Critical Miss: Different Creeds


New member
Jan 26, 2009
Madara XIII said:
Trucken said:
I'm loving AC: Brotherhood so far, but I am annoyed that we're still stuck in Italy with Ezio. And god damn it, I want to assassinate a dinosaur.

A Dinosaur with a Top Hat and Monocle my good man!
That's just the gravy. Sweet, delicious, tasty gravy.


New member
Apr 4, 2010
zHellas said:
I completely agree with Stout on that.

though I'm not sure how possible it is for space assassination.
Puncture the suit, your dead.

Would indeed be interesting to see it happen in...lets say.... wild west?


New member
Dec 22, 2008
I may be wrong but I think the joke is that even tough they are in different settings they are still killing kings every time...with the same weapon.


Quite Not Right
Feb 7, 2010
Mechsoap said:
zHellas said:
I completely agree with Stout on that.

though I'm not sure how possible it is for space assassination.
Puncture the suit, your dead.

Would indeed be interesting to see it happen in...lets say.... wild west?
Wild West Assassins Creed = Red Dead Redemption but with much more Bounty Hunting.

In my mind, at least.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
broken-serenity said:
I'd like one set during the french revolution so we can do abit of scarelt pimpernelling around paris and shit :)
Oooo, I like that one. This could be the turning point of of the brotherhood where they realize the power of mob rule and end up forming the crowd to storm the Bastille.


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Aug 20, 2009
Missing SHODAN said:
I was more excited by Victorian England Assassin's Creed. Top hats improve everything.
London actually wouldn't be a bad place, and we get to dodge the issue of people having decent guns for a few more generations. Once the series hits the old west, we'll have a shooter oon our hands...


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
AC3 would be great in Victorian England just for the puffy dresses and top hats :p


Faerie girl in hiding
Mar 17, 2009
Outright Villainy said:
Victorian Assassin's creed would be super sweet, and bitchin'.
Again with taking my response!

Though I sometimes wish that someone would put Assassins Creed and Hitman Blood Money in a teleporter together at the same time. That would be the best game ever, since it's usually the Benny Hill style chase sequences before you assassinate some fleeing fat guy who can somehow run as fast as you where the game falls apart, atmosphere-wise. If you had poisoned his wine, impersonated his guard, etc etc etc...

Man. Going to have pleasant dreams tonight.

Outright Villainy

New member
Jan 19, 2010
Serenegoose said:
Outright Villainy said:
Victorian Assassin's creed would be super sweet, and bitchin'.
Again with taking my response!

Though I sometimes wish that someone would put Assassins Creed and Hitman Blood Money in a teleporter together at the same time. That would be the best game ever, since it's usually the Benny Hill style chase sequences before you assassinate some fleeing fat guy who can somehow run as fast as you where the game falls apart, atmosphere-wise. If you had poisoned his wine, impersonated his guard, etc etc etc...

Man. Going to have pleasant dreams tonight.
Man, that would be fucking awesome. I actually thought the stealth was a little weak in Ass creed actually. Ezio is quite clumsy to move stealthily, and your options are limited to "stab this guy and run away", or "wait until he's over here, then stab him and run away"

The inventive deaths of hitman with the setting of Ass creed would make me trip all the balls!


New member
Aug 2, 2010
dfcrackhead said:
zHellas said:
The Cheezy One said:
zHellas said:
Oooh... And Jack the Ripper is like a rogue assassin that you have to kill!
Or you ARE J the R, that would be an interesting twist... so won't be done!
I thought that too, but didn't bother to edit and put that in because someone would have thought of it already.
Only problem with playing as Jack The Ripper, he wasn't so much an assassin, just a twisted guy who killed hookers and took apart their insides, and even though I know we all kill the hookers in GTA so we can get our money back, I think something like that would cause a lot of controversy and also, not make a very good game, especially considering I think Jack only killed like 4 or 5 people.
He only killed 4 or 5 people that we know of, besides, maybe those were Templar Hookers.


New member
Aug 1, 2008
To be fair, the Crusades and Renaissance Italy are both fresh new settings with a perfect urban environment.

Of course, putting on my cynical hat, you just know AC3 is going to be set in Next-Gen City. The rain pours down and police sirens wail in the distance as you pull yourself up rusty fire escapes and run along power lines. You thought smoke bombs were cheap? Try EMPs, sniper rifles and dual hidden pistols.


New member
Sep 2, 2010
ForgottenPr0digy said:
I love the cute mouse/hamster on her head

It would be hard to kill in space because of the low gravity
Not really. just shoot the space king with the crossbow from Brotherhood and watch him depressurize and explode in his own suit. (give me a moment to relish that sadistic thought will ya!)

OT: Brotherhood is 'basically' an Expansion to AC2; only, NO one can complain about it being full price, since it adds so much (unlike a certain 'other' recent vegas;i mean game). but AC3 'should' be based entirely in the present/near future/2012 to round off the main trilogy. i have a good feeling that they'll release it at around this time in two years since the plot has so much to do with 2012 anyway, they shouldn't release it any sooner or later.
However, once they ARE done with the main trilogy.....well, lets just say that this is one Dead Horse i'll be happy to see getting beaten to a bloody pulpy mess....... a bloody, pulpy mess with top hats and dinosaurs!

Cosplay Horatio

New member
May 19, 2009
I'd wanna do space assasinations as Lobo! This is an awesome idea and even if it never happens I'm happy that AC: Brotherhood is a good game.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Onyx Oblivion said:
Sorry to be a buzzkill. I actually really dig the story of the "present day" sections of Assassin's Creed more than the story within the Animus sessions. Including checking e-mail.
This I cannot understand. For me Assassin's Creed 2 was nearly the perfect game. The one thing that keeps the series from achieving true perfection is the STUPID STUPID present day storyline.


The second game had a brilliant story of growing up, betrayal, revenge and knowledge. It could so so easily have stood alone (as could the first in terms of gameplay), yet they felt the need to chuck a stupid magical conspiracy behind it. I was truly disappointed that after a game which has a brilliant personal story, as well as a beutifully crafted hugely historically accurate game world, the ending basically says "yeah Ezio is not important. Also say hi to a god, turns out theres a magical conspiracy going on"

Both games have pulled off this marvelous personal story and immersive world, then let an awful connecting story undermine everything you achieve in order to obtain it.

just sayin'