I don't mean to disrespect your list, you've listed a bunch of female protagonists from about the early-90's to 2013. But how many games were released in that time period? Far, far more then on your list. Even if we allow for half of all games to be create-your-PC, multiple character choice (ie. Diablo, Resident Evil 1/2), fighting games and games in which the game mechanics doesn't require a protagonist (Tetris, Solitaire etc.) we are still talking an overwhelming majority of games in which you play a (white) dude.
Steam (
https://www.statista.com/statistics/552623/number-games-released-steam/) had 3000 games or so on the platform in 2014 and to that we must add 700 Nintendo games (a bit less admittedly, since some of those were released after 2014) and 1447 PS3 games (plus maybe another hundred PS4 games or so for 2014). So that's about 4000 unique games, conservatively estimated, which leaves us 2000 with a single protagonist. Is your list composed of anywhere near 1000 female protagonists? Because that'd be an even split. I count 15 female protagonists on your list. If we really tried we could maybe get into the low hundreds.
Now I did all this math and then realized the obvious: Maybe someone already studied this. So I googled "number of games with female protagonists". Turns out someone (
https://thenextweb.com/gaming/2020/10/22/why-is-it-so-rare-to-have-a-woman-leading-a-game/#:~:text=In 2012, a report from,24 had a female lead Hyperlinking not working) had studied this. The numbers: In 2012 out of 669 games studied, 24 had a female protagonist and 300 allowed the choice of a female protagonist. So out of 669 games, 278 put you into the shoes of a male protagonist (10% of games in another studied were found to have no discernible protagonist gender, so I subtracted 67 games to account for that). 279 static male protagonist versus 24 static female. That's a 1 to 10 ratio. In other words: Female protagonists are not common.