Crappy Capcom Proofreader Strikes Again

The Wooster

King Snap
Jul 15, 2008
Crappy Capcom Proofreader Strikes Again

This time it's Asura's Wrath that's fallen victim to Capcom's, apparently broken, spell checker.

When Capcom accidentally launched Resident Evil: Revelaitons (note spelling) early this month, we all had a good chuckle at the company's expense. Now it turns out our cruel barbs may have been terribly insensitive, as Capcom appears to be suffering from some kind of debilitating box art-dyslexia.

As GamesRadar helpfully pointed out, presumably with a smirk you could see from space, the tagline on the back of Asura's Wrath's game box reads, "Relentless action and near impossible chanllenges."

Now the version in question was a promotional copy sent out for review, but with only a week before Asura's Wrath is due to hit the shelves, Capcom may not have time to fix the gaffe. Should the typo make it through to the retail copy, it'll be the third time Capcom has cocked up a game's box art in recent years. The first instance, in case you're wondering, would be that time they accidentally left an IGN watermark on the cover of Okami.

And Capcom used to have such nice box art [,39984/] too.

Source: GamesRadar []



New member
Jul 7, 2011
Dear Capcom,

If you require a new proofreader, I will be more than happy to apply for the position.

Seriously, don't they have some kind of "Spellcheck" on their respective computers?


New member
Nov 24, 2009
It took me a minute to find the error, because I've spent so much time on the internet that I read Typo as a second language. But any semi-functional spell-check program would have caught that.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
gentlemanghost said:
Dear Capcom,

If you require a new proofreader, I will be more than happy to apply for the position.

Seriously, don't they have some kind of "Spellcheck" on their respective computers?
hey quit using my application letter!


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
This reeks of Capcom hiring in someone who said he could do the job, but evidently cannot.

Or it could be Capcom is trying to turn cover sleeves into collectors items by including typos.

Spud of Doom

New member
Feb 24, 2011
That's laughable. Seriously how bad can you get. This doesn't come close to the errors in RE:R or Okami, but it's still pretty bad.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
gigastar said:
This reeks of Capcom hiring in someone who said he could do the job, but evidently cannot.

Or it could be Capcom is trying to turn cover sleeves into collectors items by including typos.
This reeks of Capcom hiring a nigerian kid who'd blagged them into believing he was a highly trained box art professional.

I mean it wasn't oven a case of a typo that wouldn't be picked up by a spellchecker. My browser is currently doing a better job than their people who create box art for millions of people :D


New member
Feb 26, 2010
gigastar said:
Or it could be Capcom is trying to turn cover sleeves into collectors items by including typos.
You're could be into something. Something like how stamps with mistakes are sought after by collectors.

Proverbial Jon

Not evil, just mildly malevolent
Nov 10, 2009
Grey Carter said:
And Capcom used to have such nice box art [,39984/] too.
*Clicks link* How could you?! You tricked me! And to think I trusted you...

OT: There's just no excuse for a mistake like this with all the technology we have these days. I mean come on, even the most basic word processor has a damned spell checker function! I can see how this might be overlooked in-game... but on the actual box art?

Damn... It's not like Capcom can blame it on translation errors either...

EDIT: Curiously, if you look at the box art for the Pal version on Amazon, the error is not present.


New member
May 4, 2009
BrotherRool said:
gigastar said:
This reeks of Capcom hiring in someone who said he could do the job, but evidently cannot.

Or it could be Capcom is trying to turn cover sleeves into collectors items by including typos.
This reeks of Capcom hiring a nigerian kid who'd blagged them into believing he was a highly trained box art professional.

I mean it wasn't oven a case of a typo that wouldn't be picked up by a spellchecker. My browser is currently doing a better job than their people who create box art for millions of people :D
How insensitive can you be? How DARE you imply Nigerians are all scammers? I'll have you know I've been in regular contact with a Nigerian prince! A PRINCE I TELL YOU! He would be in fits of tears if he heard this....slander!

Elementary - Dear Watson

RIP Eleuthera, I will miss you
Nov 9, 2010
Amazing... you wouldn't think that something that obvious would slip through..

It depends how long ago the boxes for that release were made though... They may have already noticed, but sent the review copies anyway as that doesn't matter as much! Amazing that it happened in the first place though!

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
You had to mention that art box, did you?...

OT: I really don't mind, kinda reminds me of the engrish translations of the NES era. (A winner is you, anyone?)


New member
Aug 7, 2010
At least they tried to translate it.
My copy of Monster Hunter 3rdHD is all in squiggles! Heck, there's even some smiley faces thrown in there randomly!


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Thyunda said:
BrotherRool said:
gigastar said:
This reeks of Capcom hiring in someone who said he could do the job, but evidently cannot.

Or it could be Capcom is trying to turn cover sleeves into collectors items by including typos.
This reeks of Capcom hiring a nigerian kid who'd blagged them into believing he was a highly trained box art professional.

I mean it wasn't oven a case of a typo that wouldn't be picked up by a spellchecker. My browser is currently doing a better job than their people who create box art for millions of people :D
How insensitive can you be? How DARE you imply Nigerians are all scammers? I'll have you know I've been in regular contact with a Nigerian prince! A PRINCE I TELL YOU! He would be in fits of tears if he heard this....slander!
I'm so sorry! Please forgive, I'm actually a highly Traned dipLomat, & if u pay me the _sum_ of $100000000 per day. by giving me your bank account details I-will apply the years of experience I have gained from inventing diplomacy and using spellcheckers to keep your prince VERY happy!!!!

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
Well whatever you think of Capcom, they're always entertaining.

"chanllenges" Fuck that's too funny.