Harker067 said:
And generally with rulings of insanity you are locked in a psychiatric facility until you are deemed safe to reenter society. Which is often longer then the original jail sentence. So I'm not sure that finding him insane would have gotten him out any quicker.
Being declared insane would have been bad... for the rest of the world. This guy has ruffled a lot of feathers in conservative circles worldwide, who can't cope with the idea that a Christian religious zealot is as capable of atrocities as, say, a Muslim religious zealot. This event has shaken the worldview of many media pundits, who accused "brown people" of being inhuman monsters while the good white Christians where the paragons of virtue.
And here we have a white as the driven snow blonde aryan Christian being a loathsome monster whose actions respond to an openly racist agenda (He killed the children of left-leaning politicians as punishment for them not being racist - that is, for them supporting the cultural and social integration of foreigners).
Declaring him insane would have made a lot of people happy, as they'd have averted the need to reconsider their own racist positions, since an insane person can be written off as a fluke.