Connecticut Lawmaker Calls For Taxes, Warning Labels On M-Rated Games


New member
Oct 31, 2012
I can't wait for her to say they need to tax newspapers as well for publishing stories that may not be appropriate for sensitive individuals as well. Talk about the worst way to get oneself publicity.


New member
Nov 7, 2012
All i heard was "Making guns and bullets harder to get wont reduce gun violence, making something that has nothing to do with guns will reduce gun violence." This shit would be funny if it weren't getting really old real fast.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
I'd like to propose a law that any politician that says the science is clear when it categorically isn't, or without being able to provide sufficient sources to explicitly verify their exact claim, and refute any evidence counter to their claim, said politician loses their job and is barred from public office forever.

Because I really fucking hate politicians saying the evidence is clear when they are full of shit and everyone knows it.


New member
Mar 22, 2012
All the warning labels in the world wont replace responsible parenting, and given there's no real connection between violent games and kids shooting up schools even the removal of all games wont change a damn thing.

Here's an idea, how about better gun control?

No of course not Americans would rather lose a limb then give up there guns. Then they'd better get used to the consequences. All the scape goats in the world aren't going to get rid of what enables this to happen...time after time.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Heh, well, clearly you weren't elected for your powers of education, leadership, and understanding of law. You're a blonde stereotype, the bubbleheaded doofus who says whatever comes to mind whether it makes sense or not. Shame on you for dishonoring your fellow women!

(Also, what an idiot. 'Countless studies' have been based on a false premise with fallicious data and no real understanding of psychology.)


New member
Mar 30, 2011
I wonder if researchers ever get annoyed at their studies constantly being misquoted or misinterpreted for politicians' political gains or media's sensationalist ratings-grabs.

Anyway, seeing as this wasn't passed on the floor, it looks like the other representatives disagreed.


New member
Apr 9, 2014
Negrido said:
Snip of doom
Umm. You do realize that that we are already seeing politicians care less about video games violence? Sure it will still be there until a new target comes up, but it will eventually die down WAY before the generation dies off. Also, you are sort of generalizing an entire generation there.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Scrumpmonkey said:
I'm just sick of this. Yes we can laugh and mock these cooks but this is the debate they are having instead of putting any kind of gun controls in place. Tighter gun control stops gun deaths. It IS that simple.
Not in the USA.
And pardon me, but I don't see gun deaths being a problem. It's violent crime that I'd like to curb and I have a feeling that won't decrease simply with more laws in place.

OT: It's been said in the past that violent videogames don't make people violent and that the issue is frustrating game design. So I propose she reaches out to developers to make better and less obnoxious, rage-inducing games. Win-win situation if I do say so myself.

Vivi22 said:
I'd like to propose a law that any politician that says the science is clear when it categorically isn't, or without being able to provide sufficient sources to explicitly verify their exact claim, and refute any evidence counter to their claim, said politician loses their job and is barred from public office forever.
Well, they only need to begin the sentence with "It is my understanding that..." and continue to say what they would usually say. If you don't believe me, listen to a couple of the Supreme Court hearings. EVERY lawyer does this to avoid the inevitable "No, it really does not show that."
In fact, I advise anyone who would like to know what the United States government or better yet your own government (if you have access to recordings of these hearings) would like to do to its citizens to listen to those recordings periodically.


New member
Mar 5, 2011
AT God said:
Something interesting I learned in studying empirical research on various things for psychology.

Science hasn't "proven" that secondhand smoke causes cancer, it by definition cannot prove that despite "countless studies" showing there is a correlation, science cannot prove cigarette smoke causes cancer.

A scientific study that had its participants play video games and then observed the participants committing violence while a control group did not under perfect conditions could claim to support the theory, something this black and white doesn't prove that there is even a causal relationship between violent video games and actual violence.
That is something that pisses me off about people demanding "scientific proof" that second-hand smoking causes cancer. How is science supposed to prove that beyond saying "Well, when you smoke 55% of the smoke lands in the air around you instead of staying inside your lungs and that smoke is dangerous"?

Diseases caused by smoking have latencies of up to 10 years. Are scientists supposed to put people in closed rooms pumped full with carcinogenics for 10 years? Who is supposed to conduct a study like that? Fucking Dr. Mengele?

Sorry for off-topic, had to vent.


New member
Apr 9, 2014
Negrido said:
Perhaps you're right, and I'm being too cynical. I've just seen the same shit happen over and over for so long that it seems foolish to expect any different. Literally every single time some mass shooting happens people start talking about gun control, then the politicians that are purchased will mention how video games or something equally distracting is what the real problem is.
I guess the best things would be to get money out of politics and properly educate the public. These kinds of cretins cant be elected or stay in office without a lot of dumb and misinformed people supporting them and without the tons of money they can use to pollute all of media with said misinformation
The real problems are still discussed even after a politician blames video games to influence the killer. Not all media is polluted with anti-video game stupidity(even MSNBC and Fox News). In-fact, issues such as mental health and gun control are discussed EVEN MORE after a mass shooting. When a politician does this, it is to look good. It is rarely used to get the public to stop thinking about the issues.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Countless stupid studies lacking integrity and cited by stupid people like yourself who can't create a logical thought if they try, yes, they have proven a definite link between violence and videogames, and not just some aspects, all aspects of videogames rated M or higher for whatever reason.

Sometimes I do really feel sorry for people who have to live in the US knowing there are these people around.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
I clearly don't agree with her, but I do find it ironic that....

The studies she quotes are under strict allegation of just being wrong based on lack of actual scientific study, bad control conditions, improper conclusions, etc. But any study not supporting a strong correlation is seen as perfect.

I'm just saying! Don't shoot the messenger.

I don't firmly believe there is at all any real evidence supporting it, but we can't just call every study we don't agree with bullshit. It just means that if there are studies going both ways, then more studies need to be done and those studies need to be under strict scientific scrutiny from both sides.

As an example, the psychology scientific community does believe there is a strong correlation between TV violence and violence in real life. After years of studies they do believe as a whole that TV violence can increase the likelihood of someone becoming violent or more violent in the right conditions. At least that is the way it's understood in developmental psychology through the process of vicarious learning (as I understand it, I'm not a psychologist but I have read quite a few books and attended lectures on the subject). With the understanding that there is a correlation(not causal, corollary) between violence on television and movies and violence in real life, then it should not be hard to believe there is could be a correlation between the two of indeterminate mathematical strength (at this point).

I recall a previous hot news item from a scientific study (not related to this one) saying that high protein diets increase you cancer risk as much as smoking. Everyone is all over it and all these people believe it. Only, the journal Cell Metabolism actually silenced some of the dissenting scientific opinion based on how the study was conducted, how the results were interpreted, etc. The members of that scientific community wanted to give their opinion on the study and results and were told by the editors to "put their opinions in the comment section on the website". In the end, the scientific community cannot silence it's bias's anymore than any human can. Which is why peer review is important and both sides of the debate considered carefully.


New member
Feb 24, 2008
THis Lady is a bit late to the party, isn't she?

In respect to the latest developments of politicians openly embracing gaming as their hobby and many beeing far less ignorance then around ten years ago, it kind of makes her look even more stupid.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Computer games already are taxed, its called VAT in the UK and its 20% and its more than enough. Also them moaning about warning labels is stupid. Games like GTA5 has an official 18 cert (same as you find on violent movies) and they still blame GTA5 for violence.

End of the day, if a parent doent give a shit what their child plays (and ive seen parents buying Cod for their 12 year old) then have labels is pointless. A shop can refuse to sell a kid a violent game, but when they parents buy it for the kid, then what can anyone do?


New member
Jan 27, 2014
LysanderNemoinis said:
Well, I think we can all agree that this woman is clearly a nut. But once again, I find it amusing that the article makes sure to include Hovey's party when if she was a democrat, it wouldn't dare be mentioned. Plus, if you look up info on her, she's a very liberal republican, thus the whole "tax the crap out of whatever I don't like, no matter what anybody says." It's the same thinking that's banning e-cigs in public places in the People's Republic of Illinois, despite the fact they have no harmful effects to other people.
Oh so stating facts is now bad? How is she a liberal republican and how is Illinois somehow China and why does that have to do with something in Connecticut. And yes, if she was a republican, it WOULD be mentioned. You can tell she is a republican since she doesn't want anyone to touch her sacred guns. So unless your making claims that the Escapist is suddenly a liberal website then that really has nothing to do with this.

Scott Rothman

New member
Feb 2, 2012
Less taxes!!!! Unless they're going to be used to help fight a scapegoat that I'm trying to name as the cause of a surge of violence in this country that should really probably be more directed towards guns but the NRA gives me a lot of money so I'm not allowed to say anything bad about them.