Corvid-19 and its impact (name edit)

Lil devils x_v1legacy

More Lego Goats Please!
May 17, 2011
Marik2 said:
I do not think it is helpful to anyone for people to promote conspiracy theories about China when this has hurt China far more than it helps them, their people have suffered a great loss and is costing it's government a fortune. They have also been sending resources to other nations to help them as well:

China sends 300 Internal Medicine Doctors and thousands of medical supplies to Italy:

It is honestly pretty screwed up that people are attacking them when if this had happened in Europe or the US, people would be calling for compassion, prayers and assistance. They have suffered great losses and tragedy and will be suffering from the impact of this happening for a long time. They lost many of their best Doctors and nurses from this and still have managed to send help to other nations.

Hell I have orders that have been sitting in a port since January that have not arrived from China due to the problems this is causing them, and it does not help them at all to have their exports cancelled and delayed due to countries being afraid to let in shipments from China out of fear of infection when China does not get paid until I have product in hand. I am sure I am not the only one having issues with shipments during this, so I can imagine this is costing them far more than people realize.

China's was trying to get ahead of viral outbreaks like this after the SARS outbreak and why they had created the research facility that was mentioned earlier in this thread. Yes, they were slow to initially respond when warned by the Doctor who died from the virus, but when they did respond, they did so with force and took proper measures to control it. Other nations should have learned from what happened there, but they failed to do so and will pay dearly with the lives of their people because they refused to enforce adequate lockdowns. China had their first responders equipped with Hazmat suits after it was determined that a regular surgical mask was not adequate while the US is behaving like a 3rd world war zone and refusing to even give their first responders N95 masks and instead are telling them to use Bandanas and bring their own PPE because there is none available. We will lose many first responders and infect many more people because of what is happening right now. Masks are not meant to be reused, they are single use for a very good reason. If you reuse masks, you risk spreading the virus to other patients, staff and yourself. While the intent is nice, these homemade masks people are making are not adequate protection and a false sense of security by " wearing anything" is actually worse because people may let their guard down thinking they are protected when they are not. They had already determined that surgical masks were not effective because the virus was too small and could pass through them.

US bumbled response, lackadaisical lockdowns, refusal to get the PPE and other necessary supplies where it was needed fast enough will have dire consequences in the very near future and it will be awful. This is going to get much worse, much larger and deaths will keep piling up until the US actually pulls their head out of their arse and do what needs to be done.

Trump's ignorance and antics are making this much worse than it ever should have been. How do we measure the cost of losing the people on our front lines trying to save everyone else? This is going to hurt for a very long time.


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2014
evilthecat said:
There's no way to know because there's no antibody test,
I think there is or will be...

Lil devils x_v1legacy

More Lego Goats Please!
May 17, 2011
What are we supposed to do when we lose those saving everyone else because governments have their heads up their arse?

Not just in the US, the entire world is losing those who are supposed to save everyone else when this happens.

At least 50 doctors have died from coronavirus infection in Italy, the country's national doctor's association has revealed.

The world cannot sustain losing so many of those who risk their lives to save everyone else.

We should not be forced to BEG for SINGLE USE PPE for our first responders. Making masks at home is not helping. Surgical masks are not helping, we need to provide ample, tested equipment (N95 masks or better) and we need it yesterday.

People are quick to talk about how much better we are than China, China at least provided their first responders with PPE. Hell even the security guards had ample PPE in China. They had police in hazmat suits checking temperatures on the streets. That was how they managed to reduce the spread there and would not have been able to do so without it. The US cannot even manage to get substandard equipment on the front line let alone something that will actually protect them.

Lil devils x_v1legacy

More Lego Goats Please!
May 17, 2011
Kwak said:
evilthecat said:
There's no way to know because there's no antibody test,
I think there is or will be...
Due to how much we do not know about this virus yet, we are not yet positive that you cannot get it more than once. Some viruses you can get again just a few weeks later so this may not help as much as people think it will.

Lil devils x_v1legacy

More Lego Goats Please!
May 17, 2011
Dalisclock said:
Agema said:
saint of m said:
How much of this continual self quarenteening will be the blame of the spring breakers that cropped up in Florida and the like? I mean I remember hearing a bunch of this might be lifted on April 19th at one point, but if idiots keep this up, staying away from our fellow human beings may be less voluntary.
People don't take the virus seriously in large because of weak or lackadaisical government activity to encourage preventative measures.

It is a problem in trying to prevent an outbreak when senior politicians spend half their time downplaying the threat or fail to lead by example and carry out the same measures they're recommending for their people. Those mixed messages induce people to think it's no big deal and that they and everyone else will be fine.
There's a number of Rural/Conservative US areas that are acting like this isn't their problem, it's something that happens in New York and Seattle and the blue areas. Somehow forgetting that this virus has been circulating in the US for weeks if not months at this point, anyone in the US can(and does) travel anywhere else once inside the country and that those big city areas getting hit hard now are upwind of the rural ones.

And then you have fun stuff like this going on.

Yep, the Rich are fleeing affected cities to their vacation homes in the doubt bringing the infection with them if it wasn't there already. And yeah, rural areas have a much lower population density, but when a small town has a single grocery store or two restaurants that everyone uses, and nobody is social distancing because "That's something that doesn't happen here".

It's everyone's problem, but some people are slow to wake to that fact. In a couple weeks, if not sooner, it's gonna start hitting Red America hard.
Yea it is a bit absurd that the rural communities do not think they are affected when everything they use, own and buy comes from somewhere else. Do they think these products just magically appear in their local stores? Do they not realize that in order for their products to get to them, they are brought in by PEOPLE from other areas who have still been in contact with all sorts of people, places and things along the way? Truckers stop whenever and wherever they want to along the route as needed and utilize public toilets, showers and gas stations frequently. We already know that COVID 19 can survive on surfaces like Plastic and steel for days, and who else touched that TP package, gas pump handle and water bottle before you did? Who loaded the Truck in the other city before it was brought to you? How many people in these communities have children in college elsewhere? Commute to work in a neighboring city? Travel for business? Went on vacation for spring break somewhere else?

Their mindset that this isn't happening to them is just ignorance wooing themselves into a false sense of security.


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2014
Dalisclock said:
Speaking of which, what happened to our local Trump Apologist/Bootlicker? He's been surprisingly quiet of late.
Coming up with a way to spin this evil bullshit no doubt...
In Exchange for Aid, Trump Wants Praise From Governors He Can Use in Campaign Ads

As he increasingly tries to shovel blame for the shortage of medical supplies onto the governors of states with densely populated areas that are suffering the most from the coronavirus pandemic, President Donald Trump was asked on Friday what more he wants them to do. It was, he said, ?very simple: I want them to be appreciative.?

Trump contrasted those two Democratic governors, who have been blunt about the federal government?s failings, with two others who have appealed to the president?s vanity in an attempt to get his help. Andrew Cuomo, the governor of New York, has been ?appreciative,? Trump said. Gavin Newsom, the governor of California, had also spoken well of him, Trump noted. ?I appreciate his nice words,? the president said. ?I really appreciate it.?

Trump?s choice of those two governors was probably not coincidental. Earlier on Friday, his reelection campaign unveiled a schmaltzy new ad ? entitled, of all things, ?Hope? ? that cast his response to the pandemic in heroic terms, and featured video of both governors praising him.

While Trump approved Newsom?s request to declare the coronavirus outbreak in California a major disaster within hours of the governor asking on Sunday, freeing federal funds, the president failed to respond to a similar request from Whitmer on Thursday. Instead, he belittled her in an interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News Thursday night. ?We?ve had a big problem with the young, a woman governor from ? you know who I?m talking about ? from Michigan,? Trump told Hannity. ?She is a new governor and it?s not been pleasant.?

?She doesn?t get it done, and we send her a lot,? Trump complained. ?Now she wants a declaration of emergency and, you know, we?ll have to make a decision on that,? Trump said.


Earlier in the week, Whitmer told a local radio station that one hospital in her state had received a shipment from the federal government last week with just 747 masks, 204 gowns, 64 face shields and 40,467 gloves. ?With the exception of the gloves, that allotment of PPE didn?t cover one shift,? she said.

On Friday, the governor told CNN that, after Trump had asked governors to procure their own medical supplies, her state had placed a large number of orders ? only to be told later by suppliers that they had been instructed to send the items to the federal government instead.

A short time later, Trump used the White House briefing on the public health emergency to vent more at Whitmer and Inslee. He concluded his rant by saying that he had advised Vice President Mike Pence, the head of his coronavirus task force, to not even bother speaking with them. ?I say, ?Mike, don?t call the governor of Washington, you?re wasting your time with him. Don?t call the woman in Michigan,? the president said.

?If they don?t treat you right, I don?t call,? Trump said of refusing to speak to the governors of two American states during a global pandemic.
Cannot understand how this is legal behaviour.


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
Dalisclock said:
Speaking of which, what happened to our local Trump Apologist/Bootlicker? He's been surprisingly quiet of late.
Assuming that you're talking about me, there's not really anything worth arguing about lately here.

Outside of here, I'm consistently shocked by people's lack of reason when predicting what will happen. Predictions are made based on doomsday scenarios where the virus is simultaneously deadlier, more contagious, harder to kill, and more capable of reinfecting than any previous related virus. Basing actions around the worst possibility when you have very little information is fine, but we have some more information now, it's time to start considering more optimistic possibilities. At this point, covid-19 is either better contained or much, much less deadly than originally thought, and people should be finding out which to decide what course of action to take from here.

I'm even more shocked at people's incredible short term memory loss. We spent weeks talking about flattening the curve, and then as soon as we start climbing the front side, people freak out like an exponential growth period wasn't expected. We spent like a month hearing how we're two weeks behind Italy, but I suggested to someone that we'll probably be over the hump of peak new cases within two weeks (Italy had their highest daily new cases 1 week ago) and was met with disbelief that it wouldn't keep getting worse for months. Something that's really dumb is people keep saying "the worse you do the lockdown, the longer this is gonna take". Did people really all forget about the whole "flatten the curve" thing? The more completely we lockdown, the longer is lasts. The upside is fewer people will die (to a point). Unless we give up treating the sick and let them die in place, the quarantine is not going to be strict enough to have the virus die off before herd immunity kicks in. That was the message behind the curve flattening, that people will still get infected, but we save more by spreading it out over time. Sheltering in place is not going to end this faster; it will save lives, but not by making this crisis end faster. That's not how this works.

Like, those are the things bothering me lately, and escapist people really aren't biting much on those mistakes, so there isn't much for me to respond to.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
tstorm823 said:
I'm even more shocked at people's incredible short term memory loss.
Speaking of, are you still of the opinion that the mortality rate is equivalent to flu, & it should be treated about the same?


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Dalisclock said:
There's a number of Rural/Conservative US areas that are acting like this isn't their problem, it's something that happens in New York and Seattle and the blue areas. Somehow forgetting that this virus has been circulating in the US for weeks if not months at this point, anyone in the US can(and does) travel anywhere else once inside the country and that those big city areas getting hit hard now are upwind of the rural ones.
One massive plus that the rural US has is low population density. It's inevitably going to slow transmission.

Yep, the Rich are fleeing affected cities to their vacation homes in the doubt bringing the infection with them if it wasn't there already. And yeah, rural areas have a much lower population density, but when a small town has a single grocery store or two restaurants that everyone uses, and nobody is social distancing because "That's something that doesn't happen here".
I was reading about the last outbreak of bubonic plague in Europe, which occurred in Marseilles.

A ship arrived from the Eastern Mediterranean having been to a plagued location along the way. They put it into quarantine, but a bunch of wealthy and influential merchants wanted the silk and other textiles in its hold for a trade fair, so they pressured the port authorities to release it. Oops.

Obviously as plague ripped through the city, people started fleeing into the countryside and took the plague with them, so it started to spread in the surrounding countryside. At this point the King of France took charge, and sent the army to build a wall around the affected countryside with regular pickets, and they literally just shot anyone who tried to get over the wall without permission. The containment worked, at a high price. 50,000 dead in Marseille (over half the population) and about the same again in the surrounding region - could have been much worse if it had spread further.

Kwak said:
Cannot understand how this is legal behaviour.
The Federal government is probably not legally required to assist the states. Consequently, the president is probably completely free to give or withhold aid as he sees fit.

Obviously he wants to extract as much praise as he can. Trump's re-election hinges in large part on public perception of how well he's handled the crisis. I would suggest he got off to a bad start January to mid-March, with very little activity or preparation, and publicly downplaying the virus which leaves him open to a lot of criticism. He has since started moving and taking drastic actions, but obviously needs cover to outweigh his early missteps.

I think it's very unpleasant for the president to tell everyone he thinks states should be ignored and their populations implicitly left to struggle if the governors don't tell him how great he is. On the other hand, I don't think Trump is the one really making the decisions, and the Coronavirus task force will probably ensure assistance is doled out irrespective of what Trump says.

Lil devils x_v1legacy

More Lego Goats Please!
May 17, 2011
tstorm823 said:
Dalisclock said:
Speaking of which, what happened to our local Trump Apologist/Bootlicker? He's been surprisingly quiet of late.
Assuming that you're talking about me, there's not really anything worth arguing about lately here.

Outside of here, I'm consistently shocked by people's lack of reason when predicting what will happen. Predictions are made based on doomsday scenarios where the virus is simultaneously deadlier, more contagious, harder to kill, and more capable of reinfecting than any previous related virus. Basing actions around the worst possibility when you have very little information is fine, but we have some more information now, it's time to start considering more optimistic possibilities. At this point, covid-19 is either better contained or much, much less deadly than originally thought, and people should be finding out which to decide what course of action to take from here.

I'm even more shocked at people's incredible short term memory loss. We spent weeks talking about flattening the curve, and then as soon as we start climbing the front side, people freak out like an exponential growth period wasn't expected. We spent like a month hearing how we're two weeks behind Italy, but I suggested to someone that we'll probably be over the hump of peak new cases within two weeks (Italy had their highest daily new cases 1 week ago) and was met with disbelief that it wouldn't keep getting worse for months. Something that's really dumb is people keep saying "the worse you do the lockdown, the longer this is gonna take". Did people really all forget about the whole "flatten the curve" thing? The more completely we lockdown, the longer is lasts. The upside is fewer people will die (to a point). Unless we give up treating the sick and let them die in place, the quarantine is not going to be strict enough to have the virus die off before herd immunity kicks in. That was the message behind the curve flattening, that people will still get infected, but we save more by spreading it out over time. Sheltering in place is not going to end this faster; it will save lives, but not by making this crisis end faster. That's not how this works.

Like, those are the things bothering me lately, and escapist people really aren't biting much on those mistakes, so there isn't much for me to respond to.
Are you trying to say that China is more capable of reducing the virus than the US is? The stronger the lockdown is enforced, the less time this takes, not the other way around. China had to pretty much resort to draconian measures to flatten the curve and we haven't even started to do enough yet to accomplish that since we have not even provided our first responders with the equipment they need in the first place. Currently, we are not even sure that you are not able to come down with it again since people have been testing positive weeks after they tested negative. We need to snuff it out by isolating and providing enough PPE to stop the spread, not "herd immunity".

China was able to make the lockdown strict enough to actually work, China had their front lines on the street in hazmat suits, not bandana's and telling them to bring their own PPE like what is happening here in the US. That is what worked in China, and failing to learn from that means we will have it far worse than they did. When they attempted to let up too soon, it started going back up again. This is going to get far worse due to how our government is currently handling it and the rationing of PPE.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
tstorm823 said:
Dalisclock said:
Speaking of which, what happened to our local Trump Apologist/Bootlicker? He's been surprisingly quiet of late.
Assuming that you're talking about me, there's not really anything worth arguing about lately here.
No one else here is routinely trying to excuse Trumps failings, despite claiming to not like him.

tstorm823 said:
I'm even more shocked at people's incredible short term memory loss. We spent weeks talking about flattening the curve, and then as soon as we start climbing the front side, people freak out like an exponential growth period wasn't expected. We spent like a month hearing how we're two weeks behind Italy, but I suggested to someone that we'll probably be over the hump of peak new cases within two weeks (Italy had their highest daily new cases 1 week ago) and was met with disbelief that it wouldn't keep getting worse for months. Something that's really dumb is people keep saying "the worse you do the lockdown, the longer this is gonna take". Did people really all forget about the whole "flatten the curve" thing? The more completely we lockdown, the longer is lasts.
Except a lot of the country isn't on lockdown, maybe half the states are. In a country where free travel is expected. A lot of the areas being hit now began locking down weeks ago and still haven't reached their peak.

I want to hope it will start getting better in two weeks, but we have a considerable number of people who either don't see this as their concern, plenty of people in the right wing media who keep downplaying this or sending confusing messages(Hello FOX NEWS) or just don't seem to know what the fuck their job is supposed to be(Much of this administration). It doesn't exactly engender confidence when the people who are supposed to know their jobs and lead in a time of crisis don't because loyalty and sycophancy count for more then competence. Not to mention Trump doesn't have much, if any credibility for most of the population due to, well, being a lying, idiotic shit.


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
Silvanus said:
Speaking of, are you still of the opinion that the mortality rate is equivalent to flu, & it should be treated about the same?
It's well within the range of possibilities that the mortality rate is equivalent to the flu, we still don't know how many people have been exposed without ever being tested or getting sick. It was never true that it should be treated the same... excepting of course if comparing to a mutation of the flu that's new and missed by vaccines.

Lil devils x said:
Are you trying to say that China is more capable of reducing the virus than the US is? The stronger the lockdown is enforced, the less time this takes, not the other way around. China had to pretty much resort to draconian measures to flatten the curve and we haven't even started to do enough yet to accomplish that since we have not even provided our first responders with the equipment they need in the first place. Currently, we are not even sure that you are not able to come down with it again since people have been testing positive weeks after they tested negative. We need to snuff it out by isolating and providing enough PPE to stop the spread, not "herd immunity".
A) China is probably lying about a lot of things.
B) They did in fact lock down so securely that they let people die quarantined in their houses, which we're not going to do.
C) People are expecting a second wave of infections in China. It's not over yet.
D) It's way more likely to be false negative/positive testing than some resistance to antibodies.

Most importantly, you're seriously misunderstanding the meaning of "flatten the curve" [].

The ideal goal in fighting an epidemic or pandemic is to completely halt the spread. But merely slowing it - mitigation - is critical... Slowing and spreading out the tidal wave of cases will save lives. Flattening the curve keeps society going.

Both curves add up the number of new cases over time. The more people reporting with the virus on a given day, the higher the curve; a high curve means the virus is spreading fast. A low curve shows that the virus is spreading slower - fewer people are diagnosed with the disease on any given day. Keeping the curve down - diminishing the rate at which new cases occur - prevents overtaxing the finite resources (represented by the dotted line) available to treat it.
Bolded emphasis mine.


Elite Member
Apr 3, 2013
tstorm823 said:
Most importantly, you're seriously misunderstanding the meaning of "flatten the curve" [].

The ideal goal in fighting an epidemic or pandemic is to completely halt the spread. But merely slowing it - mitigation - is critical... Slowing and spreading out the tidal wave of cases will save lives. Flattening the curve keeps society going.

Both curves add up the number of new cases over time. The more people reporting with the virus on a given day, the higher the curve; a high curve means the virus is spreading fast. A low curve shows that the virus is spreading slower - fewer people are diagnosed with the disease on any given day. Keeping the curve down - diminishing the rate at which new cases occur - prevents overtaxing the finite resources (represented by the dotted line) available to treat it.
Bolded emphasis mine.
If the numbers are correct, China managed not just flatten the curve but practically halt it in about a week in early February (because case numbers rise for a couple of weeks after exposure).


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
tstorm823 said:
B) They did in fact lock down so securely that they let people die quarantined in their houses, which we're not going to do.
I think this is a bad assumption. Yes, this did happen in China. But it's not exclusive to China. It's happened in other countries too, especially those that were quickly overwhelmed.


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
McElroy said:
If the numbers are correct, China managed not just flatten the curve but practically halt it in about a week in early February (because case numbers rise for a couple of weeks after exposure).
If the numbers are correct, it means that the vast majority of China's population is still as susceptible to the virus. Which is why people expect a second outbreak there.

trunkage said:
I think this is a bad assumption. Yes, this did happen in China. But it's not exclusive to China. It's happened in other countries too, especially those that were quickly overwhelmed.
Well, it happened in the sense that if you don't have enough manpower to help everyone, some people will be left unaided. Which is a different thing than deciding that containing the virus is more important than saving someone.

There were stories coming out of China of people testing positive and being locked down in place and not allowed to go home, and then people at home who depended on that person as a caregiver died alone. That sort of thing is unlikely in places that tell people to self-quarantine at home.

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
I'm curious as to what everyone thinks about India in all this. They have the second highest population count in the world and yet when I look at the numbers, their infection seems low (The numbers I look at are the Johns Hoppkins map). Now this could be because they're doing a good job of dealing with the virus but then everyone points to South Korea first when talking about countries doing a good job so what's the deal?

I also might add that I'm actually a bit disgusted by the name calling.

Lil devils x_v1legacy

More Lego Goats Please!
May 17, 2011
tstorm823 said:
Silvanus said:
Speaking of, are you still of the opinion that the mortality rate is equivalent to flu, & it should be treated about the same?
It's well within the range of possibilities that the mortality rate is equivalent to the flu, we still don't know how many people have been exposed without ever being tested or getting sick. It was never true that it should be treated the same... excepting of course if comparing to a mutation of the flu that's new and missed by vaccines.

Lil devils x said:
Are you trying to say that China is more capable of reducing the virus than the US is? The stronger the lockdown is enforced, the less time this takes, not the other way around. China had to pretty much resort to draconian measures to flatten the curve and we haven't even started to do enough yet to accomplish that since we have not even provided our first responders with the equipment they need in the first place. Currently, we are not even sure that you are not able to come down with it again since people have been testing positive weeks after they tested negative. We need to snuff it out by isolating and providing enough PPE to stop the spread, not "herd immunity".
A) China is probably lying about a lot of things.
B) They did in fact lock down so securely that they let people die quarantined in their houses, which we're not going to do.
C) People are expecting a second wave of infections in China. It's not over yet.
D) It's way more likely to be false negative/positive testing than some resistance to antibodies.

Most importantly, you're seriously misunderstanding the meaning of "flatten the curve" [].

The ideal goal in fighting an epidemic or pandemic is to completely halt the spread. But merely slowing it - mitigation - is critical... Slowing and spreading out the tidal wave of cases will save lives. Flattening the curve keeps society going.

Both curves add up the number of new cases over time. The more people reporting with the virus on a given day, the higher the curve; a high curve means the virus is spreading fast. A low curve shows that the virus is spreading slower - fewer people are diagnosed with the disease on any given day. Keeping the curve down - diminishing the rate at which new cases occur - prevents overtaxing the finite resources (represented by the dotted line) available to treat it.
Bolded emphasis mine.
I am not misunderstanding a damn thing here, I think you seem to be having a bit of trouble grasping the severity of what we are expecting to hit us though. We are not going to be able to flatten the curve to be able to stay within our Healthcare's capacity because our government did not provide enough PPE to everyone on the streets, in the Hospitals, police and fire. Due to the extreme lackadaisical way this " lockdown" was mismanaged, we can expect this to become far worse. Since our government did not take the required and appropriate steps fast enough we are nowhere near flattening the curve. As I have mentioned before, my degrees are in Pediatric Medicine and Immunology. This IS my field and if this were not such a serious situation right now, your armchair "I know better than the experts right now" speculation might be entertaining. Sure we are hopeful, but " hope" does not translate into reality.

The scientific consensus right now is that we simply do not have enough data yet to determine if and for how long humans may have a Protective immunity after previous exposure. We already have numerous other coronaviruses that we do not have a long term immunity to so, no we are currently in no position to rule on this one with the little data we have. The patients that recovered from COVID-19 had to test negative twice, not relying on one test to determine their positive or negative status in order to reduce the probability of a false positive. The patient in Japan that came down with it twice actually became ill with COVID-19 symptoms requiring treatment twice weeks after recovering and being released.

?Because The virus is so new, we do not yet know how long any protection generated through infection will last. We urgently need more research looking at the immune responses of people who have recovered from infection to be sure,? says Openshaw.
Other immunologists agree. ?Immunity to SARS-CoV-2 is not yet well understood and we do not know how protective the antibody response will be in the long-term,? says Erica Bickerton at the Pirbright Institute in the UK.
?For ordinary coronavirus infections, you do not get lasting immunity,? says Longini. ?You can be infected over and over, and we really don?t know for this novel coronavirus if that?s also true.?

As for:
A) I did not receive my information about what was happening in China from the Chinese government, I have previously attended numerous medical conferences in China and my colleagues there have been keeping me pretty well informed. China did not lie about their measures taken, there have been plenty of people sharing their experiences on social media as well as providing video and photographic evidence. China somehow managed to put their police, paramedic and hospital workers all on adequate PPE and maintain a lockdown but the US is behaving like a third world nation and telling people to bring their own bandanas and sitting on their hands like they are incompetent and completely incapable to do anything about it.

B)Locking down securely does not mean we have to allow people to go unattended, that has been happening pretty much everywhere, INCLUDING THE US even with half assed lockdowns due to people who need to be checked on not being checked on. Please do not pretend that everyone who needs to be checked on right now in the US is being cared for, because they are not, even in the best of times. This isn't an issue of " this isn't happening here" because it has been and does all the time. Pretending it doesn't exist does not make it go away. The US lack of safety net for those most vulnerable allows this to be worse in the US than other nations, not better.

It is a matter of leadership and resource distribution, of which our government is currently failing miserably at both. If our government actually did their job, our first responders would have been equipped and mobilized in a timely manner. This is the importance of having leadership who is capable of thinking proactively rather than retroactively. Our Pandemic team should have been working on this back in November and December, not half assed put together after the fact but that could not happen because oh yea- Trump didn't even have a pandemic team now did he? Why has Trump been sitting on FEMA supply allowing this to get much worse than it ever should have been? Why did Trump not start having N95 masks mass produced under the defense production act back in January when the alarm bells were sounding all over the world and nations like Germany immediately increased their stockpile of N95 masks, ventilators and EMCOS? Why is our government asking construction companies to supply our first responders while claiming they "are not a shipping service" and telling our first responders to use bandanas and bring their own PPE while China was capable of providing their first responders with N95 masks and Hazmat suits? Where are the N95 masks and Hazmat suits now? That is the point here.

C) of course China is expecting more infections, that is why they are being as diligent has they have been to try and be more effective at mobilizing to address outbreaks as they happen and have ramped up testing. They are STILL able to handle new outbreaks better than the US is currently. Sadly even now in the US, there are plenty of people and places that are not being tested that should be due to how badly this has been handled. The US is STILL poorly " rationing" what is needed to reduce this.

D) While, yes it is possible they are receiving false positives and negatives on the numerous tests they have been taking, it is also unlikely for this to have happened, especially in the case of the patient in Japan, who has had to be treated twice due to contracting COIVD-19 twice. Of course there is always a percentage of the population who will contract viruses twice, I happen to be one of them. Currently we are estimating that approximately 14% of the population who come down with the virus will contract it again in the short term. We have no way to predict long term immunity yet. Due to how easily this was spread, 14% is cause for concern because they will cause the virus to rapidly spread if they go about their business assuming they are immune prior to us having the majority of the population vaccinated.

Most importantly, I do not misunderstand flattening the curve. I am telling you it isn't going to happen because we are nowhere near being capable of being where our healthcare system can handle this because we have failed to adequately protect the front lines and provide the equipment necessary to do so. I am telling you that due to lack of adequate PPE, our front lines will falter and we will not have enough resources to handle the incoming surge, and that surge will create another surge and it will cease to slow until our government takes appropriate measures.

Trump is used to "pretending" to do stuff. He is a fake, a fraudster and tries to BS his way through. A fake cake may work at his inauguration, but he can't fake his way through this one. His lies and BS is costing lives and if he half asses this like he does everything else it is going to be catastrophic.

We do not have 100 days to wait for 100 ventilators, people are dying now because of lack of access and our leadership is incompetent for thinking this is a solution. Where are the N95 masks we needed in January to be able to prepare our Hospitals, clinics, police departments, paramedics, hell even our fast food and grocery store workers? Where are they now? Why are our people being left unprotected? It has been proven that surgical masks are not adequate protection, why is our government telling people to use them instead of providing the people with what they need? Why did trump wait so long to implement the defense production act? Oh yea the answer to all of this is he is not capable of thinking ahead and is too ignorant and arrogant to do the job that is required of him.

Lil devils x_v1legacy

More Lego Goats Please!
May 17, 2011
US failing to provide proper PPE to police and enforce lockdowns mean Police department's front lines fall:

About 700 New Jersey Police Officers Tested Positive for Coronavirus, State Police Head Says

More than 4,000 New York City cops on sick report amid COVID-19 pandemic

Nearly A Fifth Of Detroit Police Force In Quarantine For COVID-19 Exposure

10 more Chicago police officers test positive for COVID-19

Dallas County announces 21 new coronavirus cases; 2nd Dallas police officer tests positive

2 Fort Worth PD officers test positive for COVID-19

New Orleans first responders struggle as personnel exposed to COVID-19, some test positive

South Florida police departments feeling effects of COVID-19 as officers catch virus

A 3rd NYPD member dies of coronavirus after hundreds of officers test positive

An NYPD Detective And Administrative Assistant Have Died Of The Coronavirus

Detroit police captain dies from COVID-19 complications

Everyone in the US really needs to contact their elected officials and tell them to get N95 masks and hazmat to our first responders immediately, not in 100 days, we need this on the streets now. People need to stop making cloth masks at home, unless of course they are only using layers of polypropylene and make them so they can form a complete seal on the face of different sized and shaped individuals. We really need to have companies making more of these, or hazmat is even better and delivering them daily, if not hourly at this point.

It is pretty sad though that China can put their police officers in hazmat suits but the US behaves as though that is some how impossible. Right now, we really need anyone who interacts with the public using adequate PPE. Our government needs to ensure they have it.