Conflict between Palestine and Israel escalates


Elite Member
Apr 30, 2016
A daily reminder that parody is dead.

Edit: I want to make it clear that he is right on this but God damn it man. The sheer gall
Of course the whole thing is an opportunity for Russia to paint "the West" as hypocrites. All the outrage against Russia bombarding Ukrainian civillians and infrastructure does not sound particularly convincing when Israel doing the same is ignored. And while Russia was accused of ethnical cleansing and genoocide, the treatment of the Pelestinensians fits the bill just as well.

None of that makes what Russia does any better of course.
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Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
A daily reminder that parody is dead.

Edit: I want to make it clear that he is right on this but God damn it man. The sheer gall
Russia's been beyond satire for a l-o-n-g time.

But it does make sense. Essentially, Russia backs pretty much anyone that opposes the USA and its allies; it is de facto in kahoots with Iran and thus will back Iranian interests in the Middle East.


Elite Member
Mar 21, 2009
United States of America
interesting conversation from ten days ago:

A daily reminder that parody is dead.

Edit: I want to make it clear that he is right on this but God damn it man. The sheer gall
Hardly more than any such declaration made by the United States or United Kingdom or some other countries or entities about one of their favored targets.

None of that makes what Russia does any better of course.
Indeed, this isn't relevant to that.

The second one absolutely does.
View attachment 9953
That is justifying attacking civilians since service is mandatory, it also implies that all Israeli citizens are valid targets because of that and it seeks to other them as being "heartless colonizers." They are stupid but they are also too young to have done more then existed in isreal.
everything you've said about 'valid targets' is you drawing a conclusion from an incomplete set of premises that were not presented as an argument.

let's analyze:

1)these Israeli civilians that are mocking Palestinian victims really don't seem very innocent
2)Israeli adults are required to serve in the Israeli armed forces and typically do so because otherwise they have to spend time in prison; the typical Israeli adult has engaged in the systemic brutality they might mock Palestinians for enduring
3)maintaining a racist apartheid with a brutal occupation turns people into bloodthirsty, heartless colonizers (as seen in whatever the comment was about)

This is an interesting set of statements. But there is no premise here about what constitutes a legitimate military target. You had to supply it.

4)??????? (something in your head which has so far gone unstated)

And whatever you supplied in your head, got you to here:

5)So they're fair game to be attacked like a military target.

Which is odd, since you don't seem to think that. Why would you supply a premise-- not just any premise, but a moral postulate, something like "civilians who are sufficiently hateful are acceptable military targets"-- that would take you from what was before only a series of apparently true statements to a conclusion you disagree with? You obviously don't agree with the premise you supplied either, or at least not in the case of Israeli civilians. Notably, something like the premise you must have supplied was a premise used to attempt to justify the mass slaughter of Palestinians (it is one of the missing premises when people leap from Hamas won an election over a decade ago to the conclusion that therefore it is acceptable to starve and bomb Palestinian children); maybe you picked it up from its use in that context. In any case, everything that you've claimed is wrong about the comment came from you. You are arguing with yourself.

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
My guy, they're being called assholes because they're being flagrant assholes. I could make the same statements about a depressing number of military folks I know...

Which doesn't mean that I think they're fair game to be killed
They are assholes, I never said they weren't, but that doesn't mean they are valid rocket targets unless they have a howitzer on their house.


May 26, 2022
Clear 'n Present Danger

Over and over and over again the government responses and justification is "there are no civilians, so there are no war crimes." it's not subtle, it's right there stated over and over again...HOW IS THAT SO HARD TO SEE?

everyone's just watching a fucking genocide be carried out right under their noses and they're actually fucking cheering it on. Don't wanna hear any more of these ghoulish hollow kunts bring up the Holocaust ever again like it's the only genocide they can pretend to have been on team 'good guys' due to time distance and generational propaganda. This is insane, everyone's fucking insane, truly a horrific ghastly hell world, we deserve our own extinction, fucks sake.
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Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
But Israel does not want to properly annex the Palestine territories because it doesn't want to grant the people living there citizenship. They do want territory. But only territory without people.
I guess you are right. Still, my primary point stands. They want to increase their aggregate power via war. Which is really the crux of all offensive realism.


Elite Member
Mar 21, 2009
United States of America
I guess you are right. Still, my primary point stands. They want to increase their aggregate power via war. Which is really the crux of all offensive realism.
settler colony that has been engaged in ethnic cleansing for 75 years wants to use violence to gain territory, this news and more at eleven

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
Hhm. Gee, I can't imagine why the people of Israel are so determined to keep their own nation.
Israel is in a very real sense the part-author of the hatred felt for it. Who'd have thought that oppressing Palestinians for decades might have led to a lot of people resenting it? Although to be honest, in a way, the UN and UK bear a lot of the blame for creating it in the first place.

Israel is, to all intents and purposes, the last European colony. One can understand why, after centuries of persecution and the Holocaust, people thought it might be a nice idea to give the Jews a homeland. However, with typical imperial arrogance, they decided some other poor sods - the Palestinians - could make way for it. Maybe the Jews could have been given Western Australia, or British Columbia, Or Oregon: but that would have meant European types giving up their own land, and that wasn't going to happen because giving up land does not compute in the minds of European and European-derived states: it has to be torn from their grip.

The other weird shit about Israel is that for some absolutely bizarre reason, people thought that the Jews had any particular right to it at all. Because I can assure you, if anyone else claimed land because their ancestors lived there 1000+ years ago, they'd be laughed out of the room. Nevertheless, history has played out as it has, and it would require an eye-watering atrocity to undo Israel at this point.

Anyway, unsurprisingly, like every colonisation project ever, the native peoples fucking hated it. The problem Israel has is that unlike most of the other European colonies, it has had vastly less time to exterminate / subjugate those natives into full compliance. But as we can see, Israel's working hard on that as we speak. It's just going to have put up with a great deal of hatred whilst its doing it, and probably for a few centuries beyond.

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
Israel is in a very real sense the part-author of the hatred felt for it. Who'd have thought that oppressing Palestinians for decades might have led to a lot of people resenting it? Although to be honest, in a way, the UN and UK bear a lot of the blame for creating it in the first place.

Israel is, to all intents and purposes, the last European colony. One can understand why, after centuries of persecution and the Holocaust, people thought it might be a nice idea to give the Jews a homeland. However, with typical imperial arrogance, they decided some other poor sods - the Palestinians - could make way for it. Maybe the Jews could have been given Western Australia, or British Columbia, Or Oregon: but that would have meant European types giving up their own land, and that wasn't going to happen because giving up land does not compute in the minds of European and European-derived states: it has to be torn from their grip.

The other weird shit about Israel is that for some absolutely bizarre reason, people thought that the Jews had any particular right to it at all. Because I can assure you, if anyone else claimed land because their ancestors lived there 1000+ years ago, they'd be laughed out of the room. Nevertheless, history has played out as it has, and it would require an eye-watering atrocity to undo Israel at this point.

Anyway, unsurprisingly, like every colonisation project ever, the native peoples fucking hated it. The problem Israel has is that unlike most of the other European colonies, it has had vastly less time to exterminate / subjugate those natives into full compliance. But as we can see, Israel's working hard on that as we speak. It's just going to have put up with a great deal of hatred whilst its doing it, and probably for a few centuries beyond.
(Shows news reports of attempts to mob and kill Jews)

Agema: So let me explain how these Jews deserve it

What a contemptable disgrace you are.
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Israel is, to all intents and purposes, the last European colony. One can understand why, after centuries of persecution and the Holocaust, people thought it might be a nice idea to give the Jews a homeland. However, with typical imperial arrogance, they decided some other poor sods - the Palestinians - could make way for it. Maybe the Jews could have been given Western Australia
I just did a quick bit of checking, and fuck me swinging, the population of the state of Western Australia is currently 2.8 million and change, and 75% of that is located in Perth. And as of right now, you could give every single person living in the state a whole square kilometre/237 acres to themselves, which for reference is the same size - appropriately - as the Old City of Jerusalem that currently has 37000+ people in it. And back in the 1950s just after Israel's founding, the whole state had half a million people. We'd have had the room if the will had been there too. And its not likely anyone would have had to give up jack shit.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
Agema: So let me explain how these Jews deserve it
They don't deserve it.

However, you've got to have some joined-up thinking about how the world works. This sort of thing happening is a near-inevitable consequence of how Israel-Palestine has played out historically, and how it continues to play out now. Don't blame me because I choose to think about these things, rather than engage in some vapid, "boo hoo" hand-wringing.

Nor is it like you've shown any particular concern for all the many indignities and suffering the Palestinians have gone through, so I'm not particularly impressed by your feeble attempt to claim moral high ground. I'm pretty sure if either of us it's you for whom sympathy for others is contingent on them being the right race/religion.


Elite Member
Mar 21, 2009
United States of America
I just did a quick bit of checking, and fuck me swinging, the population of the state of Western Australia is currently 2.8 million and change, and 75% of that is located in Perth. And as of right now, you could give every single person living in the state a whole square kilometre/237 acres to themselves, which for reference is the same size - appropriately - as the Old City of Jerusalem that currently has 37000+ people in it. And back in the 1950s just after Israel's founding, the whole state had half a million people. We'd have had the room if the will had been there too. And its not likely anyone would have had to give up jack shit.
on the other hand, it's Australia. 😬

(Shows news reports of attempts to mob and kill Jews)

Agema: So let me explain how these Jews deserve it

What a contemptable disgrace you are.
that shit is getting tired. it's going to stop working entirely.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
I just did a quick bit of checking, and fuck me swinging, the population of the state of Western Australia is currently 2.8 million and change, and 75% of that is located in Perth. And as of right now, you could give every single person living in the state a whole square kilometre/237 acres to themselves, which for reference is the same size - appropriately - as the Old City of Jerusalem that currently has 37000+ people in it. And back in the 1950s just after Israel's founding, the whole state had half a million people. We'd have had the room if the will had been there too. And its not likely anyone would have had to give up jack shit.
IIRC, there is a cattle farm in Western Australia bigger than Israel, though as Israel keeps taking more land, might not be the case anymore.

But, NIMBY and all.