Cute Robots Protect Your Privacy on Street View


New member
May 24, 2009
Brainwash! But seriously, if I didn't know any better, I would say this is the New World Order. Well, at some point at least, technology is going to allow total control.


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
Kukul said:
+100000000 Internets for someone who will mix that video with a scene from "1984" or "Equilibrium" (preferably putting that video on the in-movie screen)
It's not a video, but still... I'll take the cash equivalent of 100000000 Internets (Paypal is OK)



New member
Apr 23, 2008
Glefistus said:
Treblaine said:
Doug said:
Treblaine said:
I got to admit, this looks like it could be really effective... in Japan.

I mean face it, google is being way WAY more considerate than all those paparazzi C**T faces when it comes laws protecting photography in public places. Google is really doing all that it can to allay any worries and jsut want a cohesive street view map, something which IMHO is truly revolutionary.

It's not what you do, it's how you do it.
Honestly, I'd love to see this ad in the UK, but I doubt the hype conservative anal people will learn from this about how Google doesn't spy on people.
Ok let me get this:

Government Spying: OK
Local councils spying on bin schedules: No problem
Mass CCTV surveillance: Live with it
Paparazzi legally permitted to hound families every step of their lives: Well we buy the pictures in "Gossip magazines", don't we?
UK secret service permitted to look at any email without a warrant or any judicial oversight: "Someone has to stop the terorists!"
Every single god damn person now has a camera phone: How is it different from before?
Satellite and aircraft photos of ever square meter of the earth: meh

Google takes photos of public places removing any identifiable feature: DEAR FUCK NO!


See Google is the favourite scapegoat of preppy pretentious douchebags who have no idea what the hell they are talking about and just want a soft target to ***** about.
Like when google started scanning and making available thousands of extremely old books and make them available to anyone this London Library bitches about it while they hold these books under lock and key. They are actually objecting to google making them available to everyone. Elitist dickheads just want to control access to information no thought for a second that the common man might want to read great old works.
I'm surprised British citizens haven't revolted yet because of this Orwellian-like surveillance.
British citizens haven't revolted yet because of this Orwellian-like surveillance.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Glefistus said:
I'm surprised British citizens haven't revolted yet because of this Orwellian-like surveillance.
Now that, my good sir, is one big arse can of worms.

Ultimately we wouldn't need CCTV cameras if you could just depend on witnesses in the police and the public in general. But the English Justice system is a fucking mess now and the government is so corrupt that is evident with the outrageous Expensess Scandal [] that is symptomatic of a system that is out completely broken. Then consider how popular the BNP are and how their popularity is increasing...

The problem with the CCTV epidemic is that it is not a product of an overly strong government but just representative of how weak and lost it is.

Edited for clarity


Echappe, retire, sous sus PANIC!
Apr 24, 2008
So...cute...can't...escape...cuteness... =) It's nice to know that there's a little robot out there protecting your privacy on Google Maps. It has always struck me as just a little creepy that you can go to all the trouble of attempting to protect your privacy in what you do online, and then Google comes and takes a photo of your house...and posts it on the internet... I realise that there's nothing necessarily to connect you with the photo, but still.. =P


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
Kukul said:
thenumberthirteen said:
Kukul said:
+100000000 Internets for someone who will mix that video with a scene from "1984" or "Equilibrium" (preferably putting that video on the in-movie screen)
It's not a video, but still... I'll take the cash equivalent of 100000000 Internets (Paypal is OK)

You rock.
Thanks! Here's another.

Man it looks really evil in that Image. Like it's laughing at all the pictures of drunk people throwing up, and planning how to rob your house.
Sep 6, 2009
somekindarobot said:
Aww, that's the most adorable Orwellian surveillance system I've ever seen. Who's a cute invasion of privacy? You are, yes you are!
That made my day right there.

"Awwww, look at that, it's fining me because my car emits too much CO2."

"Awwww, look at that, it's violating human rights."

"Awwww, those have to be the nicest subliminal messages playing from it's speaker system."

"Awwww, look at that, it's adjusting my thermostat to protect the environment."

"Awwww, how cute, it's taking all of my legally bought weapons so I don't hurt somebody, how thoughtful."

"It's so adorable, it makes me ignore the fact that it just killed my second child due to population limits."


New member
Feb 28, 2008
Google really screwed up my info: my home is apparently the subdivision sign, and the mailbox is missing in the pictures.
Like, the box literally isn't on its post.

I like anonymity.


is Only Bob
Nov 29, 2007
I really like Street View, helps me plan a lot of journeys. I visualise very poorly from top-down maps, I prefer the street view approach. It also let me check out my new place before I went there to visit it personally; no confusion over exactly which house it was, and I even got to see it and the route clearly.

This video is adorable. As a Google supporter, someone unconcerned about the sort of "surveillance" that is publicly viewable*, and a fan of both robots and adorable things, I love this video.

*If all CCTV cameras were available to everyone via the internet, wouldn't that be so very different? Yes, you'd be watched just as much as you are now, but you wouldn't have to fear who's on the other side - because those who watch the feeds would be watched as well. A panopticon in which everyone watches everyone, not out of fear, but out of mutual support.


New member
Aug 29, 2009
Why would they have arobot/camera that does that in the first place? It seems like it holds no purpose.

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
SharPhoe said:
I think that's adorable, and it gets the message across really well. And I want a cool scanner just like his!
Count me in as well, I want to give that little robot a hug for all it's hard work.


New member
Dec 29, 2008
He was delivered a screenshot of an email.

I guess since he's a robot the photoshopping cancels itself out.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
I want one of those robots! I would name him paul but call him steve and love him till I realise love is my one weakness and die, but love him nonetheless!


Engaged to PaintyFace
Jan 20, 2009
D'awwww... its so cute... wait, what was I going to say? I completely forgot. That robot is awesome though.

Internet Kraken

Animalia Mollusca Cephalopada
Mar 18, 2009
thenumberthirteen said:
Kukul said:
thenumberthirteen said:
Kukul said:
+100000000 Internets for someone who will mix that video with a scene from "1984" or "Equilibrium" (preferably putting that video on the in-movie screen)
It's not a video, but still... I'll take the cash equivalent of 100000000 Internets (Paypal is OK)

You rock.
Thanks! Here's another.

Man it looks really evil in that Image. Like it's laughing at all the pictures of drunk people throwing up, and planning how to rob your house.
These pictures actually made me laugh. Good work.

On-Topic: I find that robot to be more disturbing than cute. Maybe it's because he hass a giant cmera for a head and is taking picutres of everyone and everything.

If I saw something like that drive down the street, I would run back into my house in a panic.