Damn That Was Fast: Avengers: Age Of Ultron Trailer Already Leaked


New member
May 13, 2013
TKretts3 said:
CelestDaer said:
I swear, the first lines in the trailer sound like Sir Ben Kingsley's Mandarin talking...
Oh my god, you've cracked the Avengers 2 secret! Ultron ISN'T really Ultron, instead it's Trevor Slattery from Iron Man 3 dressed up as a robot! Brilliant, absolutely brilliant!
What's funny is I can absolutely hear Slattery in the words you typed..


Dec 24, 2011
AgDr_ODST said:
Silentpony said:
Eh? Second verse, same as the first really. Who wants to bet it starts out okay, then things get progressively worse, an Avenger(most likely Black Widow) says something about having underestimated Ultron, Captain America gives a speech, they all fight as a team again, one or more of the Avengers is thought dead, Ultron is defeated in either a comically simple way or an overly dramatic explosion/emp blast, and in the end all the Avengers go their separate ways again.

Either you're the most underwhelmed/hard to impress Marvel fan ever or you're secretly flying DC's flag and hoping they'll get their act together and beat Marvel. Either way you're kinda killing the good vibes/hype.
Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

But seriously, most people aren't sided for or against Marvel or DC, and are free to just have an opinion. This isn't the "let's cheer on Marvel" thread.
Rednog said:
Amaror said:
Rednog said:
Hail Hyrda.
I definitely think the movie is going to be good...but honestly the trailer kind of put me off. We've seen the Avengers fighting each other, heck them having to learn to get along was a good chunk of the first movie. Really hoping that isn't a major thing again; hopefully it's just a small section of despair where Banner losing control of the hulk. It's like hearing that another Spiderman reboot is coming, we all know the origin story just move on. And with all the Marvel universe rebuilding do we really need them at each other's throats again for a chunk of the movie?
Banner loosing control of hulk? I think it's much more likely that ultron is taking control of Iron Mans independent suits or armor and hulk is fighting against them. We already see that Ultron looks sort of like an iron man suit and in the trailer he says themselves that they have to fight what he has created or something along those lines.
If you look close at the part where the hulkbuster is out, it's clearly Ironman's head.
So? Why can't that one be controlled by Ultron too? We've seen auto-pilot Iron Man suits before.

Aaron Sylvester

New member
Jul 1, 2012
At the end of the trailer it shows the Cap's shield is broken.

You can't just break Captain America's shield. That's physically not possible.
Mar 26, 2008
Mr Ink 5000 said:
i like the look of the Ultron drones more than i do the actual Ultron. thats not a complaint though

so when Ultron interupts the dinner party, is he made up of old Iron Man armour?
I'm thinking this is his first incarnation. He goes from AI to an amalgamation of cast off Iron Man iron, to sleek psychotic robot. I think he actually looks more menacing as a hodge-podge of robotic parts.

Spaceman Spiff

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Sep 23, 2013
Aaron Sylvester said:
At the end of the trailer it shows the Cap's shield is broken.

You can't just break Captain America's shield. That's physically not possible.
Likely a dream or vision (possibly via Scarlet Witch) of Stark's. I've read the comic-con version showed all the Avengers beaten and downed except Stark, who was looking down at them. That seems to be Thor's hand near the shield.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
I've found all of the Marvel trailers before this one to be underwhelming. Dialogue cut to pieces, then shoddily re-edited. Stuff exploding for no reason. Bad-guy monologues that mean nothing. This has a LOT of that, but it's somehow BETTER. I'm hyped, but then again I was hyped already.

Oly J

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Nov 9, 2009
Baron von Blitztank said:
Well, I'm obviously going to be seeing this, but I'm not getting the same levels of 'OMG Need to see this now!!!11!" as I did when I saw the Guardians of The Galaxy trailer the first time... Maybe it needs more Raccoons... and Blue Swede...

God this movie spoiled me...
since you said that, I now want someone to edit "Hooked On A Feeling" into the trailer, I can imagine it going quite well

OT: this is either going to be great or disappointing, there's no just being "good" on the table here I don't think, the amount of hype this is inevitably going to get will see to that. I like the look of it though, okay, it's a bit more grim than we may be used to, but even the most serious of the MCU movies have had some light hearted moments in them, so I'm sure it'll be fine in that respect, although, the lack of a certain band of guardians that operate on a galactic scale may be disappointing to some, but even so colour me optimistic, I love the look of it.


New member
Apr 29, 2012
Aaron Sylvester said:
At the end of the trailer it shows the Cap's shield is broken.

You can't just break Captain America's shield. That's physically not possible.
It isn't meant to be possible, which is why it seems to break constantly in the Marvel Comics whenever they need to show SHIT JUST GOT REAL because man someone just broke Cap's shield!

Here's a picture from the (bad) Age of Ultron comic event of a year or two ago where you can see a bit of his broken shield:

Here is The Serpent breaking it in the (bad) event before that:

Here is Thanos breaking it in the Infinity Gauntlet event which is the basis of Marvel's current overarching plot:

If Captain America isn't about they will usually settle for the new villain beating up Galactus instead, which has the same connotations of faeces becoming factual.


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Jun 17, 2011
Overhead said:
Aaron Sylvester said:
At the end of the trailer it shows the Cap's shield is broken.

You can't just break Captain America's shield. That's physically not possible.
It isn't meant to be possible, which is why it seems to break constantly in the Marvel Comics whenever they need to show SHIT JUST GOT REAL because man someone just broke Cap's shield! -snip-
I can't put into words how much I HATE when they pull that crap. Being a (former) pro wrestling fan, I liken it to when they would hype a wrestler as "being the strongest," or "being undefeated," or "having an inescapable submission hold." You just know it's a matter of time before they get lazy and decide "How do we make the fans realize how awesome this person is? I know! Have em beat the guy that's unbeatable, or escape the hold that's inescapable."

You only get to do that crap once, but in the Marvelverse it's shorthand for "instead of actually taking time to show you how/why this person is a threat, we'll just have them break Cap's shield, or lift Thor's hammer, or resist Juggernaut's momentum/whatever."

What further chaps my ass is that comic fans see the shield being broken and think "shit just got real," but they haven't done anything in the MCU to establish that there's anything particularly phenomenal about the shield. Howard Stark even said something to the effect of "it's as strong as steel but a third of the weight." And that was the end of it. As far as the movie watching audience is concerned, it's just a really strong piece of metal that Cap is really good at using. So unless they do some hasty "wow! This shield's properties are amazing," line of exposition, having it destroyed is more just a symbol of defeat that it is of Ultron's prowess.

That said, if the rumors are true and The Klaw is in the movie, then maybe they will touch on the "vibranium" properties of the shield. I'm holding out hope that if the shield gets broken, it's not THE shield. During Cap's final fight in Winter Soldier, we see him drop the shield into a river. I'm hoping that it was never found, so Stark made him a replacement that's "pretty good," but not truly the original. At least we'd still get to maintain the mystique of the true shield.


New member
Apr 29, 2012
tdylan said:
Yeah, it is honestly just lazy and detracts from the mythos for the characters for a short-term "wow-factor" to some villain who half the time will never how up again.

I was hoping they would save breaking the shield for Avengers 3, because it getting broken by someone with total control of reality thanks to the infinity gauntlet is one of the few times it makes sense for the shield to break.


New member
Oct 16, 2014
The Pinnochio lyrics of the background singing are so creepy, especially at the end when Ultron finishes the song with "There are no strings on me", destined to be another "Why so serious" :)

James Spader is perfectly cast as the voice of Ultron and his dialog in the trailer is killer. Really looking forward to this character. Plenty of really interesting shots have been revealed throughout the trailer, the hulk-buster armor being one of my favorites. I've very happy with the way the armor has been realized for live action, retaining the thick, turtle-shell style of the comic book designs. Quicksilver and Scarlett Witch look really good, though X-Men: DoFP pretty much established the definitive version of Quicksilver, so it'll remain to be seen if the Marvel Studios version can rise to the challenge. I wonder what's happening with Banner in this film; could his frequently troubled appearance be the reason why Hulk and Iron Man are fighting so prominently? Looks like the rumor that Tony Stark builds Ultorn in this film-universe are true, since there's no sign of Ant Man (understandable).

So yeah, amazing trailer. I'll be there opening day :)


New member
Feb 11, 2011
tdylan said:
...they haven't done anything in the MCU to establish that there's anything particularly phenomenal about the shield.
What about the time Thor hit it with his hammer and didn't even dent it? Ref: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KekWFB4EPE


New member
Jun 17, 2011
theNater said:
tdylan said:
...they haven't done anything in the MCU to establish that there's anything particularly phenomenal about the shield.
What about the time Thor hit it with his hammer and didn't even dent it? Ref: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KekWFB4EPE
I get you, but Thor beat the crap out of Stark's armor with the Hammer as well, and it was all pretty much spectacle. At the end of it all, there he stood with Stark and Steve. They shrugged their shoulders and said "So...we cool now?" Thor's hammer didn't rip chucks out of Stark's armor. Any damage was cosmetic, at best. And Stark's armor is no where near as "indestructible" as Cap's shield. That said, seeing the shield stand up to Thor's hammer doesn't make the movie going audience say "man! that shield is super special." They probably think "it's probably made from the the same stuff as Stark's armor."


New member
Mar 6, 2009
You know, I think that this is the most villain-centric trailer for a Marvel movie yet, which a somewhat interesting change of pace. With the exception of Iron Man 2, trailers have mostly focused on the heroes, with a shot or two of the villain. The first Captain America trailer, for instance, only had about a half a second of the Red Skull if I remember correctly.
Dec 16, 2009
Programmed_For_Damage said:
Mr Ink 5000 said:
i like the look of the Ultron drones more than i do the actual Ultron. thats not a complaint though

so when Ultron interupts the dinner party, is he made up of old Iron Man armour?
I'm thinking this is his first incarnation. He goes from AI to an amalgamation of cast off Iron Man iron, to sleek psychotic robot. I think he actually looks more menacing as a hodge-podge of robotic parts.
almost like Frankenstien ('s monster)

Is the consensus that this my be a new Jarvis like AI gone rogue?


New member
Jun 17, 2011
Overhead said:
tdylan said:
Yeah, it is honestly just lazy and detracts from the mythos for the characters for a short-term "wow-factor" to some villain who half the time will never how up again.

I was hoping they would save breaking the shield for Avengers 3, because it getting broken by someone with total control of reality thanks to the infinity gauntlet is one of the few times it makes sense for the shield to break.
I'm hoping that if the shield is broken in this movie, it's a shield made by Tony Stark while trying to replicate the one that his father made, but failing. My fingers are crossed that Cap's original shield is still lost after he tossed it aside while fighting the Winter Soldier.

There is precedence in the comics for Tony tinkering with Cap's shield trying to "improve it" with flight/guidance systems, and Cap removing them saying that they "throw off the shield's balance," or something to that effect.


Jul 2, 2008
In a trilogy they're got to go dark for the second for the arc to complete so they're trying for the empire strikes back mage, we'll see :) looking forward to this!