in cardboard boxes and using sexy poses/magazines to immobilise enemies is brilliant).
I liked driving the Mako in Mass Effect 1.
I like the Gungans, though due more to the fact they were fun in Galactic Battlegrounds rather than their part in The Phantom Menace.
Portal jokes are still OK.
I find that sports games tend to be great fun.

I'll stop there for now I think.


New member
Jan 28, 2010
TheRightToArmBears said:
I also like Avenged Sevenfold, didn't mind the first Transformers film and I don't really like most Valve games.
This is me also.

I never beat either superboss in FF VII --- AND I TELL PEOPLE I DID...I mean, I've seen it done enough times...TELL ME IT'S OK! :S

I have taken 0 interest in any Zelda game and I pretty much despise nintendo in general.
That's right
I think they're the most repeatative and dull 'rpg' out there with little story and nothing to keep me engaged.

I am bored to death of current gen consoles, they have hardware that's 4 years old for christ's sake.

I believe, from what I've seen, Crysis 2 looks like nothing more than consolised, dumbed down, uninteresting turd. But I will still buy it purely because I loved the first 1.5 games.

I never played KOTOR 1 but I loved KOTOR 2 so I guess that's ok.

I simply do not understand how so many people despise PC gaming. For example, I believe 'The Rockerfly' (end of page 2) is wrong in almost all of his points. I mean, I built my PC over a year ago and it's been smooth sailing ever since.


I dislike the Halo franchise, not because I'm a fanboy, but because I believe every Halo game is simply the previous one with very little improvement. This was totally fine when there were only 3 of them. It's been milked too much. This may also be why I despise nintendo.

Blade runner was horrible.

I find turn-based combat to require more understanding and patience and investment of brain power than any given FPS or even RTS. It pains me when my mates tell me 'LOLOL IT'S JUST LIKE THIS GUY HIT THIS GUY THEN WALK AWAY THEN HE DOES IT THEN HE DIES THEN SHE DOES IT LOLOL IT'S BORING AND TURD".

I hate both Left for Dead games. I simply think there's nothing to them and they have an extreme lack of depth.

I think 'quick scoping' is an art of the devil. In other words, it should have never been included in any game claiming to be representative of warfare in the modern day.

I believe BRINK looks like the work of angels, and the PC price tag makes me weep with joy.


Pro-league gaming, i.e. Starcraft in Korea is ridiculous.

Caesar 3 was a Godsend.

I always use quality and emotion of a game's soundtrack to judge it's overall quality.

Even though I play it a decent amount, I want WoW to die, not because I'm ignorant and short-sighted, but because I believe other MMO's could do so much better with more attention and funding.

That is all.
Sorry for the minor PC rant.


New member
Sep 29, 2010
I really don't see what's so special about the "classic" third & fourth generation consoles.

Sure, I enjoyed myself on the NES, Super Nintendo, and Sega Genesis but to me the systems seem stuck between the Hang-On-Until-You-Die gameplay of the second generation (and its arcade counterparts) and the story driven material that rose to the fore in the mid 90s. Having to read a bit of text to explain why a Monkey Cowboy has to save a space station from a Sentient Pastry while only using a red rubber ball and bowling abilities just doesn't cut it for me.

Halo Fanboy

New member
Nov 2, 2008
Heavy Rain is just about the worse mainstream game of the generation. Not just in terms of quality but also philosophically. A game that uses quick timer events as a primary mechanic is unacceptable, particularly when the penalties for failure are often nonexistent.


New member
Feb 21, 2009
*sigh* I enjoy chick flicks. Sometimes. Like not Twilight or Sex and the City. Like High School Musical.


New member
May 4, 2009
I don't like Star Wars. In fact, I think it was written by a five year old. (This one is 100% true; everyone hates me for this opinion.)

I think Mirror's Edge is a cool game.

I despise Halo.

I don't like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings.

Megan Fox is unimpressive.

'Awesome' is overused.

I think Clerks is a better movie than Kick-Ass.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
I think consoles(current gen, and last gen) are the worst thing could have to happened to gamers, and if they all went away everyone would be better off

sure they got they had there time, but by 2000 their reign should have ended making way for games on a PC

I mean theres no need to have a specialized game console, when for the same price you can get a video card, plug it right into ur mb, and have more rendering power than any console on the market

arcade machines: gone
entertainment systems: still around?

its just natural to phase out these devices


New member
Jul 10, 2009
I like Sonic Adventures 1 and 2 and don't care about the original sonic games or any of the newer ones.