

New member
Jun 24, 2011
I'm going to an anime convention this weekend and am pretty stoked. This year and last, I've spent the first months of summer break (my college courses end mid-April) working on cosplays to wear to Anime North and have had a great time doing it.
My work is pretty sloppy, but my Deku Scrub costume last year seemed to be received pretty well and I had a blast making and wearing it : D

The other person is a stranger
Time stamp is inaccurate

This year I am doing a red Yoshi cosplay (Yes I'm a Nintendo fanboy, yes I am aware that Yoshi isn't anime).

My hair wont be visible with the full costume

I'm hoping to have as good a time as I did last year ^____^

discussion value:
Discuss cosplay conventions you had gone to, your cosplays, what you'd like to cosplay, etc.

Also, for any Escapists attending Anime North, I'm taking pokemon challenges.


New member
Jun 28, 2009
Never cosplayed before, but I'm hoping to cosplay sometime as the Punisher. Maybe at the Escapist Expo.


New member
Feb 11, 2010
The only con I've been to is New York Comic-Con, and while I didn't cosplay last year, I definitely plan to when I go this year. I'm not sure I'll be cosplaying as yet though, maybe I'll start a thread on it some other time.

Rose and Thorn

New member
May 4, 2012
I have never cosplayed but it was always something I would like to try. Everytime in the past that my friends and I were planning on going to a expo and cosplay always fell through. Mostly because I had shit friends that weren't comfertable with themselves and they lied a lot.

I would do it, though the work that goes into seems slightly daunting. I have no idea what I would go as. Maybe a cowboy like John Marston or a Good Fella?

I also really LOVE the steam punk cosplay that is rising in popularity, the sci-fi fused with victorian style is really interesting.

When I was a little younger I always wanted to cosplay as Squall from Final Fantasy VIII. His outfit is really cool and generally easy to make/find. I never did though, maybe one day.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
I was recently alerted to the fact that one of the pictures I took of my friends cosplaying is approved to get sent to Japan where Blazblue's creator will review it for a potential inclusion in an official blazblue cosplay artbook published by Arc System Works. As you can imagine I'm stoked! XD

If anybody here likes to see how I imagined a playable Kokonoe's character-specific battle intro against Hazama look below:

And here's some other photos of my cosplaying friends. I've not yet done it much myself but you may notice me as the random guy with the long hair/Kamina:


Aris Khandr

New member
Oct 6, 2010
I've done a few. Ranma Saotome, Zoicyte (my first cosplay ever, I didn't even know he was supposed to be a boy), Sailor Mars, Sailor Saturn, and probably a bunch more I've forgotten.

My dream costume is Black Maiden from Cutey Honey, but that's damn near impossible without knowing how to build a robot. She's also about the only anime character I've got the boobs for without padding. Also, as I'm getting older, I've found I want to cosplay less myself, and dress up my dolls more instead.


New member
May 11, 2012
I was going to Cosplay at the local anime blitz here but do to something more important coming up I won't be. I'm still attending the event but I'm not dressing up. It's complicated. <.<


New member
Apr 5, 2008
I cosplayed as Benny from Fallout: New Vegas. Even performed the opening to the game on stage. The judges gave me runner up for best skit of the day, so naturally I was extremely pleased.

My next cosplay is the main character (which Word of God names "The Journeyer") from thatgamecompany's Journey. I've been talking with my friend who made my jacket and she's really excited to make this, she's even planning to use LED lights for the eyes, it's going to look awesome.



New member
Jun 24, 2011
Dreiko said:
I was recently alerted to the fact that one of the pictures I took of my friends cosplaying is approved to get sent to Japan where Blazblue's creator will review it for a potential inclusion in an official blazblue cosplay artbook published by Arc System Works. As you can imagine I'm stoked! XD

If anybody here likes to see how I imagined a playable Kokonoe's character-specific battle intro against Hazama look below:

And here's some other photos of my cosplaying friends. I've not yet done it much myself but you may notice me as the random guy with the long hair/Kamina:

I love the pimp charizard x P


New member
Jan 6, 2012
geK0 said:
I'm going to an anime convention this weekend and am pretty stoked. This year and last, I've spent the first months of summer break (my college courses end mid-April) working on cosplays to wear to Anime North and have had a great time doing it.
My work is pretty sloppy, but my Deku Scrub costume last year seemed to be received pretty well and I had a blast making and wearing it : D

The other person is a stranger
Time stamp is inaccurate

This year I am doing a red Yoshi cosplay (Yes I'm a Nintendo fanboy, yes I am aware that Yoshi isn't anime).

My hair wont be visible with the full costume

I'm hoping to have as good a time as I did last year ^____^

discussion value:
Discuss cosplay conventions you had gone to, your cosplays, what you'd like to cosplay, etc.

Also, for any Escapists attending Anime North, I'm taking pokemon challenges.
What if Zelda was a girl? :p

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
The first convention I ever been to was the London MCM Expo a few years ago when I visited my bro down there for the weekend. My second con was last year when that convention company decided to held one in Manchester which is alot closer for me to attend.
I intend to go the Manchester MCM Expo again this year and I intend to cosplay (Travis Touchdown) for the first time too that is if my uncle mate had built me his trademark weapon in prop form in time.


New member
Mar 20, 2010
I'd like to go to the London MCM Expo more often and cosplay, but I don't have the skills or friends required for making a costume, and find most bought costumes tacky.

Although I could quite easily be Otacon from MGS, or Spirit from Soul Eater.

I'd like to eventually cosplay as my avatar Fon Spaak, but that would require way more work, and even some coloured contact lenses.


Aug 3, 2008
Heh, pretty cool. Wish I could make my own outfits actually... I'd be too scared in case I cocked it up. :/

I usually go to the MCM expos, I'm not sure if I can go to any this year though ;_;
Went to the last Manchester one as Freya from Chobits. [sub]Even though people were shouting 'Chiiiii!'[/sub]



Mostly a Lurker
Apr 1, 2009
I'm attempting to put together a Leeloo (Fifth Element) outfit for the Escapist Expo. I've never cosplayed before though, so I'm afraid I might chicken out.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
I have done a few cosplays. Last years PAX EASST I was Ellis from Left 4 Dead 2, that was mediocre, At NY Comic Con I went as Frank West from Dead Rising, no pictures of me were taken, but people knew who I was. And at this years PAX EAST I Went as Albert Wesker from Resident Evil, which was a pretty good costume, a lot of people took my picture,and I am planning on going to NY Comic Con this year as him. Here are a few pictures of the Frank West and Wesker Cosplays
I am the shittier looking Frank West on the left. Now for a bunch of my Wesker Cosplay.
Hopefully they will show up.
I also have an Organization XIII cloak and a Dave Strider from Homestuck Costume.


New member
Aug 27, 2009
Palademon said:
I'd like to go to the London MCM Expo more often and cosplay, but I don't have the skills or friends required for making a costume, and find most bought costumes tacky.

Although I could quite easily be Otacon from MGS, or Spirit from Soul Eater.

I'd like to eventually cosplay as my avatar Fon Spaak, but that would require way more work, and even some coloured contact lenses.
Ah yes the London MCM Expo, i'm going again this year myself, I didn't know so many actually have been there...

I would like to do some sort of cosplay for something but i'm not entirely sure what I would do. Maybe this...