This. I know a lot of people had problems with Crysis 3. Gameplay length, and ending on wet fart for certain fans. I know I enojyed what little I was able to play of the original Crysis is the title reminding me a lot of Far Cry Instincts (XBOX/360). A spinoff/retelling of the original pc game made exclusively for both xbox consoles. I know Crysis was meant as a spiritual successor to the original Far Cry (PC), yet it seems to make inspirations from Instincts. Your character is superpowered in some way. The nanosuit for Nomad, and Jack Carver's animal powers (which you do not get until the 5th chapter). Both have recharable health and stanima, but the only difference being Jack can still use medkits and adrenaline respectively, and that Nomad can upgrade his powers. Jack can't, but he gets new abilities further in the campaign. Both also get superspeed and chuck (claws for Jack) enemies in to the air. They fight superpowered versions of themselves late in their respective campagins (for Jack, it's more like 2/3 in to the story). Another difference, Jack is fighting mercernaries, products of gentetic enginerring, and the head mad scientists (Krieger) personal army on an island. And all are in a meele e trois late in the game. I look forward to actually completing the game in the summer.This might just be a case of giving people the chance to play it who didn't get to play it last time.
The game released on PC only at first and it required a fucking monster computer to actually play. Which meant that a lot of people didn't get to play it. It came out on 360 and ps3 4 years later but it kind of flew under a lot of radars.
So maybe they just want to give it a rerelease and see if people still give a shit about the series. perhaps it's an industry test to see if there is market for another game.
Also, the game takes place in 2020. Relevant!