Dante's Inferno


New member
Nov 17, 2009
So how are you going to relate the plot in Fun Space Game: The Game? Subtextually driven, mayhap?


New member
Jan 7, 2010
To Yahtzee...

I'm not saying it is not like God of War. I'm simply saying that everybody got the point a long time ago. No one will argue that and I'm not. I know they shamelessly ripping it off, but I don't mind that at all. I really enjoyed Dante's Inferno. This could also be seen as a homage... I don't know! So many games are God of War wannabes and failed... maybe they figured that they might as well do the exact same thing to make sure that the concept works as a whole... Instead of just changing a few things to avoid being accused of plagiary. At that point, they probably decided to assume that and said: "let's face it, we'll be compared anyway, so might as well go for it". These are just speculations.


New member
Aug 19, 2008
I don't see what people are going on about when comparing God of War and Dante's Inferno. While playing the latter, it made me recall a lot of things that were problems in the former. With everyone looking down their crooked noses at Dante's Inferno and shaming it for being a copycat, it seems they forget their blind bias for God of War. Hey guys, guess what: neither games are perfect to the core. But they sure as hell are f*cking fun. And that's what makes a game.

And to anyone who complains about the game being repetitive: it's a f*cking game! It's suppose to be repetitive. You're always doing the same things over and over because that's how it was designed. You know what else is repetitive? Baseball. Just a bunch of guys hitting balls with sticks and slapping each other on their steroid-sore asses. It's the same thing every time.

/end nerd rage


New member
Sep 26, 2008
Huzzah Yahtzee! Machinarium rejuvenated my belief that a small team can make a wonderfully entertaining game that holds up against the gigantor developers.

and may I suggest more like this:

less like this:


New member
Jan 14, 2010
I'm eager to hear more about Fun Space Game, even though my poor little Mac self will have to track down a PC I can borrow to play it probably. And before anyone suggest Boot Camp or anything like it, I have a laptop that's about as nice to me as a hormonal teenage girl. Which is to say, it hates me and the slowdown is incredibly bad.


New member
Dec 27, 2008
SimGrave said:
To Yahtzee...

I'm not saying it is not like God of War. I'm simply saying that everybody got the point a long time ago. No one will argue that and I'm not. I know they shamelessly ripping it off, but I don't mind that at all. I really enjoyed Dante's Inferno. This could also be seen as a homage... I don't know! So many games are God of War wannabes and failed... maybe they figured that they might as well do the exact same thing to make sure that the concept works as a whole... Instead of just changing a few things to avoid being accused of plagiary. At that point, they probably decided to assume that and said: "let's face it, we'll be compared anyway, so might as well go for it". These are just speculations.
So are you questioning that he made the point that everyone's already made, or that he's calling ripoffs bad when they can actually be good?
If you're arguing the first, I'd just reply by saying that everyone's reviews, including Yahtzee's, should reflect your experience only and not what everyone else has been saying. He felt it was a huge rip-off as well, so he ripped on it (heheh) for the same reason as everyone else.

If you're just defending its unoriginality in game design, that's totally different. I personally think that as long as you try to improve the gameplay in some noticeable way, "heavily inspired" games are alright. But Dante's seems to just have an aesthetic change...

All that being said, I think God of War is amazing and I'd probably enjoy any rip-off of it. Especially with a wicked looking cerberus.


New member
Aug 24, 2009
LTK_70 said:
Speaking of the Fun Space Game, there's something I've always felt there was missing in one and I haven't seen any of them implement it. Namely, melee weapons. Sure, you can blow up enemy ships with lasers or photon torpedoes, and you're gonna need force fields to stop your own ship from going down in flames. But wouldn't it be much simpler to put a massive lance on the front of your battleship and impale other ships with it? I'd like that. There's really nothing quite like a massive amount of kinetic energy to bring down your opponents.
You should watch outlaw star


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
Hehe, having fun with the space sim at least XD Plot should be easy(ier) at least!

Video Gone

New member
Feb 7, 2009
Cod of War said:
I can help you write a plot that is guaranteed to be almost as good as those of Bioware games like KOTOR and Mass Effect
And this is where the sandcastle drowned.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
A good read as always Mistah X-haw.

Go go FSG:TG!
Lookin' forward to (criticizing) it ; )


Apr 28, 2008
Dark Templar said:
I liked devil may cry better than god of war. :p

The smoother controls and more polished combat system made it more fun for me.
Myself as well. I can't believe yahtzee said it was the first game to give the hack n' slash style... DMC INVENTED style.

And I mean that literally

that bar which says "dope" is called the style bar. Let's not also forget that DMC2 and DMC3 all came out before god of war. Though, realistically, DMC3 only by a few weeks.

God of War just took the combat from DMC, the style of Rygar (PS2) as well as more or less the weapon mechanics from Rygar, then just slammed them together. Oh except you can climb on walls.

I really don't consider God of War the benchmark of anything. I don't see how yahtzee can proclaim that God of War is now the hack n' slash benchmark just because he says it is. For instance, when I played through God of War the first time I compared it to devil may cry as I was playing it. I found it wasn't as good as DMC so for me, DMC still maintains the benchmark to be compared against.


Gaming Connoisseur
Sep 10, 2008
I'm sorry, but I can't see the wind metaphor as anything but apt. If you are a sailor before steam power, where you want to go is basically dictated by which way the wind is blowing; if you want to go south and the wind is blowing north, you cannot leave because you can only go north. Dante is saying that people who cannot control their impulses and desires are beholden to them in the same fashion.

Yeah, you can argue that the poor-impulse-control that is Lust kind of spills over into other sins too (you can argue Gluttony as the same thing but for food rather than sex), but that's more of a problem with the classification of the seven deadlies rather than Dante's metaphors.

Now returning you to your regularly scheduled thread.


New member
May 21, 2009
Well for your story, this is what I'd do. Say, you're a space treasure hunter and there are these ancient beacons just floating through space, which are lightyears apart. There's this legend that says if you acitvate them all, then a portal opens up in the middle of them. The portal leads to a realm full of unimaginable wealth and riches. You have to get to and activate them all while avoiding/fighting the Corporation, who are after the same thing. Just off the top of my head.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
If anyone remembers Space Rogue that had really fun space fighting that wasn't really "dogfighting". The action space station parts were crap but the game overall was really fun.


New member
Dec 22, 2007
UnSeEn60 said:
I just hope Fun Space Game: The Game isn't an X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter 'clone'. Eat that.
Since he stated last week he was NOT making a dogfighting space game, it wont be. Eat THAT.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
The Article reads:

"Devil May Cry might have created a model ... but God of War gave it style ... Whereas God of War's model has greater emphasis on environments ... but with Gameplay that's more function-over-style..."

Sorry, this is just contradictory. You can't say that GOW gave the model "style" and then in the next paragraph say that GOW is "function-OVER-style" and imply that style is DMC's domain of expertise. Anyway.

Other than that, I really think that the argument about whether Dante's Inferno is essentially GOW is utterly pointless. Hundreds of games could be said to be like each other in numerous ways. Usually just because they have X amount of time between releases they escape this criticism, but time doesn't make them any less/more similar. I mean most Movies are based upon the repetition, then variation, of either classic styles or classic story-lines. (Slashers, Thrillers, Boy meets girl etc. etc.) It doesn't make them bad movies.

Original can mean a game that has a unique take on a (probably established) story, or a unique take on Gameplay (FPS for example) that already exists. Why re-invent the wheel everytime you make a new game? So although Dante's Inferno borrows wholesale from GOW's gameplay (just as GOW, you may argue, borrows from DMC and that in turn borrows from it's predecessors etc.) it's selling point was never some brand new Gameplay mechanic, rather it is it's story (a take on the Classic by Dante). It uses as a vehicle for that story an established style of gameplay, but that in no way reduces it's value as a Game.

I'm sure the people designing Dante's Inferno fully realised that it was "like GOW" and likely made it so because GOW's Gameplay is fun. Nothing wrong with that.

Zombie Nixon

New member
Sep 3, 2009
SimGrave said:
To Yahtzee...

I'm not saying it is not like God of War. I'm simply saying that everybody got the point a long time ago. No one will argue that and I'm not. I know they shamelessly ripping it off, but I don't mind that at all. I really enjoyed Dante's Inferno. This could also be seen as a homage... I don't know! So many games are God of War wannabes and failed... maybe they figured that they might as well do the exact same thing to make sure that the concept works as a whole... Instead of just changing a few things to avoid being accused of plagiary. At that point, they probably decided to assume that and said: "let's face it, we'll be compared anyway, so might as well go for it". These are just speculations.
If you don't mind that Dante's inferno is derivative why are you annoyed at his criticism for being the same thing everyone else is saying?


New member
Feb 21, 2009
Hey Yahtzee, when it comes to Unity I suggest practicing a bit on this tutorial first to get an idea about how to use it, that is if you haven't already.

I myself found it very helpful...=)



New member
Aug 29, 2009
BlueInkAlchemist said:
I look forward to Fun Space Game: The Game.
Ya and I can't wait for all the fan-made "Zero Punctuation" style reviews that are bound to show up on Youtube the day it comes out.