Court Declares Oslo "Game Addict" Killer Breivik Sane

Dr. Crawver

Doesn't know why he has premium
Nov 20, 2009
mad825 said:
The Last Nomad said:
mad825 said:
He won.

I didn't see this coming.
I don't know about you but I wouldn't consider (at least) 21 years in prison a victory.
For him it is, he's a martyr remember.

A prison sentence is what he had been fighting all this time
While that is true, he's only a martyr in his own mind. I don't think there are many others who fight for his cause.


There's a principle in business
Nov 16, 2008
Ukomba said:
Slycne said:
Ukomba said:
He kills 77 people and only gets 21 years in prison!?!?!? Norway is messed up.
That's the maximum sentence in Norway, though as mentioned there is a clause that they can further detain anyone who is deemed to still be a danger.

That said, I think it's a horrible message to send to the rest of the world that his sentence as listed works out to around 3 months per person he murdered, even if the intention is he will never see the light of day again.
3 months per murder. Which means the 242 he injured are freebees. There are some crimes that deserve the death penalty.
If he gets out, somebody will find and kill him. He's safer inside.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Madkipz said:
Karloff said:
Court Declares Oslo "Game Addict" Killer Breivik Sane

Breivik has said during the trial that he would have considered a verdict of insanity as a "humiliation."

Breivik used gaming addiction as an excuse to cover for his activities.

Wow. Well, well, well. The Escapist is a piece of self serving word-spinn spewed out to get the most attention. This article re-print makes it seem as if he was trying to be judged insane. xD
This is wrong, the entire trial from the side of the defense have been to have him declared sane. The prosecution have been trying to have him declared insane He actually threw a tantrum when he heard some of the experts had declared him insane. I have watched enough of the proceedings on the news and seen the part where his lawyer states that he's not insane and Breivik's statement on this supporting the notion.

You should also read the article in question:
The Guardian said:
The court's decision will have delighted Breivik, who had hoped to avoid what he called the humiliation of being dismissed as a madman.
The decision delighted him since he wasn't dismissed as a madman. Learn to read before you claim that someone is lying to get attention.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
The Plunk said:
I don't know why people are acting like 21 years is some short amount of time. IT'S 21 FUCKING YEARS! Most of us probably haven't even been alive for that long!
That's not even 6 months per person dead.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
Dr. Crawver said:
mad825 said:
The Last Nomad said:
mad825 said:
He won.

I didn't see this coming.
I don't know about you but I wouldn't consider (at least) 21 years in prison a victory.
For him it is, he's a martyr remember.

A prison sentence is what he had been fighting all this time
While that is true, he's only a martyr in his own mind. I don't think there are many others who fight for his cause.
No, he's a martyr pre se as he's willing to suffer or die for his own cause.

Whether or not there are followers/supporters/synthesisers has yet to be seen although it doesn't help that he's been declared "sane".


New member
Apr 25, 2009
Yopaz said:
Madkipz said:
Karloff said:
Court Declares Oslo "Game Addict" Killer Breivik Sane

Breivik has said during the trial that he would have considered a verdict of insanity as a "humiliation."

Breivik used gaming addiction as an excuse to cover for his activities.

Wow. Well, well, well. The Escapist is a piece of self serving word-spinn spewed out to get the most attention. This article re-print makes it seem as if he was trying to be judged insane. xD
This is wrong, the entire trial from the side of the defense have been to have him declared sane. The prosecution have been trying to have him declared insane He actually threw a tantrum when he heard some of the experts had declared him insane. I have watched enough of the proceedings on the news and seen the part where his lawyer states that he's not insane and Breivik's statement on this supporting the notion.

You should also read the article in question:
The Guardian said:
The court's decision will have delighted Breivik, who had hoped to avoid what he called the humiliation of being dismissed as a madman.
The decision delighted him since he wasn't dismissed as a madman. Learn to read before you claim that someone is lying to get attention.
The guardian article is a lot more expansive and has a more appropriate title.
"Breivik verdict: Norwegian extremist declared sane and sentenced to 21 years"
Meanwhile the escapist article declares Breivik a "Game addict". How is this not self serving word spin?


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Madkipz said:
The guardian article is a lot more expansive and has a more appropriate title.
"Breivik verdict: Norwegian extremist declared sane and sentenced to 21 years"
Meanwhile the escapist article declares Breivik a "Game addict". How is this not self serving word spin?
Sorry, I misunderstood what you were saying there. At a second glance I have to agree with your post, it seems to focus on his gaming habits as if they are to be blamed or to be used as an excuse. Too early for my brain to work I guess, your post was quite clear and I can't see how I misunderstood it.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Boudica said:
DugMachine said:
Part of me is glad he'll spend his entire life in prison but another part of me hates that he's happy he's considered 'sane'. That little quote of his is just insult to injury. I understand those prisons probably aren't as awful as USA's but I truly hope he gets butt fucked 21 THOUSAND times.

Awful, monstrous excuse for a human being and I hope he never walks free again.
You HOPE a human being is raped? You are willing to surrender all your humanity and wish for the ultimate suffering to befall another? They hurt people and now you WANT him to suffer. You condemn him to torment because he condemned others to torment. You are him, standing on the other side of the fence, justifying your actions in the same way--"They deserve it."

Think about that.
Hmm perhaps you're right. I said that out of anger mostly. I know two wrongs don't make a right but that aside, I have no sympathy for this fucking monster and hope he stays locked up forever. I don't believe in rehabilitation for these kind of people. I'll stick to 'he can rot for all I care' point.

Morten Skiftesvik

Sneaky Outsider
Mar 12, 2012
DugMachine said:
Boudica said:
DugMachine said:
Part of me is glad he'll spend his entire life in prison but another part of me hates that he's happy he's considered 'sane'. That little quote of his is just insult to injury. I understand those prisons probably aren't as awful as USA's but I truly hope he gets butt fucked 21 THOUSAND times.

Awful, monstrous excuse for a human being and I hope he never walks free again.
You HOPE a human being is raped? You are willing to surrender all your humanity and wish for the ultimate suffering to befall another? They hurt people and now you WANT him to suffer. You condemn him to torment because he condemned others to torment. You are him, standing on the other side of the fence, justifying your actions in the same way--"They deserve it."

Think about that.
Hmm perhaps you're right. I said that out of anger mostly. I know two wrongs don't make a right but that aside, I have no sympathy for this fucking monster and hope he stays locked up forever. I don't believe in rehabilitation for these kind of people. I'll stick to 'he can rot for all I care' point.
Fair point.
The basic idea is that people are to be rehabilitated, but even so, there are exceptions. I'm sure some will try with him, but it's "probably" not going to work.
I also discussed this a bit with a friend today, and we summarized the Norwegian prison system like this:

It's about:
- Rehabilitation(first and foremost)
- Punishment
- Keeping them out of society and...
- "Scaring" others from turning into criminals.

So punishment is still a part of why people are put in prisons, but not the entire point of it.

When compared to a country with a system that only focuses on the last 3 points(like the US one), I can understand how some have a hard time believing in Norway's system, because it's so foreign to them, but as such, such systems do represent the societies that make them, I doubt if the Norwegian system would even work in the US at this point.

(I have no idea where I'm going with this, brain overflow)


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Dango said:
Personally, I think he should be sent to a mental asylum, rehabilitated, and released back into society.

But apparently that's silly as fuck by this thread's standards.

Also, don't bother quoting me to tell me how stupid I am, I already know it'll go something like this:

You: Rabble rabble My opinion is different than yours! rabble rabble
Me: OK
No actually it would go like this.

What makes you think this man CAN be rehabilitated.

The security in a mental institution is much lower and if this man were to get out and do this all over again we would be in a bigger tragedy than we already are.

Ask yourself this. Would you allow him to be rehabilitated in your neighborhood and afterwards live next door to you?

If the answer is no. You can guess how much weight your opinion has.


New member
Aug 24, 2012
TJC said:
DVS BSTrD said:
Breivik has said during the trial that he would have considered a verdict of insanity as a "humiliation."
Well we wouldn't want to hurt the widdle genocidal cowardly delusional racist moster's feelings now would we?
Well, courtrooms have to uphold the law at least somewhat and declaring him insane when obviously he isn't wouldn't be the right way to go along, as much as I hate to have an opinion that even slightly falls in line with his.

Here's hoping he ends up in a prison full of slippery soap and many big burly man open for experimentation.
hur hur prison rape is hilarious!

Sentiments like yours disgust me almost as much as Breivik does.


New member
Nov 27, 2010
He even gets free internet, and a laptop...glad to see he'll be spending his time devoid of life's pleasures...


New member
May 30, 2012
Why is it the people who display the most "outrage" at violence, are always the most violent and bloodthirsty? (Not to mention, ignorant.)

"Norway should bring back the death penalty."

"Norway should change it's laws because of one person. Even though I don't even understand them."

Just because you feel the need to point and scream at a monster, doesn't mean you should become a monster yourself. Honestly, you people make me pretty sick. Go back to Facebook, and go back to listening to Nancy Grace (or whichever demon you're fond of), circle-jerking over dead children stories and congratulating one another on who can come up with the most disturbing and depraved "punishment". I'm so glad we have people like you in "humanity's corner", defending "civilization" for all of us.


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
Playing video games does not make you insane... Willingly playing mediocre, bad, and lowest common denominator games makes you insane.

I know its their system of justice and their call to make but really I would have rather seen him deemed insane, and then immediately put down the same way you would put down a rabid dog.

But I know I know, in this faux enlightenment world supposedly an eye for 154 eyes is not justifiable and it is much more logical to spend a lot of money, and many years trying to rehabilitate someone with this little thought or concern for life, when a box of bullets costs less than 20$ in damn near any currency /eyeroll.

Wolf In A Bear Suit

New member
Jun 2, 2012
Breivik said himself he should be acquitted of his crime's or put to death. He think's himself a poetic warrior cleansing the world of all he considers wrong with it that other simple minded stupid people are too ignorant to see. He thinks in years to come he will be proved right and seen as a hero. It's like lifes a game to him. In other word's he is a psycho. No sane person follows his thought process

Ushiromiya Battler

Oddly satisfied
Feb 7, 2010
Seriously? People still believe he'll be in a normal prison?
He'll be isolated. In a room with only a bed, a desk and a toilet.
For 21 years and probably his whole life.

Norway wont forget this. I'm 90% certain he wont be let out and if he is someones going to kill him.

And the death penalty discussion... I'm not even touching that with a 10 foot internet pole.
This isn't the US.
Simple as that.