

New member
Feb 2, 2010
I went as Lucario to a few different cons this past year or two. Mostly went to Naka-Kon, but I also appeared at Anime St. Louis and Motaku. First costume I ever tackled. Ended up winning best in show at AStL too! Planning on going to Naka-Kon again this coming February. Not sure what I'll be wearing though. Guess it'll depend on what I have time to get done.

Sarah Kerrigan

New member
Jan 17, 2010

My Lightning Outfit from Anime Central 2012 in Chicago. Full shot is also on my deviantART page.

I've cosplayed before, but nothing this intense. First time wearing a wig too. Got stopped alot and such. Was pretty cool.


Senior Member
May 8, 2011
I have a few friends going to that, I'm not much of an anime fan so I'm not going. But, I know my best friend's brother is going as Nurse Joy, so that'll be interesting.


Overly Proud New Yorker
Dec 18, 2008
Dango said:
The only con I've been to is New York Comic-Con, and while I didn't cosplay last year, I definitely plan to when I go this year. I'm not sure I'll be cosplaying as yet though, maybe I'll start a thread on it some other time.
I went to NYCC last year as well, and plan to go this year too!

You can see the cosplays I have done and plan to do here [].


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
Very nice work on the Deku Scrub costume.

I've never actually cosplayed before. If I were going to cosplay though, I'd probably dress up as Wander from Shadow of the Colossus or Vivi from Final Fantasy IX.


New member
May 11, 2010
I love to cosplay! Ive made a living out of it, doing shows and performing as well as competitions for both acting and design, tailoring and creation.

I find them beautiful and entertaining. :3

Anyone ever need help or ideas just ask!!!


New member
Jan 30, 2012
I've cosplayed several times in the past but the one I'm most proud of was my BLU Engineer. A particular crowning moment of awesome for me was at Anime Matsuri when Matt Mercer said that it put a smile on his face to see someone cosplay TF2 right.

As for future cosplay, something I'm working on now is a humanized Turret from Portal. Also I'm trying to figure out how to build a life sized mini-Sentry and Gunslinger to go with the Engineer cosplayl


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Soviet Heavy said:
Considered trying out an NCR Ranger Cosplay, but I dunno how I'd build the helmet + Gas mask.
army surplus? but that shit could get expensive

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
Vault101 said:
Soviet Heavy said:
Considered trying out an NCR Ranger Cosplay, but I dunno how I'd build the helmet + Gas mask.
army surplus? but that shit could get expensive
The helmet would be relatively easy I suppose. Its the gas mask however. I don't know how I'd assemble it.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
Ah, cosplay. Such a pain in the ass sometimes, but dear lord is it always fun.

My main cosplays are Squall Leonhart from FFVIII, Hope Estheim from FFXIII, and Ichigo Kurosaki(Shikai) from Bleach. I fail at foruming, so instead of posting photos I'll just link to mine.
(Some of them are outdated, such as my Ichigo because I have a MUUUUUCH better wig for him but lack pictures right now ;-;)

Gonna be going to my local con(Kumoricon, for those who happen to be in the same area), with Ichigo Kurosaki, Soul Eater Evans, and Link as my main cosplays.

Also for the OP, pretty good cosplays especially for "pretty sloppy" work as you say. I've seen people who act like their gods and goddesses of cosplay who make TERRIBLE cosplays, so it's nice to see some people have some humility when it comes to their work. Also don't worry that it isn't from anime, as most people understand that cosplay is usually associated with both anime and games. It's more important to most people for it to be of Japanese origin, which both of your cosplays fit just fine. But even then, who cares as long as you have fun!


New member
May 11, 2010
Soviet Heavy said:
Vault101 said:
Soviet Heavy said:
Considered trying out an NCR Ranger Cosplay, but I dunno how I'd build the helmet + Gas mask.
army surplus? but that shit could get expensive
The helmet would be relatively easy I suppose. Its the gas mask however. I don't know how I'd assemble it.
I know around here there is an army surplus store that offers cheap gas masks as well. Trying to think of methods. I keep looking at the goggles and imagine putting glow lights in them. xD


New member
May 11, 2010
anybody going to Connecticon?! My newest outfit is Blue Rose from Tiger&Bunny. :3 Also New York Comic Con!


New member
May 19, 2010
Any chance the con you're going to is fanime? Cause I'm going to that one!

Anyway, I'm cosplaying as yuki nagato from tMoHS.
Its going to be both my first anime con and time out cosplaying, I'm hyped.


New member
May 11, 2010
Konaerix said:
Any chance the con you're going to is fanime? Cause I'm going to that one!

Anyway, I'm cosplaying as yuki nagato from tMoHS.
Its going to be both my first anime con and time out cosplaying, I'm hyped.
First con huh! Thats awesome. Ive been going to them for 15 years now. They're super fun trust me. :3 You'll love it. Any plans or events you're attending?


New member
May 19, 2010
SaetonChapelle said:
Konaerix said:
Any chance the con you're going to is fanime? Cause I'm going to that one!

Anyway, I'm cosplaying as yuki nagato from tMoHS.
Its going to be both my first anime con and time out cosplaying, I'm hyped.
First con huh! Thats awesome. Ive been going to them for 15 years now. They're super fun trust me. :3 You'll love it. Any plans or events you're attending?
Nope, just wandering around with my friends and looking at whatever catches our eye.
But yeah, this sounds like its going to be a lot of fun. :)


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Yassen said:
I cosplayed as Benny from Fallout: New Vegas. Even performed the opening to the game on stage. The judges gave me runner up for best skit of the day, so naturally I was extremely pleased.

*Slowly clapping and puts voice into Nick Fury voice* Well, well it looks like you shoot people in the head. Would you like to shoot people in the head for your country? *Voice back to normal*

That looked pretty awesome. Someone should hire you to be Benny in the Fallout Movie (if it ever gets made). I should dress as the Courier and we both get machetes and have a match. xD

Also was that Supernova in Sydney or Perth. Because Sydney get all the better people. :mad:

OT: Okay for me, I would like to Cosplay at least once in a Convention but I wouldn't know what to dress as. I mean I would love to dress us as The Lone Wanderer from Fallout 3.

But what would I have to gather?

Someday though.


New member
Sep 3, 2010
One of these days, I'm so gonna cosplay death star.

On the local con, (Comics-salon in Slovakia) we had one guy that cosplayed The Eye of Sauron, complete with the tower and what not.... so there's my inspiration I guess.

Grey Day for Elcia

New member
Jan 15, 2012
geK0 said:
I'm going to an anime convention this weekend and am pretty stoked. This year and last, I've spent the first months of summer break (my college courses end mid-April) working on cosplays to wear to Anime North and have had a great time doing it.
My work is pretty sloppy, but my Deku Scrub costume last year seemed to be received pretty well and I had a blast making and wearing it : D

The other person is a stranger
Time stamp is inaccurate

This year I am doing a red Yoshi cosplay (Yes I'm a Nintendo fanboy, yes I am aware that Yoshi isn't anime).

My hair wont be visible with the full costume

I'm hoping to have as good a time as I did last year ^____^

discussion value:
Discuss cosplay conventions you had gone to, your cosplays, what you'd like to cosplay, etc.

Also, for any Escapists attending Anime North, I'm taking pokemon challenges.
Oh wow. You really put some effort into making your costumes. Glad you enjoy it so much ^^