Cyberpunk 2077 Review thread - Umm....


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Can't comment on the guitar playing because for some reason there isn't any sound. You are, inevitably, a better musician than me.

But if you're unhappy with how things are, work to change them. I know it's not as easy as saying that, not even close. But things don't change themselves either. Get therapy if that's what it takes (never had it, probably should). I know I'm not telling you anything you haven't heard before, but, you know, you gotta do something if you're unhappy right. (Sorry, this is a terrible pep talk). And if you wanna lose weight, don't eat bread. That shit is a nightmare, white bread especially.
I am planning an uber diet the moment covid goes away and I can go back to the gym. I legit gained 50 fucking pounds thanks to lockdowns and the effect on my mental health due to the stress of losing 60% of my income for months.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
I found it fun.

Not particularly deep as some people claim, but fun. The characters are passable though i find 9Ss eventual descent into nihilism not a good development.
I didn't like that the combat lacks the typical depth of a Platinum game.

That's kinda the thing, it tells the story of androids awakening their humanity. So yeah of course they start pretty dry and almost robotic, with a machine.-like demeanor and focus.

That's why it's so interesting when they change. That contrast makes it all that much more impactful. The game basically entails an inhuman amount of humanity due to the way in which the characters awaken to it. One that can only really be achieved by androids and is all that much more pure for that.
That's not at all what I got out of the Super Bunnyhop video about the game. I gave the guy, Yoko Taro, a chance with the 1st Neir and the game was very lacking in many areas. The whole structure of having to replay sections was not needed at all and Automata uses the same structure with characters I'll most likely care about less.

Here is a review with actual self-recorded footage
Pretty much all the stuff I care about in a game like this is lacking it seems. The RPG aspects (both mechanics and choice) seem very lacking and the story/writing are worse than Witcher 3 according to SkillUp. Even the immersive sim aspects SkillUp said aren't even as well done as the newest Watch Dogs game. And, another game with a pointless loot system that does nothing but waste your time. "Night City looks and feels far more impressive than it plays" is kinda the quote that says it all for me. I want games that PLAY "next-gen" and not continually just look better but play the same. Remember when the people that saw the early demo of the game claimed Cyberpunk was a new "genre", I was calling that bullshit at the time. Gamedec seems far more ambitious a game than Cyberpunk.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
I find it incredibly ironic that you lead with this and then go on to absolutely erase my (and many other women who gamed in those years) experience in order to explain to us why the people who harassed us and bullied us are actually the victims.

And yet you don't see women in gaming form large asshole cliques were they find 12 year old kids to vent their frustration with the bullying they've had to endure from male gamers. You don't see LGBTQ persons form harassment mobs to drive out other minority gamers, despite being the group that has it absolutely worst in gaming circles. Why the fuck should I pity the people who target me because I share their hobby but have a different gender?

Why should I? Why is the onus on me to consider the delicate fee-fees of the people that harass me? Why should any of us give even a modicum of respect or sympathy to the utter dickwads that go apeshit, doxx and start sustained harassment and death threat campaigns against streamers or pro-players that come out as trans?

Baffle said it best:

Most of us suck it up, deal with it in a constructive way and move on. We don't turn it on someone weaker.

This is not the behavior I was referring to. A lot of us who got into gaming in the 90's were awkward in some way, but the vast majority of us didn't become raging assholes, not online and not in real life.
I think what Dreiko was getting at is, not letting those kinda of people get to you or looking back with scorn and contempt. Kids that age are mostly idiots, but they’re also not really that way by choice. Yes, they are often victims of other shitty circumstances. It is what it is, but that’s why it’s so important that every kid has good influences early on, which rarely happens. Vicious cycle and all that. Wasted energy being angry. Reminds me of that Buddha quote,

"Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die."

Growing up is tough enough even in healthy environments.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
So a reviewer got an epileptic attack playing the game and then deranged fanboys started to......torture him into trying to provoke another epileptic attack?

What the hell, guys!
Ok I looked into this.

It's possible I was slow or twitter was fast or people sent it her in DMs. but the evidence I found was 1 tweet with flashing images sent to her.

(Note it's archived so the video won't play, load the live version at your own risk as it has flashing images).

I'm guessing she might have exaggerated a little and maybe 10 or so sent her such videos and people picked up on it and because they have "Dem Gamers™ " they're running with it being a mass campaign against her rather than likely a handful of stupid trolls at most.

As a reminder I posted her thing here.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
So after two hours of playtime I have to say. The games bugs cause a lot of issues. I caught stuck in the scanning screen during the first mission of the game and it forced a reload. During the first shoot out, my partner's battle dialog kept playing well after the battle was over and forced a restart to fix it. During the first shoot out, I knocked over several guys and they never got up. They weren't dead, they just never got back up, and the combat wouldn't end until I shot them in the back of the head to finish them.

Also I think the ultra graphics settings just didn't work on my machine, because the game just doesn't look good, it looks really aliased and low rez as if I'm not actually on the 4k ultra settings the menu says I am. I'll have to look into it because the game doesn't look nearly as impressive as it should.

Let's just say, that nobody should be buying this thing at launch. Just don't waste your money on it.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Now here me out, maybe if their developers were more than coffee fueled bundles of panicked nerves, there'd be fewer issues with the game.
Unpossible. Everybody knows that constant pressure, fear, and lack of rest produce the best code


Still Approved by Shock
May 30, 2010
United States
Unpossible. Everybody knows that constant pressure, fear, and lack of rest produce the best code
Hey don't forget the seething resentment of their workplace and coworkers, that's the gel that holds an office together.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
During the first shoot out, I knocked over several guys and they never got up. They weren't dead, they just never got back up, and the combat wouldn't end until I shot them in the back of the head to finish them.
I know it's a bug, but that'd be some metal power. You disable the enemy cybernetic so they just flop around until you kill them execution style.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
I know it's a bug, but that'd be some metal power. You disable the enemy cybernetic so they just flop around until you kill them execution style.
You can hack enemy cybernetics later in the game that lets you do that actually.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
Do not buy this for PS4 or Xbox One Right now, buy it if you...

Have an RTX 2080 or above

Have a PS5 and or an Xbox Series X.

I am not used to the sub-30 frames a second, COD Cold War runs MUCH better, and looks better.
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Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
Ok, so...

I have a 6GB GTX1060, 16GB RAM and a 3.5GHz i5... will it run and look worse than Skrim LE?


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
Okay rant ended, the missions are... okay, but the game looks awful at PS4, and Xbox One, and needs polish, I would recommend turning gamma/brightness up to 100% and disabling all graphics options on the PS4, and Xbox One option.

Funny you spend SO much time looting. Man, I wish I had a PC so I could have a mod where you don't need to loot, or just have unlimited cash in the future.

I played on easy, and the enemies were pushovers, you spend more time looting than fighting. Oh, and it feels very sluggish.