Cryptic Pisses Off Star Trek Online Early Adopters With Sale


Elite Member
Feb 10, 2009
for more anger


Elite Member
Feb 10, 2009
hansari said:
The 60 days is a big deal, but now thats off the table, $10 is nothing.

Least not in context of people getting ripped off. The iPhone getting significantly cheaper and better than version 1.0 after a few months is what comes to my mind...
I thought the 3Gs actually cost more when you crunch the numbers.

bjj hero

New member
Feb 4, 2009
I've never posted a thread that got over 2000 posts...

I don't get all of the upset though. You always get the shaft if you buy on release day, its the price of impatience.

In the UK most games pre ordered for 360 go for £40-£45. Normally if you shop around you can get them less than thirty within days of release. I did it with flashpoint and MW2. One from ASDA, the other from the internet.


New member
Aug 14, 2008
OH DEAR GOD NO! Some people are actually going to have to pay less?! Stop this atrocity!

Seriously? Come the fuck on, sure, it's not a very good idea to have a sale this soon after release, but how is it going to hurt you? Bitching and demanding that atari stops the sale is a great way to be a douche, and wont give you your 10 bucks back.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Wicky_42 said:
fix-the-spade said:
Game stuff aside, banning users for complaining (or disagreeing/attempting to contradict the corporate line) seems like a good way to kill off your community.

Locking their threads fine, but banning large numbers of people and pretending they were never there gets noticed.
Yeah, ironic, isn't it? Censorship on internet forums tends to backlash preeeety quickly, heh.
Implementing the Engineering Reports seems to have mollified most of them, however.


New member
Nov 7, 2006
obisean said:
theownerer said:
that sucks i got pretty pissed when l4d2 went 25% off the week after it came out.
This is what I was going to say. I bought L4D2 like 5 or 6 days after release, it went on sale 2 days later for 25% off. Needless to say, I was PISSED. I would have waited had I known. Who puts a brand new game on sale for 25% off a week after it comes out?
Both of you fail to realize that it was released a week or two just before Thanksgiving and Black Friday. Everyone who's anyone who's smart enough and patient enough will realize that you wait to buy any new thing (game system, video games, etc) until Black Friday during it's sales to see if it goes on sale for a lower price. Valve did the exact same thing a year earlier with Left4Dead, so it came to no surprise to anyone, really.

As for on topic, ......the game is/was a flop and they're trying to grab bulk money from box sales to prevent their company from going under when they're going to see that the subscriptions won't hold water at all.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Early adopters pay more than those who wait? You don't say. If I had been one of the early adopters, I would have been happy that they still actively trying to increase the player base.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
I've heard of fighting fire with fire. But fighting bad customer service with even more bad customer service?

Man up, admit you've blown it, and hand out some free time certificates, boys. Unless this whole "60 days" thing is because you happen to know that the whole thing is going to go completely offline 90 days after launch... Which I guess would make a certain amount of sense, given the sales tactics you seem to be pursuing...


Boyz! Boyz! Boyz!
Dec 3, 2008
Um, like, welcome to computer games?

STO is suffering from mediocre review scores so this has to be recognized as a sensible business decision and not a personal attack on players who bought it the first week.

There is a simple solution, one that usually works for me. Wait 2-3 months before buying the game. Even longer sometimes. That way the truth emerges once the hype clears. Bugs are fixed, content is frequently added, balance is usually a little better, and you will probably get the game anywhere from 15-50% off. Life is good this way.

But locking and deleting threads of angry customers--unless they were being outright abusive but I bet most weren't--was a mistake that will have only adverse consequences for Cryptic and the game.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Jaredin said:
laryri said:
Seems like a jerk move.
I will say...there goes all reason for pre-sale it seems...
Didn't realize there ever was a reason.

I thought the idea was convince people to preorder, sell the games on hype, give them a shiny pile of shit, then laugh as they realize you can't resell games or return them thus artificially inflating ALL game sales.

Oh did I mention the game you just bought likely also has DRM so that reselling it is impossible.

Not talking about STO, just the gaming strategy in general.

The second you can return a game for being bad I'll consider sales a legitimate form of quality assessment. Until then it just appears to be how well a company can swindle gullible fools.

I will support MMO's in the fact that they think their shit is so good they require you pay monthly. Which is a great indicator of quality, if I'm willing to re-subscribe I've obviously found something good. I know...clashes with my previous point a bit, but that's me being human.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Zeithri said:
By all accounts, Star Trek Online had a pretty decent launch. Cryptic announced over a million accounts were created, although it was later revealed that number included both STO and Champions Online.
Y'know.. I really hate it when they do it like that.
That's just telling a white lie.
That's PR. They sleep well at night knowing they threw some spin into it. And it is only a lie if they actually said that Star Trek Online had a million accounts. It's only been said that Cryptic has them, which includes both games. It is still stinky, though.
I ponied up the cash to preorder L4D2, and there was a discount for preorders of that game. So with Valve's case that's not so bad with their sale coming so soon after release. Cryptic, on the other hand, didn't offer any prerelease discounts, just various cheap bling to go with the preorder, depending where you got it from.
Acting like immature chimps flinging poo on the forums doesn't do anyone any good. Get over it and play the game, or just unsubscribe and find some other game to play.


May the Force Be With Me
Feb 3, 2009
Deathfish15 said:
obisean said:
theownerer said:
that sucks i got pretty pissed when l4d2 went 25% off the week after it came out.
This is what I was going to say. I bought L4D2 like 5 or 6 days after release, it went on sale 2 days later for 25% off. Needless to say, I was PISSED. I would have waited had I known. Who puts a brand new game on sale for 25% off a week after it comes out?
Both of you fail to realize that it was released a week or two just before Thanksgiving and Black Friday. Everyone who's anyone who's smart enough and patient enough will realize that you wait to buy any new thing (game system, video games, etc) until Black Friday during it's sales to see if it goes on sale for a lower price. Valve did the exact same thing a year earlier with Left4Dead, so it came to no surprise to anyone, really.

As for on topic, ......the game is/was a flop and they're trying to grab bulk money from box sales to prevent their company from going under when they're going to see that the subscriptions won't hold water at all.
Ya. I was an idiot. I remember when MW2 went on sale for the holidays as well... oh wait, no I don't.

No surprise to anyone... ha.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
Cryptic managed to piss off another community in another MMO... color me surprised.


New member
Nov 23, 2008
As a smarmy chuckling supporter of the WoW Juggernaught: Huurhuuur. Whine more, we feed on it.

(Though really, what? Talk about major PR trip and faceplant)


New member
Oct 26, 2009
so they screw people over like that and THEN ban the people that complain about it?
horrid! let's see how long it takes for people to peal off


New member
Mar 22, 2009
4 weeks and the game already needs to add an incentive to buy?

I think I will wait for next months free trial.


New member
Apr 25, 2009
Nurb said:
The early adopters got perks for pre-ordering that new customers didn't
Only problem is I got the game to early for the free time and not early enough for the free preorder stuff, so I'm double screwed