Critical Miss: #30


New member
Jan 24, 2010
that Cop reminded me of a boss from Final Fight... dunno if he was meant to.

i need to watch Scott Pilgrim.

The Wooster

King Snap
Jul 15, 2008
avouleance2nd said:
Anyone else notice a nod or two to Scott Pilgrim.
Mainly in terms of the black boxes and the "thusly" joke which is directly from the comics.
I've been on quite the Scott Pilgrim binge lately, thanks mostly to the excellent game on PSN and XBLA that everyone should go buy right fucking now. I've yet to see the film. The black boxes are actually an old manga thing that's been around for years. I think I got it from a fairly bizzarre transgendered thing called 'NOBRA' which was actually suprisingly good.

As for this strip, it's basically one last opportunity for us to do some straight forward, good old fashioned violence before we start heading into drama country.

The Wooster

King Snap
Jul 15, 2008
Mausenheimmer said:
Valid Criticism

More food for thought: if she gets all her review scores in an envelope (as was established early on), how come she writes a column noted for its critical nature? Either she doesn't get to write what she wants or she does!
You may have also noticed that she hand one of her eyes ripped out two strips ago and a few strips before that she was a necromancer. Continuity is just another thing we suck at.

That being said, have a look at some of the writers on the Escapist, the vast majority of the staff who review games also have their own columns.

The DSM said:
Does me knowing that moves input is Tagers "Emerald Tager Driver" from Blazblue make me a bad person?

I love this web comic...
Actually you're technically a good person. The input for Gigantic Tager Driver is actually 360 A Or B, not both at the same time. The move depicted is actually Zangief's Ex command throw from SF4.


New member
Apr 12, 2010
Why doesnt that happen when i try to do it in real life? ARGH! Let me do a hadouken!


Special Zero Unit
Apr 22, 2009
Grey Carter said:
Mausenheimmer said:
Valid Criticism

More food for thought: if she gets all her review scores in an envelope (as was established early on), how come she writes a column noted for its critical nature? Either she doesn't get to write what she wants or she does!
You may have also noticed that she hand one of her eyes ripped out two strips ago and a few strips before that she was a necromancer. Continuity is just another thing we suck at.

That being said, have a look at some of the writers on the Escapist, the vast majority of the staff who review games also have their own columns.

The DSM said:
Does me knowing that moves input is Tagers "Emerald Tager Driver" from Blazblue make me a bad person?

I love this web comic...
Actually you're technically a good person. The input for Gigantic Tager Driver is actually 360 A Or B, not both at the same time. The move depicted is actually Zangief's Ex command throw from SF4.
Ohhh its a Zangief move.

I thought it was Alex's Hyper Bomb.

The Wooster

King Snap
Jul 15, 2008
Extreme Pajamas said:
Throw reject miss! Nice little lesson in there too. I think I'll go play some BlazBlue.
Have you noticed unlimited Makoto has Dudley's exact moveset? Made me giggle.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
Watching someone pointlessly beating up an old woman made me laugh.

And for the deleted strips: What do you mean, bad? The second and third ones were hilarious!